So Just What is an 'Alternative Fact'?

An alt fact is a president who promises your health care premiums won't go up and you can keep your doctor, and says they didn't, but the alt fact is for a majority of people premiums did go up, and they weren't able to keep their preferred doctors. Or a nominee says "I did not send or receive any classified emails" and the alt fact is there is proof that she did and destroyed 30,000 emails to hide it. Or a bunch of terrorists attack a US embassy and kill our Ambassador, the president and sec. of state claim that it was because of an anti Islam video. Although there was an anti Islam video, the alt fact is it had nothing to do with the attack, as it was a preplanned terrorist attack, which means our leaders lied to the face of the American people.
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A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.
No, a few hours later he retracted that statement on Twitter, to the news pool and to Time, who had picked it up. That is not doubling down on a lie, which is the polite term now for Trump's lies.
This is an example of what an Alt-Fact seems to be.

Spicer said that Trump had a record setting viewership "in person and around the globe."

The relevant snipet is at 2:30

The major Media keeps reporting that the crowd on the mall was much smaller and thus indicative of Trumps unpopularity.
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A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.
No, the reporter admitted it was always there, he had simply missed it.
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.
No, the reporter admitted it was always there, he had simply missed it.
That makes a very fine 'alt-fact', too. Who knows, in 'alt-fact'-land?
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.

Yeah, except that the 'reporter' said someone was standing in front of it and that's why he didn't see it. Try again to make Trump out to be a racist. Go!
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.
No, the reporter admitted it was always there, he had simply missed it.
That makes a very fine 'alt-fact', too. Who knows, in 'alt-fact'-land?
I dont think you are grasping the concept of an Alt-Fact and seem to be conflating it with simple fantasy.
A reporter looks into the oval office and does not see the bust of mlk. He reports as a fact that he did not see the bust and it is missing.

An alternative fact is that the bust was behind the door and not missing at all.

An alternative fact could, thus, have alternatives. Example: 'The bust had been removed but someone saw the 'tweet' and put it back in time'.

Yeah, except that the 'reporter' said someone was standing in front of it and that's why he didn't see it. Try again to make Trump out to be a racist. Go!
This is why I always regret posting.

What I contributed is directed at the subject of 'alt-facts', not Trump. Of course I don't like Trump. I don't hate the person, either. I find nothing attractive about him. I don't think he has what I would call necessary to fill the post he finds himself in. Then, no one else has in memorable history, either, but perhaps my standards are just too high.
I have my own definition that I propose int he Clean Debate Zone, but I was wondering what other people ehre thought an Alt-Fact is.

How do you define what an Alt-Fact is?
A more currently relevant fact than the sporadic facts that left-wing "news" outlets such as CNN, NYT and MSNBC occasionally intertwine with a shitload of their non-facts and crude, defamatory anti-USA propaganda.
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Its lie or propaganda story. Alternative facts are anything but facts.
I started to give a reply as to why that was a bigoted comment, but it would have turned the thread into another sickening transgender rant, so I pass.
sickening transgender
Project MUSE - “We Are Certain of Our Own Insanity”: Antipsychiatry and the Gay Liberation Movement, 1968–1980
“We Are Certain of Our Own Insanity”:
Antipsychiatry and the Gay Liberation Movement, 1968–1980
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I started to give a reply as to why that was a bigoted comment, but it would have turned the thread into another sickening transgender rant, so I pass.
sickening transgender
Project MUSE - “We Are Certain of Our Own Insanity”: Antipsychiatry and the Gay Liberation Movement, 1968–1980
“We Are Certain of Our Own Insanity”:
Antipsychiatry and the Gay Liberation Movement, 1968–1980
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