So important to gain the trust back of our justice systems (FBI, CIA, Courts and more).

You know what the platforms were, but you blinded yourself because you are a cultist that believes your cult leaders no matter how much they lie to you, and set you up.
Yeah the platform was to sycophant anything the the former 1-term fuckup wanted.

Just like in a cult of personality.
Do you have any other in mind, otherwise that is fighting in the ways that these people are for everything that is wrong in life ??
I love being woke.

Some say ignorance is bliss, but just look at all the angry stupid maga fuckups.
Can it be fixed ?

Corrective Action and Compliance ... Short and Simple

The Agencies ... For whatever they have done and/or why ... Have lost the confidence of a considerable amount of the People.
If you take the majority of the complaints that led to the loss of confidence ... They tend to lean in one direction that is not even political.

Failure to Avoid the Appearance of Impropriety

It doesn't matter what excuse anyone wants to make ... Or who they want to blame ...
The burden to avoid the appearance of impropriety always rests on the authorities in charge ... And how they conduct business.

You don't even have to accuse or convict someone of a crime ... If you can simply make a serious case that they should have done a better job.
Then at that point ... What are you going to do to keep it from happening again ... Is all you need to start talking about.

It's not easy in a world where people will throw whatever they can against the wall just to see what sticks ...
The People in charge need to do what is necessary to stop giving them crap to throw.

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You just made my point, so why don't you explain to us what happened, and tell us why it happened ??

First let's establish whether or not the whistleblower was maybe a good guy or bad guy.

Tell us the story, and then let us decide.. Thanks
And just like that you go from protecting whistle blowers to differentiating them into “good” or “bad” guys most likely defined along partisan lines.
And just like that you go from protecting whistle blowers to differentiating them into “good” or “bad” guys most likely defined along partisan lines.
No, just like that bad whistleblower's don't fall into the same category as the good one's, so your point was flat out dumb and ridiculous.. Try harder.

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