So Kyle Larson has been fired for using the N word

THe way that we are so quick to destroy people, over nothing, is a sign of a sick culture.
Not all people, just the white ones.

Different rules for different folks. Based on skin color. Mmmm,

Hey remember how this was a huge scandal?

Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?
Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?
Does the word honky offend you?
NASCAR lives and dies on Sponsorships
Larson was a liability

  • CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Kyle Larson was fired Tuesday by Chip Ganassi Racing, completing a stunning downfall for the budding NASCAR star who uttered a racial slur during a live-streamed virtual race and then watched as nearly every one of his sponsors dropped him.
The 27-year-old Larson, in his seventh Cup season with Ganassi and considered the top free agent in NASCAR just three days ago, is now out of a job in what could ultimately be an eight-figure blunder.
Larson was a liability?
Larson was lynched because of his skin color and race after he said something that all other races are free to say without fear of repercussion. Larson should lawyer up and go after each sponsor who dropped him, as well as the race team, for this racial lynching.
I have had it with the ridiculous "Racist" double standard that is gripping this country. IMO there is no reason that Kyle Larson should have had his career destroyed because he muttered the N word at nobody playing a video game. Have we gone insane? How many stupid Racist attacks on White people has Al Sharpton made in the last 50 years? Not only was he not fired he has been rewarded with multi-millions for his inflammatory hateful Racist rhetoric.

If you are going to apply such a high PC bar for Kyle Larson, then apply it to everyone. The better alternative is to not be so reactive to simple statements and to forgive indiscretions. It is almost as if we are living in a police state ruled by politically correct tyrants. IMO this is not America. Kyle Larson should be reinstated.

Of course, the problem with your position is that Larson was fired by a business entity. Chip Ganassi Racing had every right to sever ties with him, and to do so with zero regard for the fact that others use the same word, or that Al Sharpton is rewarded for his racism. Saying that Chip Ganassi Racing should apply anything to everyone is silly. It's not their place to do, or not do, that.

Chip Ganassi Racing is a business entity and decisions must be made with the best interests of that business in mind, and they have no responsibility to apply anything equally. They decided they didn't want their representative to be someone who would throw out such a word so matter-of-factly. If you or I don't like it, well, it's utterly meaningless.

Don't like it? Start your own racing team, hire some dipshit as a driver and let him run off at the mouth. As team owner you can then dismiss anything and everything your employee says or does.

CGR is the sole arbiter here, and their decision must be respected...
Making decisions for the health of a business is fine, but it is illegal to make decisions that benefit a business if they are racist decisions. Lynching kyle was extremely racist, since he was lynched because of his race and skin color. All other races are free to utter the word that kyle did without fear of being lynched, but kyle was not the right race.
1. No society, hell, no group of humans have ever operated that way. ALL humans judge the behavior of other humans. YOu are denying this obvious truth, because you know that behavior is indefensible, and yet, you like it.

2. They fired him for no reason.

3. They should have said, that was rude, and yet, not important. If he makes a habit of it, come ask us again.

You've apparently never run a business.

Do you always give someone a second chance when they fuck up?

Like it or not, our business climate today is one which has little patience for someone who'll say such things, and which has even less patience for a business which would employ such a person. That's not my opinion, that's reality, man.

Maybe you woud've kept him on if he worked for you, and that would be your prerogative. But it was the prerogative of CGR to let him go...

You keep going back to that same strawman, that they had the right to fire him.

Every time you do that, you are admitting that you know your defense of their throwing him to the wolves, for no reason, is not working.

For no reason? You think losing millions in sponsorship is 'no reason'? Keeping the sponsors happy is a huge part of the job. Ridiculous.

I think your excuses for destroying a man's life, look weaker and weaker as you keep using more like buzz words rather than actual arguments.

Sponsors bailed. Without sponsors, a team can't compete.

You're basically saying that CGR should've sided with Larson, lost their sponsors, failed to compete and been happy about it.

Is that about right?

I'm saying that pandering to the snowflake crowd is destroying the lives of people for no reason.

That you like seeing people's lives ruined for no reason, makes you the bad guy.

Show me one place where I've said I'm happy his life is ruined and I'll buy you a fucking house.

I'm neither sad nor happy with regards to Larson. I am, however perfectly okay with a business owner making a business decision for his business as opposed to leaving it up to faceless no-names on the internet...

Your happiness with this is evident by the way you refuse to even consider criticizing the employer.

Criticize the employer for what??

The employer didn't do anything wrong...
The employer DID do something wrong. They lynched kyle for saying something that all other races and skin colors are free to say. Kyle was lynched because of his race and skin color. Kyle needs to lawyer up and go after his racist employer and racist sponsors for this racial lynching.
Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?

Liberals, it hurts them to actually address a point. They have an anti-Truth gland, located in near the base of their skull, that sends intense pain though their brain, if they ever do that.

Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?
Does the word honky offend you?
Do you how the "Honky" came about as a description for white people? It was the last sound the blacks heard before they were run over
Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?
Does the word honky offend you?

Are racial slurs bad or is this just a way of letting white people know their place?
We live in a dystopia. A man's life ruined for uttering a word. LOL!

A stupid fucking ruined.

Think about that? Think about the mentality that sits back and says

"ok...that's fair...that's just...that's deserved"

"Yeap...he said the word which shall never be said...he said...the N WOOOORD"

A nation full of fucking illogical, brain dead, unthinking, fucking sheep.

How is his life ruined?

Nice avatar, btw...
OMG he hurt someone's feelings......Fear the PC Police
.Damn people meed thicker skin

The problem for Larson is that his sponsors started bailing. McDonald's gives no small amount of money to CGR.

When Larson said what he said, it adversely affected his employer. It wasn't feelinigs that were getting hurt but, rather, the bank account. That suffered, and in no small way, because of Larson.

Why shouldn't he be held to account for that?
Even here we are censored.... Try typing the n word and see what happens ****** you will only see stars.
The USMB censorship feature is racist if it does not leave those asterisks for "honkey" or "honky". Its fine to say racist things about one race, but not fine to say something about another.
Does the word honky Offend you?
Do you think the USMB censorship feature is racist for giving one race special treatment over another?
Does the word honky offend you?

Are racial slurs bad or is this just a way of letting white people know their place?
Depends on the context. If only one race can be lynched for using racial slurs, then that race might fight back by using them until there is a level playing field. If all races were held to the same accountability for using them, then they would be bigotry.
I have had it with the ridiculous "Racist" double standard that is gripping this country. IMO there is no reason that Kyle Larson should have had his career destroyed because he muttered the N word at nobody playing a video game. Have we gone insane? How many stupid Racist attacks on White people has Al Sharpton made in the last 50 years? Not only was he not fired he has been rewarded with multi-millions for his inflammatory hateful Racist rhetoric.

If you are going to apply such a high PC bar for Kyle Larson, then apply it to everyone. The better alternative is to not be so reactive to simple statements and to forgive indiscretions. It is almost as if we are living in a police state ruled by politically correct tyrants. IMO this is not America. Kyle Larson should be reinstated.
He deserves what he gets.

He does not. Your support of throwing people to the wolves for no reason, makes you the bad guy.

So, you're saying he should be immune from the ramifications of his actions?
I'm saying no one should lose their career over saying a random slur, be it the N word, ****, Chink, Cracker whatever. We have gone way too far in Political Correctness and are way too sensitive about words.

Well, the guy who signs the checks over at Chip Ganassi Racing apparently has a different opinion than you and, seeing as he was signing Larson's checks, his opinion is the one which matters...

Your inability to defend, the action you obvious support, is clear to everyone.

Why do you share with us, the real reason you support this?

I support an employer being permitted to run his business how he sees fit. For the life of me I don't understand why you wouldn't support that...

Nice buzz words.

Your inability to refute my arguments are noted...

You didn't make an argument. My point was to judge the morality of their actions, and you talked about their right to do their actions.

The morality?

How about the "morality" of CGR paying their employees, which is done through the very sponsorships which were bailing on them?

This was not a decision based on morality or lack of it. This was a business decision which was made because the business was going to suffer due to the actions of one of the employees.

If you owned a restaurant and a table of black diners got up and left because one of your bus boys called out "Hey, there are a bunch of n***a's at table seven!", and other diners got up and left, too, vowing to bad mouth your restaurant and never return, how would you react?

Reading your comments here, it would be easy to believe that you would probably applaud his choice to be so bold as to go up against societal norms...
fbj follows NeckCar?

Wow, what a redneck! :auiqs.jpg:

Not going to claim I don't have family or friends that follow Neckcar, but I don't.

I bet ol' black Cooter follows neckcar, he's been into engines forever!

That's a hotrodding motherfucker! Who was I talking about that with last night?

He stuffed a 400 into a Vega with Holley 750 double-pumpers. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh yeah! :badgrin:
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OMG he hurt someone's feelings......Fear the PC Police
.Damn people meed thicker skin

The problem for Larson is that his sponsors started bailing. McDonald's gives no small amount of money to CGR.

When Larson said what he said, it adversely affected his employer. It wasn't feelinigs that were getting hurt but, rather, the bank account. That suffered, and in no small way, because of Larson.

Why shouldn't he be held to account for that?
McDonalds should be held accountable then, for this racial lynching. They lynched Kyle for saying a word that any other skin color or race can use freely, so they should be held accountable for their racially motivated lynching.
You guys are really getting your diapers twisted over this.

Larson's career has not been destroyed. Not even close. Now, had NASCAR said he'd not be welcomed back, well, then maybe. But their very willingness to allow Larson back into NASCAR tells anyone who's not feigning being offended that his career can be rehabilitated...

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