So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO and see what I'm referring to. It's quite a clip.

[ame=]The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know about it being the greatEST 3-1/2 minutes in television history, but I'll buy 'one of the greater and more memorable' spans of 3-1/2 minutes.

They say that 'art reflects life', and this scripted performance for the opening episode of a television series seems to assume such a role - reflecting life - and has gone viral.

Don't look at it so much as a Liberal Rant (although it certainly is that, from a certain vantage point).

Think of it as Quality Control, on the national-societal-cultural level; or, more precisely, a call for objectivity, honest reflection, coming to grips with various realities, and a call to action.

We have been milking our WWII Victory Mindset for 70 years now - we are the greatest - something that our parents and grandparents won for us, not we - and that is wearing thin.

We have not done too badly for ourselves in the decades since that Victory, mind you, in a great many respects.

But we have grown arrogant - falsely arrogant - to an extent that should worry all of us, and cause us to set that aside, and to work much harder as a nation, to change some things that have gone wrong or that require a lot of maintenance and repair and tweaking before we are anywhere close to being 'back on top', in subject area A or B or C.

I love my country - I've worn its uniform, overseas, albeit outside of any combat zone - and - after my God and my family and a vague sense of higher duty to mankind at large - my country has every ounce of my affection and loyalty - and I would fight - and die - to keep it free from outside domination and to maintain the freedoms that we extend to each other by law.

But that does not mean that I'm obliged to walk through life with a set of Red-White-and-Blue blinkers on, either; ignoring Reality for what I think it is or wish it might be or hope it is or delude myself that it is.

As much as I despise Liberal and Conservative whining about sooooooo many things in our national life and even here on this little message board community...

As much as I think that both Liberals and Conservatives blow things out of proportion oftentimes regarding scenarios in which things are nowhere near as bad as they portray them...

This little 3-1/2 minute -long video-based Liberal Rant was a Winner, a Keeper, and pretty much dead on target.

As an Arrogance-Eliminator and Thought-Provoker and Wake-Up Call and as a Call to Action, with more regard and tender loving concern for the country than is immediately discernible at first glance, while you're watching it, until you sit back, reflect upon what was said, and ponder true motives behind such a outburst.

It strikes me that a person articulating such a theme in real life, or one for whom such a theme resonates properly and is well-received, is demonstrating a very considerable Love of Country...

But that's just me...

( and, that's probably the most Liberal-sympathetic thing that I've said in a very long time - should I be scared? - I'm not going over to the Dark Side... just kidding... )
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I can't stand people saying that all of the time. It's like saying, "My wife is the greatest wife in the world."
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, she will no longer be great.

Alexis de Tocqueville

We ceased being good. Liberal influence made us putrid and corrupt.
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, she will no longer be great.

Alexis de Tocqueville

We ceased being good. Liberal influence made us putrid and corrupt.

Didn't we cease being good when we openly embraced torture?
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, she will no longer be great.

Alexis de Tocqueville

We ceased being good. Liberal influence made us putrid and corrupt.

Didn't we cease being good when we openly embraced torture?

as much as it may seem, reading your posts is not torture, thus, we have never openly embraced torture
The same 3 1/2 minutes was repeated word for word in the short lived Monday Mornings medical drama television show. There it was used as justification for understanding a patient's desire to eat parts of her sister's corpse.
No country in history has had the power of the US and used it less


Yeah... I let this go earlier, but now that you've highlighted it... RW brings up a valid point...

Most of the rest of the world could not be trusted with the power we have...

Many of the nations of Europe and the Middle East and Asia would have been doing the "Unser Vaterland Uber Alles" happy-dance by now, having conquered much or all of the world - Imperial Era II and/or Colonial Era Redux..

We're a little more laid-back than that... by no means perfect, but better than many...
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we ceased being good (to the majority of our own people) when we decided it was better to offshore jobs and profit in the mid- 1970's to keep the owners of the government- the wealthy, weathier

Oh yeah, & I served bitches so spare me your fox inspired criticism.
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