So it your position that video games cause rampage murder with guns...

if violent video games don't cause violent acts from those that play how can you then blame violence on tweets?

If people couldn't possibly be radicalized online or via social media, how come you took social media platforms away from ISIS? How did the pizza parlour in Washington get shot up? What about the abortion clinic murders and bombings? Social media has become a platform to push outrage and hate.

Every time you have a media campaign designed to create public outrage, you're going to get a violent response. Call of Duty isn't designed to push social outrage. But campaigns to vilify and denigrate "others", which sets others up as targets of hate, fear or outrage, and which are being amplified by Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and others seeking to undermine the USA, are having the desired affect.

A campaign of hate against brown immigrants, from a President who keeps a copy of the writings of Adolf Hitler beside his bed. Wonder where he got that idea?
Right to Hitler you go. Right from the playbook.
images - 2019-03-17T131958.141.jpeg

You lose.
Gun violence is a man made problem. Therefore, there is a solution! Any problem created by mankind can be corrected by mankind.

Our task is to recognize no single law or regulation will not stop gun violence. In fact, stopping gun violence should not be a goal. Retarding, slowing, reducing gun violence is the goal. The way speed limits do not stop vehicular accidents, it must be recognized that speed limits reduce vehicular accidents.

But there are people, steeped in the gun culture, who first dismiss any notion of control as an entree designed to take their precious guns away. These are the same people who say any legislation will be ineffective so no legislation should be considered. Making the perfect the enemy of the good.

Assault weapons have no virtue, yet assault weapons are the Keystone of the problem. What puts the 'mass' in 'mass shooting'? The assault weapon. Not an Xbox.

Moron....all rifles over the last 10 years have averaged 17 deaths in mass shootings....lawn mower kill more people every single year.. so that is not a key stone of anything....bees kill more people every single year.

And as you have been told, over and over, the favorite weapon of mass shooters isn't the rifle, it is the hand gun.

Non-mass public shooting gun murder in 2017.....10,982...... mass public shooting in 2018..... 93.

Again....mass public shootings are the equivalent of getting eaten to death by pirahana...

I have given you the solution to 95% of gun violence and it doesn't need a new law, new tax, new ban, confiscation, license or background check......which is why you ignore it.

If you commit a crime with a gun, and actual in prison, no parole.

If you are a prohibited person....a felon......if you buy, own or carry a gun, even outside of committing a crime with that gun...15 years prison, no parole.

Over night, you would end gun least 95% of it.

But because these things would work without having to attack normal gun owners with new gun won't even consider it.....even though it actually works.....
And they are being told the reason they are struggling is because of illegal immigrants

So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

Do you mean the Bernie Brother shooting republicans? Oh, no...that was a Bernie Sanders, democrat, socialist shooter.....or the Dayton shooter...oh, no....that was an Elizabeth Warren supporting, democrat, socialist, antifa shooter....or the Dallas police shooting...oh, no that was a Black Lives Matter Supporting shooter....

And gun crime in Canada is going up, not because they have is going up because they imported Mexican drug cartel thugs to run their drug gangs......

You don't know what you are talking about.
And they are being told the reason they are struggling is because of illegal immigrants

So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

Which mass shooting was that? Because the ones I am seeing are all muslim shooters...
if violent video games don't cause violent acts from those that play how can you then blame violence on tweets?

If people couldn't possibly be radicalized online or via social media, how come you took social media platforms away from ISIS? How did the pizza parlour in Washington get shot up? What about the abortion clinic murders and bombings? Social media has become a platform to push outrage and hate.

Every time you have a media campaign designed to create public outrage, you're going to get a violent response. Call of Duty isn't designed to push social outrage. But campaigns to vilify and denigrate "others", which sets others up as targets of hate, fear or outrage, and which are being amplified by Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and others seeking to undermine the USA, are having the desired affect.

A campaign of hate against brown immigrants, from a President who keeps a copy of the writings of Adolf Hitler beside his bed. Wonder where he got that idea?

You did mixed your booze with your meds again....
And they are being told the reason they are struggling is because of illegal immigrants

So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

You mean the Danforth shooting in Canada? In their Greektown....? Muslim shooter, 10 killed...killed with a handgun....

