So Just What is an 'Alternative Fact'?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have my own definition that I propose int he Clean Debate Zone, but I was wondering what other people ehre thought an Alt-Fact is.

How do you define what an Alt-Fact is?
It's really simple.

I have my own definition that I propose int he Clean Debate Zone, but I was wondering what other people ehre thought an Alt-Fact is.

How do you define what an Alt-Fact is?

it's another method of blurring the lines between facts and opinions, and claiming some opinions as facts.
A male thinking they are female? :dunno:
So many stupid partisan terms, so little time.
In this case, there were alternative facts. The msm put out crowd info too early and ran with it in order to diminish the support Trump actually has. They shouldn't have jumped the gun but since they did, they resort to mock mode to deflect. Typical. The alternative fact is, they were wrong. Trump has no problem 'drawing crowds', the proof of that is all his election rallies. Uuuuge. Didn't hear much about that though, did we? The alternative fact is that Trump's 1/20 crowd was enormous, as is his support. The left simply cannot comprehend this, so they mock.
I have my own definition that I propose int he Clean Debate Zone, but I was wondering what other people ehre thought an Alt-Fact is.

How do you define what an Alt-Fact is?
In every situation there are several truths or facts, which are relevant, irrelvant, or contributive or non contributive to what is being discussed.
This not a case of a single fact. It was taking an estimate of Obama's inaugural crowd size and an estimates of the women's march and Trump's inaugural. All estimates, not facts. Then they made comparisons between them and labeled them facts.

Journalists use to use terms like alleged, unconfirmed and the like when reporting. Now they just get to label them facts. Don't reward sloppy reporting.
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.
I started to give a reply as to why that was a bigoted comment, but it would have turned the thread into another sickening transgender rant, so I pass.
I started to give a reply as to why that was a bigoted comment, but it would have turned the thread into another sickening transgender rant, so I pass.
No, you didn't want to because you obviously don't know what bigot means.
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.
No, a few hours later he retracted that statement on Twitter, to the news pool and to Time, who had picked it up. That is not doubling down on a lie, which is the polite term now for Trump's lies.

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