So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?

Aaron Sorkin wrote what Jeff Daniels said. Please let us know.
I agree with all of it.

So when Daniels/Aaron Sorkin said the following:

7. "So when you ask if we're the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?"

You agree with the speaker/author.

In your estimation, what is the greatest country on earth...since you brought it up?
So when Daniels/Aaron Sorkin said the following:

7. "So when you ask if we're the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?"

You agree with the speaker/author.

In your estimation, what is the greatest country on earth...since you brought it up?
What we used to be. The principles this country was founded upon. The Bill of Rights. Equal representation. Those are the things that made this country great. We don't have that anymore.

We are no longer a democratic republic. We are a "corporate oligarchy" and we are no longer a great country.
That's what I thought.
Listen asshole, are you going to say what 13 comments are "anti-American", or are you going to pussy out and just make generalized, broad-stroking comments that show you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

I think you won't touch those 13 comments, because you are a coward!
So when Daniels/Aaron Sorkin said the following:

7. "So when you ask if we're the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?"

You agree with the speaker/author.

In your estimation, what is the greatest country on earth...since you brought it up?
What we used to be. The principles this country was founded upon. The Bill of Rights. Equal representation. Those are the things that made this country great. We don't have that anymore.

We are no longer a democratic republic. We are a "corporate oligarchy" and we are no longer a great country.

Thanks but that's not what I asked. But lets set that aside.

Are there any "great" countries left then? If not us, then who?
The US was the greatest;

Until the Great Society legislation of the 60's, the subsequent onslaught of entitlement programs that enslaved the poor to the Democrat party, destroyed the Black community, and now exceeds more than half the federal budget.

Until our public education system was transformed in to a public indoctrination system.

Until the US government let our immigration system get so out of control, we now have over 50 million immigrants legal and illegal, the largest foreign born population of any country in the world, larger than entire populations of most European countries. A sizable percentage of whom are on our welfare system and a undeniable burden to the country.
All while having some 25 million Americans out of work and another 10 or so million that just gave up and left the work force.

Until the US election system became a Left Wing organized crime syndicate, while the Right just stands there like a deer caught in the head lights helplessly watching it unfold.

Until the US Government went from being a government of the people, by the people, for the people to the best government money can buy!
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That's what I thought.
Listen asshole, are you going to say what 13 comments are "anti-American", or are you going to pussy out and just make generalized, broad-stroking comments that show you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

I think you won't touch those 13 comments, because you are a coward!
Sorry you're too fucking stupid to understand what I said but I guess that's why you're a liberal. And the best proof the rant was anti-American is that you agree with it. Now you can go fuck yourself, idiot.
So when Daniels/Aaron Sorkin said the following:

You agree with the speaker/author.

In your estimation, what is the greatest country on earth...since you brought it up?
What we used to be. The principles this country was founded upon. The Bill of Rights. Equal representation. Those are the things that made this country great. We don't have that anymore.

We are no longer a democratic republic. We are a "corporate oligarchy" and we are no longer a great country.

Thanks but that's not what I asked. But lets set that aside.

Are there any "great" countries left then? If not us, then who?

So when Daniels/Aaron Sorkin said the following:

7. "So when you ask if we're the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?"

You agree with the speaker/author.

In your estimation, what is the greatest country on earth...since you brought it up?
What we used to be. The principles this country was founded upon. The Bill of Rights. Equal representation. Those are the things that made this country great. We don't have that anymore.

We are no longer a democratic republic. We are a "corporate oligarchy" and we are no longer a great country.

Equal representation? You may want to reconsider your context when talking about our founders there bub.

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