The van attack...where the guy used a van and killed 10 people? and injured 16?

The La loche shooting in Canada? Where the teen killed 4 and injured 7 with a shotgun?
Gun violence is a man made problem. Therefore, there is a solution! Any problem created by mankind can be corrected by mankind.

Our task is to recognize no single law or regulation will not stop gun violence. In fact, stopping gun violence should not be a goal. Retarding, slowing, reducing gun violence is the goal. The way speed limits do not stop vehicular accidents, it must be recognized that speed limits reduce vehicular accidents.

But there are people, steeped in the gun culture, who first dismiss any notion of control as an entree designed to take their precious guns away. These are the same people who say any legislation will be ineffective so no legislation should be considered. Making the perfect the enemy of the good.

Assault weapons have no virtue, yet assault weapons are the Keystone of the problem. What puts the 'mass' in 'mass shooting'? The assault weapon. Not an Xbox.

Moron....all rifles over the last 10 years have averaged 17 deaths in mass shootings....lawn mower kill more people every single year.. so that is not a key stone of anything....bees kill more people every single year.

And as you have been told, over and over, the favorite weapon of mass shooters isn't the rifle, it is the hand gun.

Non-mass public shooting gun murder in 2017.....10,982...... mass public shooting in 2018..... 93.

Again....mass public shootings are the equivalent of getting eaten to death by pirahana...

I have given you the solution to 95% of gun violence and it doesn't need a new law, new tax, new ban, confiscation, license or background check......which is why you ignore it.

If you commit a crime with a gun, and actual in prison, no parole.

If you are a prohibited person....a felon......if you buy, own or carry a gun, even outside of committing a crime with that gun...15 years prison, no parole.

Over night, you would end gun least 95% of it.

But because these things would work without having to attack normal gun owners with new gun won't even consider it.....even though it actually works.....
It's not hives of killer bees. It's not lawn mowers.

It's people with powerful weapons killing innoc not citizens.

Is it your position that we in A,Erica do not have a problem with mass shootings? It's as if 22 people in El Paso and another nine in Dayton and the 11 killed here in Pittsburgh got too close to the piranha tank at the aquarium. You're rationalizing these deaths just so you can have fun shooting cans at the dump, as if your p rsonal amusement is worth the death toll in its wake.

What's going on with sentencing guidelines now that the Right Wing owns th justice system? All those Conservative judges must have something to say! They're yours! Own them!
Gun violence is a man made problem. Therefore, there is a solution! Any problem created by mankind can be corrected by mankind.

Our task is to recognize no single law or regulation will not stop gun violence. In fact, stopping gun violence should not be a goal. Retarding, slowing, reducing gun violence is the goal. The way speed limits do not stop vehicular accidents, it must be recognized that speed limits reduce vehicular accidents.

But there are people, steeped in the gun culture, who first dismiss any notion of control as an entree designed to take their precious guns away. These are the same people who say any legislation will be ineffective so no legislation should be considered. Making the perfect the enemy of the good.

Assault weapons have no virtue, yet assault weapons are the Keystone of the problem. What puts the 'mass' in 'mass shooting'? The assault weapon. Not an Xbox.

Moron....all rifles over the last 10 years have averaged 17 deaths in mass shootings....lawn mower kill more people every single year.. so that is not a key stone of anything....bees kill more people every single year.

And as you have been told, over and over, the favorite weapon of mass shooters isn't the rifle, it is the hand gun.

Non-mass public shooting gun murder in 2017.....10,982...... mass public shooting in 2018..... 93.

Again....mass public shootings are the equivalent of getting eaten to death by pirahana...

I have given you the solution to 95% of gun violence and it doesn't need a new law, new tax, new ban, confiscation, license or background check......which is why you ignore it.

If you commit a crime with a gun, and actual in prison, no parole.

If you are a prohibited person....a felon......if you buy, own or carry a gun, even outside of committing a crime with that gun...15 years prison, no parole.

Over night, you would end gun least 95% of it.

But because these things would work without having to attack normal gun owners with new gun won't even consider it.....even though it actually works.....
It's not hives of killer bees. It's not lawn mowers.

It's people with powerful weapons killing innoc not citizens.

