So If You Were The Moderator, What Would Be The First Question You Would Ask Hillary Clinton?

Hillary, where did all the "missing" money from the State Dept. go?
Why is ISIS driving Humvees?
Mrs. Clinton, maybe you would like to enlighten our audience of 30 Million Middle Classers who are struggling on a 30,000 a year income on how much you were getting paid to do speeches before u ran for president?
Which questions I asked aren't true.......

All of 'em.

Hillary would just have to respond "Are you on drugs?", and the crowd would roar its approval.

That's why nobody asks such insane things.
aka...........she will dodge the questions and you will cheer..............and dismiss her failures....................Well yeah.......I already know that..........


Is Libya a hell hole now.........yes or no............or will you use Hillary tactics to avoid.............
Mrs. Clinton, maybe you would like to enlighten our audience of 30 Million Middle Classers who are struggling on a 30,000 a year income on how much you were getting paid to do speeches before u ran for president?
How come "Middle Classers" only earn $30,000 a year in such a wealthy country is what I want to know.........steve
Madam Secretary, is it true that you met Thomas Edison when you were in grade school?
Is Libya a hell hole now.........yes or no............or will you use Hillary tactics to avoid.............

Well yes.

And what's that got to do with Hillary? After all, her goal was only to avoid a massacre, and she was very successful there. You can't argue with success -- but if you're an HDS cultist, you'll try.

So, do you think Trump will find an excuse to chicken out of debating Hillary? Given how he'd get humiliated, you know he's looking for that excuse.
Whose had more extramarital sex, Bill Cosby or your husband?
Miss Clinton, Please, a straight Yes or No response. Would you agree that The Reverend Al Sharpton Is Nothing but a Racist P.O.S. who hates anyone who isnt black?
What were you thinking Mrs. Clinton when you said you came under sniper fire and you didn't support NAFTA . Both proved to be complete and utter fabrications?

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