Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.

I don't think you are old enough to remember when America WAS the greatest country on the Earth. But here goes a bit of history although I expect you to claim it's either false or fake news.

Almost all the great things in our lives today comes from that time period. The Dams, the power structures, the great oceanic shipping, the Interstate and even the Microwave. And yes, we did make mistakes but overall we were Great.

You can't figure out the GOP Plank of today except it, whatever the orange guy says. but in 1956, the GOP was great and here is a short version of it's Plank. I won't give you the full thing but you may wish to read

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Now, let's put it side by side with the 2014 Republican Plank.

Now for a really great man.

Now a bit of history of your MAGA. In 1958, an extreme right wing group was created called the John Birch Society. Because the Generals and Eisenhower refused to recognize them, they began a hate campaign claiming that Eisenhower and the Generals were all Communists. Rather than me going on about what it is, let's let the founder explain it to you.

It this sounds a lot like MAGA, it is exactly where MAGA came from.

To give you some idea about where MAGA ended up sounding like this, remember, one of the founding and financial supporting members was Fred Trump. Yes, Donald J Trump was raised in a JBS household. But here is a tidbit of information, the core of the JBS, you must be successful, white and able to financially support the JBS. And you must be White.

A historian details how a secretive, extremist group radicalized the American right

But in 1962, Willian F. Buckely openly posted not so flattering articles on the JBS. In fact, Buckely was the driving force that allowed the GOP to run them off. They weren't pro conservative , they were only anti communism in a rabid way.

I was one of the originating members of the Tea Party. It had some grand ideals. But not long after it was formed, the JBS took it over and then used that to take over the GOP.

Now we look at today's JBS.

If any of this looks familiar, it's not new. It actually goes back to 1953 under McCarthy who destroyed himself. And before DJT, the JBS was already recognize as a cult. It's the old conspiracy driven JBS just relabeled and it's still a cult.

In 1956 we were a much smaller government nation. In 2014 we were a large government social program nation. We spent the money that the Republicans from your post promoted. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. We must go to quadrillions of dollars now.
Greatest country in the world is subjective and mostly regurgitated by its citizens. Also maybe by those seeking to enter the country in order to gain residence.

I wonder if republicans believe " that America is great" when Biden is the president.
If they say it enough times, they believe it.
In 1956 we were a much smaller government nation. In 2014 we were a large government social program nation. We spent the money that the Republicans from your post promoted. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. We must go to quadrillions of dollars now.

You just said nothing. Why the difference in the two from the same party? Eisenhower WAS the President that did more for the Blacks other than Lincoln. Now compare tRump and Ike and tell me why the change.
Greatest country in the world is subjective and mostly regurgitated by its citizens. Also maybe by those seeking to enter the country in order to gain residence.

I wonder if republicans believe " that America is great" when Biden is the president.

Yes, "great" for a country means what?

For a lot of people, the normal people, it means being able to get a job, buy a home, live in peace and not in fear, have health care, a pension, and live in a pleasant environment.

The US has a lot of unpleasant places. It also has some really nice places. But other countries have less unpleasant places.
Life is what you make of it, fuck what else is going on.

I have completely filled my bucket list so I didn't do so bad. But EVERYONE is affected by local and federal government. And lately, because of one person (guess to whom I am referring to ) we don't have a Federal Government and we are more tolerant of local politicos being dishonest.

50 years ago, we would have gathered up all these folks, prosecuted most and put their sorry asses in for a stay at the Hilton.
I have completely filled my bucket list so I didn't do so bad. But EVERYONE is affected by local and federal government. And lately, because of one person (guess to whom I am referring to ) we don't have a Federal Government and we are more tolerant of local politicos being dishonest.

50 years ago, we would have gathered up all these folks, prosecuted most and put their sorry asses in for a stay at the Hilton.
Bullshit, they had corrupt people in government when I was a kid in the 1960s.
Bullshit, they had corrupt people in government when I was a kid in the 1960s.

I was already serving 4th year in the Military when Nixon ran into problems. And I will freely admit I voted for him twice. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't guilty as sin and really did need to find alternative employment.

Now, let's compare Nixon to tRump. tRump compared to Nixon, Nixon was a Choirboy. In fact, I question if there was enough real evidence to indict him in the Senate. Most scholars don't believe so either. Think of this, Nixons old VP was found guilty of a lot less than tRump and he spent time in Prison.
Is there a difference between the greatest country in the world

or being the best country to live in ?

Now I would not mind living in Monaco

Cost of living is outrageous but what is not to like hanging out on the beach, many scenic places to hang out at. Cliffs along the cost, and is that a boat or a floating home.

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