Is it your position that we in A,Erica do not have a problem with mass shootings? It's as if 22 people in El Paso and another nine in Dayton and the 11 killed here in Pittsburgh got too close to the piranha tank at the aquarium. You're rationalizing these deaths just so you can have fun shooting cans at the dump, as if your p rsonal amusement is worth the death toll in its wake.

What's going on with sentencing guidelines now that the Right Wing owns th justice system? All those Conservative judges must have something to say! They're yours! Own them!

Average of 17 a year.....lawn mowers kill 75 a year....

So if you are trying to convince us that these rifles are a problem...perhaps you could show how they kill more people every year than lawn mowers.....

Mass public shootings in 2018.... 12.


Cars killed over 38,000

Pools over 3,500 can pretend that mass public shootings are a problem, the same way some people tell us shark attacks are a problem to promote shark week on the discovery channel...but the truth is the truth.......

Lawn Mower Accidents Rise This Time of Year | MU News Bureau

COLUMBIA, Mo. — It can travel at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour, and with little warning it can severely injure someone. That is how University of Missouri Extension safety expert Bill Casady describes a rock thrown from a lawn mower. Each year, more than more than 75,000 Americans are injured in lawn mowing accidents, and 10,000 of them are children.

“A projectile traveling at 150 to 250 miles per hour has great potential to tear the skin, and usually those injuries heal. However, an object could just as easily hit you in the face or directly in the eye, and that will put an eye out immediately,” Casady said.

Each year, more than 75 people die in lawn mower accidents.
Gun violence is a man made problem. Therefore, there is a solution! Any problem created by mankind can be corrected by mankind.

Our task is to recognize no single law or regulation will not stop gun violence. In fact, stopping gun violence should not be a goal. Retarding, slowing, reducing gun violence is the goal. The way speed limits do not stop vehicular accidents, it must be recognized that speed limits reduce vehicular accidents.

But there are people, steeped in the gun culture, who first dismiss any notion of control as an entree designed to take their precious guns away. These are the same people who say any legislation will be ineffective so no legislation should be considered. Making the perfect the enemy of the good.

Assault weapons have no virtue, yet assault weapons are the Keystone of the problem. What puts the 'mass' in 'mass shooting'? The assault weapon. Not an Xbox.

Moron....all rifles over the last 10 years have averaged 17 deaths in mass shootings....lawn mower kill more people every single year.. so that is not a key stone of anything....bees kill more people every single year.

And as you have been told, over and over, the favorite weapon of mass shooters isn't the rifle, it is the hand gun.

Non-mass public shooting gun murder in 2017.....10,982...... mass public shooting in 2018..... 93.

Again....mass public shootings are the equivalent of getting eaten to death by pirahana...

I have given you the solution to 95% of gun violence and it doesn't need a new law, new tax, new ban, confiscation, license or background check......which is why you ignore it.

If you commit a crime with a gun, and actual in prison, no parole.

If you are a prohibited person....a felon......if you buy, own or carry a gun, even outside of committing a crime with that gun...15 years prison, no parole.

Over night, you would end gun least 95% of it.

But because these things would work without having to attack normal gun owners with new gun won't even consider it.....even though it actually works.....
It's not hives of killer bees. It's not lawn mowers.

It's people with powerful weapons killing innoc not citizens.

Is it your position that we in A,Erica do not have a problem with mass shootings? It's as if 22 people in El Paso and another nine in Dayton and the 11 killed here in Pittsburgh got too close to the piranha tank at the aquarium. You're rationalizing these deaths just so you can have fun shooting cans at the dump, as if your p rsonal amusement is worth the death toll in its wake.

What's going on with sentencing guidelines now that the Right Wing owns th justice system? All those Conservative judges must have something to say! They're yours! Own them!

The right wing doesn't control Balitmore, L.A., D.C., St. Louis, Chicago, Baton Rouge, New know, where the majority of our gun murders are located...and where democrat judges keep letting repeat gun offenders out on bail...
And they are being told the reason they are struggling is because of illegal immigrants

So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

Do you mean the Bernie Brother shooting republicans? Oh, no...that was a Bernie Sanders, democrat, socialist shooter.....or the Dayton shooter...oh, no....that was an Elizabeth Warren supporting, democrat, socialist, antifa shooter....or the Dallas police shooting...oh, no that was a Black Lives Matter Supporting shooter....

