So If You Were The Moderator, What Would Be The First Question You Would Ask Hillary Clinton?

Mrs Clinton do you agree with the vice president that Iraq will be a crowning of achievement of Barack Obama?

:2up: :cow: :boobies: And who wouldn't wanna have this opportunity, right? Imagine you are one of the three moderators, and the debate starts. You want to start with Hillary as The Donald is standing to her left. Hillary has no idea what's coming at her.
So what will you ask "The Beast"?
:desk: :popcorn: :tongue-44:

Why is Donald Trump such an asshole?
:2up: :cow: :boobies: And who wouldn't wanna have this opportunity, right? Imagine you are one of the three moderators, and the debate starts. You want to start with Hillary as The Donald is standing to her left. Hillary has no idea what's coming at her.
So what will you ask "The Beast"?
:desk: :popcorn: :tongue-44:
Do you regret calling the women who accused your husband of terrible things the bimbo squad?
Do you regret saying black people are super predators?
Do any of your answers make any difference? (Make sure to use a screeching voice & flail your arms about during this question)
"Madame Secretary, how appreciative are you for the idiotic liberals who ignore the sheer hypocrisy of ignoring the shitty things you do all the while screeching about your opponents?"
"Secretary Clinton...

did you ever imagine that someday you would be running for president against a guy who has a worse history of infidelity than your husband?"
Secretary Clinton,

we wanted to ask you a question about Benghazi, but we couldn't think of one that hasn't already been answered 10 times.
So on to the economy....
Did the disgraced former president you remain married to ever express a preference for which cigars tasted better, those dipped in your vagina vs. those dipped in Monica's vagina?
:2up: :cow: :boobies: And who wouldn't wanna have this opportunity, right? Imagine you are one of the three moderators, and the debate starts. You want to start with Hillary as The Donald is standing to her left. Hillary has no idea what's coming at her.
So what will you ask "The Beast"?
:desk: :popcorn: :tongue-44:
Do you regret calling the women who accused your husband of terrible things the bimbo squad?
Do you regret saying black people are super predators?
Do any of your answers make any difference? (Make sure to use a screeching voice & flail your arms about during this question)
Madam Secretary, what is your obsession with "Wiping"?? do you also wipe Huma when she needs to be wiped?
since you are a criminal who lacks the strength and stamina to be president, why are you here?!
So If You Were The Moderator, What Would Be The First Question You Would Ask Hillary Clinton?

"SOOOooo.... Hillary???? Did you ever consider going all Lorena Bobbitt on Bill back in the day?"

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