So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?

So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World?

I see it as the greatest experiment in the world. Someday, who knows.
José;7317431 said:
José;7317243 said:
... something the country isn't even responsible for (illegal immigration, which results from the actions of individuals, not from a mexican government policy).

Not so fast, Jose...

LOL... the famous comic book that almost started a war... :razz:

The main purpose of the booklet was to save lives... it strongly urges people to enter the US legally, warning them about the mortal danger of crossing the desert and the less than savory characters who usually help them.

But you are right... the comic book DEFINITELY CROSSES THE LINE when it warns people to "keep a low profile", "avoid calling attention to yourself", "avoid loud parties", "avoid getting into fights"...

If I were Mexico's president I'd issue an official apology to the US government and demand the immediate destruction of all pamphlets not yet distributed.

But let's not blow the issue out of proportion here... it's not like Mexico is using the mass media to advertise illegal immigration or paying the bus fare from Chiapas to the border and lending illegals money so they can survive in the US... it's just a damn piece of paper.

The point being that the government of Mexico is NOT free from responsibility in this matter as you had suggested. Considering Mexico's own rather draconian immigration laws, they could do much more to prevent illegal emigration from their country to the US. The point is somewhat moot at the moment, considering current trends in migratory patterns right now, but the point remains valid nonetheless.
Originally posted by Unkotare
The point being that the government of Mexico is NOT free from responsibility in this matter as you had suggested.

All the pages of the booklet are OK but the last ones. Mexico has not only the right but the moral obligation to warn its citizens about the dangers of crossing the desert and offer them basic survival tips. The booklet tries to discourage people from entering the US illegaly.

But as I said, the last pages of the pamplet have nothing to do with saving lives, with survival tips and are totally inappropriate.

If you want me to concede the Mexican government is not free from responsability for the last two pages of a boolet... ok, you have a valid (albeit microscopic) point.
The revolutionary war was actually similar to the tea party movement in that the people that started the ball rolling got co-opted by some of the smartest men that were here at the time and took advantage of events that they probably wouldn't have if not for the English soldiers firing on the protesters. If the English had not acted the bullies and just behaved more civily and negotiated a fair settlement and found a solution that was agreeable and promoted thier wisdom and feel good resolution including firing the English General for being such an asshole They could have contained the conflict before it got up any syeam.

Part of if not most of the aggravatiopn of the situation was the lag in time communications took. It turned out impossible to reach any mutually acceptable resolution.

The "New World" held so much promise but England was going into a finacial depression and was wasting too much treasure constantly being at the ready against France and Spain. The colonies were just not paying thier own freight yet. Tobacco and Cotton could have been nationalized more effectively by the British and rewarding he farmers here but the methods of control were clumbsy and heavy handed.

The social/civic leaders that inherited the spark of the revolution were far more keenly aware of the natural treasures they had and those that the future could gain from expansion and playing the natural enemies of Europe against each other.
José;7318069 said:
Originally posted by Unkotare
The point being that the government of Mexico is NOT free from responsibility in this matter as you had suggested.

All the pages of the booklet are OK but the last ones. Mexico has not only the right but the moral obligation to warn its citizens about the dangers of crossing the desert and offer them basic survival tips. The booklet tries to discourage people from entering the US illegaly.

But as I said, the last pages of the pamplet have nothing to do with saving lives, with survival tips and are totally inappropriate.

If you want me to concede the Mexican government is not free from responsability for the last two pages of a boolet... ok, you have a valid (albeit microscopic) point.

You're just another apologist; part of the problem.
This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

We don't need to "achieve that status". That's a fool's errand.
Europe has invested so much in infrastructure. Great airports, trains, train stations, bridges. It's embarrassing for visitors to see our decaying infrastructure.
America is like your kid brother/sister. They're annoying as hell, but they have tremendous potential to change your life, and the world. America will always be the greatest country in the world. When she finally gives her last, there will never be another like her, her success will never be duplicated on this grand scale ever again in human history.
Europe has invested so much in infrastructure. Great airports, trains, train stations, bridges. It's embarrassing for visitors to see our decaying infrastructure.

So we base America's greatness on infrastructure? Funny you should mention that. Where has all the money gone that was invested in infrastructure in the first place? Why do we need more? Our economic infrastructure is decaying. So where did all that money go you ask? That's right, you foolish liberals spent it on failed community reinvestment projects and roads to nowhere.

It's wholly embarrassing when people see us. You liberals can hardly put one foot in front of the other, Welfare this, Food Stamps that, government assistance there. NO work ethic. Sick. It's embarrassing when other countries surpass us at things we were the greatest at.
This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO and see what I'm referring to. It's quite a clip.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History - YouTube

"Leading the world in only three categories: incarcerations, defense spending and Monkeys who believe angels are real".

He missed one other category we lead the world in... Monkeys who're armed to the teeth.

:dunno: Those four together almost sound like an agenda...
This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO and see what I'm referring to. It's quite a clip.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History - YouTube

"Leading the world in only three categories: incarcerations, defense spending and Monkeys who believe angels are real".

He missed one other category we lead the world in... Monkeys who're armed to the teeth.

:dunno: Those four together almost sound like an agenda...
Here's another one... Liberal parasites freeloading off the taxpayer.
So Is The USA The Greatest Country In THe World? If Not, Why Not?

"Greatest" in terms of military power and the accumulation of wealth for the 1% - YES

"Greatest" in terms of representing the best interests of the average citizen - NO
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This video, assuming that the statistics are true, got me to thinking about whether or not we REALLY believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world and if not what we need to do to achieve that status.

WATCH THE 3 MINUTE VIDEO and see what I'm referring to. It's quite a clip.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History - YouTube

"Leading the world in only three categories: incarcerations, defense spending and Monkeys who believe angels are real".

He missed one other category we lead the world in... Monkeys who're armed to the teeth.

:dunno: Those four together almost sound like an agenda...
Here's another one... Liberal parasites freeloading off the taxpayer.

I think that's still held by one of the Euro-Zoners, eh?
America is like your kid brother/sister. They're annoying as hell, but they have tremendous potential to change your life, and the world. America will always be the greatest country in the world. When she finally gives her last, there will never be another like her, her success will never be duplicated on this grand scale ever again in human history.

In other words we lead the world in hubris.

Yeah, good point.

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