And gun crime in Canada is going up, not because they have is going up because they imported Mexican drug cartel thugs to run their drug gangs......

You don't know what you are talking about.

"You don't know what you're talking about". Yes, I'm drunk, off my meds, crazy, and uninformed. We've been through all of that.

First off, the man who had been convicted of spousal abuse and should never have been able to buy a gun in the first place, shot ONE Republican before he was taken down by the Secret Service because he had a rifle with a scope, not a AR15 or some other semi-automatic mass killing weapon. This guy had no political motive other than to kill Republicans who he blamed for his business failures. This was a one-off killing that wouldn't have happened with proper restrictions on who owns a gun.

Where do you get that our homicide rate is rising in Canada? There was a slight rise over the previous year in 2017 to from 612 to 660 and a drop to 651 in 2018. The 2018 numbers include the mass shooting in Toronto, last summer, and the incel van killings on Yonge Street.

I also did a search for Mexican drug cartel killings in Canada - and got NOTHING.

mexican drug cartel killings in canada - Google Search
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?

they do

they also market Cardigans that make us vote republican, and Birkenstocks that make us vote democrat

the b*stards!

So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

Do you mean the Bernie Brother shooting republicans? Oh, no...that was a Bernie Sanders, democrat, socialist shooter.....or the Dayton shooter...oh, no....that was an Elizabeth Warren supporting, democrat, socialist, antifa shooter....or the Dallas police shooting...oh, no that was a Black Lives Matter Supporting shooter....

And gun crime in Canada is going up, not because they have is going up because they imported Mexican drug cartel thugs to run their drug gangs......

You don't know what you are talking about.

"You don't know what you're talking about". Yes, I'm drunk, off my meds, crazy, and uninformed. We've been through all of that.

First off, the man who had been convicted of spousal abuse and should never have been able to buy a gun in the first place, shot ONE Republican before he was taken down by the Secret Service because he had a rifle with a scope, not a AR15 or some other semi-automatic mass killing weapon. This guy had no political motive other than to kill Republicans who he blamed for his business failures. This was a one-off killing that wouldn't have happened with proper restrictions on who owns a gun.

Where do you get that our homicide rate is rising in Canada? There was a slight rise over the previous year in 2017 to from 612 to 660 and a drop to 651 in 2018. The 2018 numbers include the mass shooting in Toronto, last summer, and the incel van killings on Yonge Street.

I also did a search for Mexican drug cartel killings in Canada - and got NOTHING.

mexican drug cartel killings in canada - Google Search

100s of drug cartel members have entered Canada since Liberals waived Mexican visa: Report

Canada's largest city expected to set record for total shootings, victims this year
He recalled a recent community meeting where concerned parents said they've been putting their children to sleep on mattresses in bathtubs out of fear of errant gunfire.
Over the past week, police have responded to numerous shootings, including a violent Simcoe Day long weekend that left 17 people with gunshot injuries from 14 separate shootings. There have also been three shootings in one neighbourhood in suburban Scarborough since Tuesday.

15 People Wounded in Shootings in... Toronto

More than 350 people have been shot in Toronto this year. By this time in 2018, 318 people had been shot in the city according to Toronto Police numbers.

If the trend continues, this will be the fourth year in a row that gun violence has increased in the city. In 2018, 613 people were shot in Toronto in 428 separate incidents.


Will a public health approach reduce gun violence? Yes | The Star

Gun violence in Toronto is reaching epidemic proportions. Over the past four years, the number of shootings has more than doubled from 177 in 2014 to 424 in 2018.

As Toronto’s tragedies mount is gun crime in Canada spiralling out of control?

As gun murders go up, other kinds of murder can go down
Canada marked a dubious milestone in 2016. That year, shootings pulled past stabbings as the number one method of killing someone in Canada: 223 people were shot to death, 175 were stabbed and the remaining 213 were killed by other means, include beating and strangulation.
Criminals using guns is going way up, but most violent crime is still gun-free

Police keep track of every time a criminal pulls a gun, points a gun or shoots a gun that misses. It’s essentially a running tally of every time that a gun is used for a crime without anybody getting hurt. And this number has been jumping precipitously ever since 2005. In 2017 there were 2,734 instances of someone “using, pointing or discharging” a firearm.
So if you agree that media messaging causes violence it stands to reason that media violent imagery will also have an effect.

