So, If YOU were Nancy Pelosi, What Would You do With The Impeachment Process Now?

What would you do if you were Nancy Pelosi? (no self harming suggestions please, no suicide, etc)

  • 5) Retire after the impeachment and declare yourself a satisfied leader

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.
50% of Americans want Trump not only impeached, but also removed from office.

That number never rose above 29% for Bill Clinton, and he was impeached anyway.
When was that number determined?
And here we have dueling polls. It's up to us to decide what to believe. Naturally, one expects CNN to release only polls that further their narrative, but then you have these others that paint a different picture. Best to absorb all of the information and not insist only one piece is accurate.

It will be interesting to see if the democrats actually go through with it, since it will sideline their senators during campaign season and the Republicans have a lot more cash to throw into challengers.
What poll contradicts the CNN poll?
I did not know until now that way more Americans favor impeaching Trump than favored impeaching Clinton or Bush or Obama.

Way more.

That's interesting.
If half of Americans want Trump removed from office, what are the odds they will vote for him next year if he isn't removed?
If half of Americans want Trump removed from office, what are the odds they will vote for him next year if he isn't removed?

Not that high, but probably significantly higher than zero. In case Trump is acquitted in the Senate, some will flock back to him. Trump will make sure of that, given that he'll run around with a placard that reads, "TOTAL EXONERATION", until election day.

Given that the Democrats have to win the vote by a margin of about five percentage points reliably to overcome their disadvantage in the Electoral College, that is bad news.
The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

Four is about all they have left.....they have committed political suicide and even with four they are going to get meat ground in the next election.

If half of Americans want Trump removed from office, what are the odds they will vote for him next year if he isn't removed?

Trump hasn't gained any Hillary Voters....but he is gaining centrists and black males....he doesn't need to gain Hillary Voters....

The people who hate him hate him more than ever....the ones who support him are now even more adamant....

They're only chance is somehow to remove him ORRRRRR...... They could actually just wait till 2024 .... But they won't do that....instead they'll go for broke and probably end up....broke.

Ginsberg is waltzing with the reaper.
She'll be in and out of the Hospital
With greater frequency coming up soon....he'll probably replace her before November.

Additionally his experience as a hard nosed businessman is showing again.
His campaign has developed an entire arm aimed at the States he lost norrowly last time... There simply are not any of the other candidates who
Think on that scale.

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If half of Americans want Trump removed from office, what are the odds they will vote for him next year if he isn't removed?

Trump hasn't gained any Hillary Voters....but he is gaining centrists and black males....he doesn't need to gain Hillary Voters....

The people who hate him hate him more than ever....the ones who support him are now even more adamant....

They're only chance is somehow to remove him ORRRRRR...... They could actually just wait till 2024 .... But they won't do that....instead they'll go for broke and probably end up....broke.

Ginsberg is waltzing with the reaper.
She'll be in and out of the Hospital
With greater frequency coming up soon....he'll probably replace her before November.

Trump's support from independents is no different than it was a year ago.

As for blacks: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump
If half of Americans want Trump removed from office, what are the odds they will vote for him next year if he isn't removed?

Trump hasn't gained any Hillary Voters....but he is gaining centrists and black males....he doesn't need to gain Hillary Voters....

The people who hate him hate him more than ever....the ones who support him are now even more adamant....

They're only chance is somehow to remove him ORRRRRR...... They could actually just wait till 2024 .... But they won't do that....instead they'll go for broke and probably end up....broke.

Ginsberg is waltzing with the reaper.
She'll be in and out of the Hospital
With greater frequency coming up soon....he'll probably replace her before November.

Trump's support from independents is no different than it was a year ago.

As for blacks: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump just keep believing that.

I really don't care if you do.

The impeachment is going badly for the Democrats and Never Trump Republican Crony Network.

Trump is rising in the polls, no crime has been witnessed, and Shiff, who has claimed to have damning evidence on Trump for last three years, does not bring it forward. Why? Most likely because he does not have any such evidence.

If this thing is sent to the Senate, the Republicans there will do everything they can to exhonerate their party, defend our President, and humiliate the Democrats, at minimum Joe Biden, hunter Biden, the Rumorblower and Adam Shiff. It is going to be ugly.

So what does Pelosi do with this deteriorating situation?

I see four options:

1) fight it out down to the last vote in the Senate, a certain disaster.

2) Let the vote fail, and not pressure Democrats, the opposite kind of disaster if there is nothing to show for it.

3) Substitute a censor resolution, to salvage something of value. This is the Chris Wallace surrender that would appeal to a weasel like him. Declare victory and lift your skirts and run for the hills, the Chris Wallace way.

4) Or negotiate this thing with Trump through back channels. Trump does not want the stain of an impeachment, I am sure, though he says he does. He sees the political value of letting it all go to the Senate, but at the same time, he will always be linked with Bill Clinton as the only two Presidents to have been impeached, and I am sure he hates that idea. So Pelosi offers to have a #2 uncoerced vote, straight up or down on impeachment, but talk to her Trump area Democrats about them voting their conscience and have no pressure on them to vote for impeachment and let it go how it may. In return Trump will give up some key positions like DACA and cooperate with some gun control legislation, like a an easy to evade Assault rifle ban that grandfathers in current models. Win win for everyone.

But is Pelosi too deep in her hate for Trump that she cant cut a deal? I dont think she is that stupid, but maybe I am wrong.

You need help.

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