It's not "media messaging", it's messaging by the President of the United States, backed up by his actions at the border, his decimating of the forces tasked with fighting white supremacists and their terrorism. And the utter silence of the Republican Party.

The President of the United States is aiding and abetting terrorists.
What the hell is that nonsense?
STFU stupid Canuck.
Not your country or issue.

As a human being, it is my issue. Not to mention that the first "Trump Inspired" mass shooting, happened in Montreal, or that half of the illegal guns in Canada, were smuggled in from the United States.

And you're in no position to tell me ANYTHING.

Do you mean the Bernie Brother shooting republicans? Oh, no...that was a Bernie Sanders, democrat, socialist shooter.....or the Dayton shooter...oh, no....that was an Elizabeth Warren supporting, democrat, socialist, antifa shooter....or the Dallas police shooting...oh, no that was a Black Lives Matter Supporting shooter....

And gun crime in Canada is going up, not because they have is going up because they imported Mexican drug cartel thugs to run their drug gangs......

You don't know what you are talking about.

"You don't know what you're talking about". Yes, I'm drunk, off my meds, crazy, and uninformed. We've been through all of that.

First off, the man who had been convicted of spousal abuse and should never have been able to buy a gun in the first place, shot ONE Republican before he was taken down by the Secret Service because he had a rifle with a scope, not a AR15 or some other semi-automatic mass killing weapon. This guy had no political motive other than to kill Republicans who he blamed for his business failures. This was a one-off killing that wouldn't have happened with proper restrictions on who owns a gun.

Where do you get that our homicide rate is rising in Canada? There was a slight rise over the previous year in 2017 to from 612 to 660 and a drop to 651 in 2018. The 2018 numbers include the mass shooting in Toronto, last summer, and the incel van killings on Yonge Street.

I also did a search for Mexican drug cartel killings in Canada - and got NOTHING.

mexican drug cartel killings in canada - Google Search

Gangs in Canada are getting their drugs from Mexican cartels...

Majority of recent Toronto shootings related to street gangs: Chief Saunders

Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders says street gangs are to blame for the vast majority of shootings that have taken place in the city over recent days.
You have a right to bare arms. The constitution says nothing about AR's.

What do you mean you don't have a right to those things? I thought in America we are free. If we are, then you do have a right to a knife or hammer or lawn mower. This argument is stupid. Accidents happen.

What you should not be free to do is possess a wmd.

Here.....this shows you are an idiot.

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.

The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid.

Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.



Staples v. United States, 511 U.S. 600 (1994).

The AR-15 is the civilian version of the military's M-16 rifle, and is, unless modified, a semiautomatic weapon. The M-16, in contrast, is a selective fire rifle that allows the operator, by rotating a selector switch, to choose semiautomatic or automatic fire.
You just better hope your favorite gun doesn't get put on the list.

Oh, and when they come to your home to take your guns, please do what you tell black men to do when the cops approach them. Do what you are fucking told. The time and place to fight them is in court or at the ballot box.

You right wing nuts who say they'll have to pry the gun from your cold dead hands are hypocrites. You tell black people to obey but you say you won't when the law comes knocking on your door. Interesting.
Taking our guns is against the law, genius.

This wasn't illegal, was it? Of course it wasn't.

Twenty five years ago, Congress passed the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act — commonly called the assault weapons ban.

It prohibited the manufacture or sale for civilian use of certain semi-automatic weapons that could be converted to fire automatically. The act also banned magazines that could accommodate 10 rounds or more.

Sponsors also accepted a "sunset provision" by which the 1994 ban would automatically expire after 10 years unless renewed by a vote of Congress.
By the time those 10 years had passed, however, the political climate had changed.

Feinstein and others made numerous efforts to restore the ban that year and over the next several years. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 he made renewing the ban part of his agenda. Efforts were mounted again after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December 2012, but none bore fruit.

So first off, no one took your guns. They just didn't allow any more to be made or sold. DUH.

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