So let’s get this straight…

Who looks upon him like that and why does it matter?

He’s spending the rest of his life in jail regardless. So I don’t see an issue with the charges.
I see an issue when a Black person commits what is clearly a terrorist act and the attack described as "car runs over people at Christmas parade" by Leftwing Democrat communistic propaganda newspapers like WAPO, while a White minor committing a school shooting, one of many in this country's history, is charged with terrorism for the first time.

Reverse racism is not the answer.
You dont think mass murder is domestic terrorism?
Murder is murder. Murder committed AS an act of violence to seek to compel a government to do something (or to refrain from doing something) contrary to the government’s choosing is what constitutes the essence of terrorism.
Murder is murder. Murder committed AS an act of violence to seek to compel a government to do something (or to refrain from doing something) contrary to the government’s choosing is what constitutes the essence of terrorism.
No, terrorism is designed to project fear into those who were not victims. The government's choosing has nothing to do with it.
No, terrorism is designed to project fear into those who were not victims. The government's choosing has nothing to do with it.
No. The objective has to be to coerce the government or it isn’t — by legal definition — “terrorism.”

“Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or Puerto Rico without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives”. — 28 C.F.R. Section 0.85

Also: “Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act "dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism.”

Edit: to be a bit more accurate, I note that a civilian population can also be the entity coerced — but it is still necessary that the violence or threats of violence be associated with a political agenda.
I see an issue when a Black person commits what is clearly a terrorist act and the attack described as "car runs over people at Christmas parade" by Leftwing Democrat communistic propaganda newspapers like WAPO, while a White minor committing a school shooting, one of many in this country's history, is charged with terrorism for the first time.

Reverse racism is not the answer.
Why do you care so much about what they CALL it? All that actually matters is the penalty associated with the crime.

This asshole is rightfully going to prison for the rest of his life and you’re still trying to find a way to be upset about it.
You obviously ignored his error. Waukesha is not in Minnesota, but Wisconsin.
Yes. Glossed over, but still two different states, Michigan and Wisconsin handling mass deadly incidents under the laws and system of two different states. I do not think Wisconsin has a domestic terrorism law, so they prosecute under murder laws. Michigan has some of the more extensive terrorism laws in the country by state.
Why do you care so much about what they CALL it? All that actually matters is the penalty associated with the crime.

This asshole is rightfully going to prison for the rest of his life and you’re still trying to find a way to be upset about it.
Exactly my point, for the first time a 15 year old is not only charged as an adult, but with terrorism, which carries a heavier sentence and punishment. Meanwhile, the guy who obviously committed terrorism, is charged with "murder", because A- He's Black and B-He's a Biden voting BLM member, and C- He has a hatred of Whites and America.

Which is why Garland isn't stepping in to escalate the crime to what it should be with the appropriate and heavier punishment that comes with it. Those rebellious anti CRT school parents have his hands full, let's give him a break.
Exactly my point, for the first time a 15 year old is not only charged as an adult, but with terrorism, which carries a heavier sentence and punishment.
The guy is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Exactly what kind of heavier sentence and punishment are you looking for here?

Please be specific.
Exactly my point, for the first time a 15 year old is not only charged as an adult, but with terrorism, which carries a heavier sentence and punishment. Meanwhile, the guy who obviously committed terrorism, is charged with "murder", because A- He's Black and B-He's a Biden voting BLM member, and C- He has a hatred of Whites and America.

Which is why Garland isn't stepping in to escalate the crime to what it should be with the appropriate and heavier punishment that comes with it. Those rebellious anti CRT school parents have his hands full, let's give him a break.

Neither will ever get out of prison. In reality if either ever did it would be the kid. I note that to reinforce my point that the government uses "terrorism" to control the people, not to actually prosecute a case.
1- The high school shooter moron in Michigan that is a minor and a “White” person, being charged as an adult for terrorism (which I agree with).

2- The Black man with a clear history of racism and hatred against White people that ran over kids and families in a holiday Christmas parade in Waukesha Minnesota, not charged with terrorism or a hate crime. After all, he only killed 6 people including three little kids, but they were all White, and he was Black, and it was the car that did it.

Welcome to the new systemic racism in our justice system, sponsored by the Left.
The thing that has me concerned, is this;

He is being charged, under a STATE terrorism law. But? See, here is the thing, it is only a word. This word, on the federal, and international level, has a seriously different meaning. To Federal and Global politicians, this is a word that means, well, WAR.

It means, that civil rights, and civil liberties, in essence, YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, can be suspended.

And now? Now we a moving into an era of tension, very much like the founding of our nation, when there was heated battles between the Federalists, and the Anti-Federalists. Politicians had duels and killed each other over that argument. IN fact, STATES rights even caused a war in the end. The Federalists in this nation will tell you, that no, it is slavery that caused that war, but that is only the spark that lit the flame, what it was really about, was states' rights. For up to that point in our nation's history, states were still considered sovereign, and the 10th Amendment actually meant something.

So now, here we are, with. . . this new word, this word with a legal federal definition which has the power, at least domestically, to strip anyone of their Constitutional Rights. . . if that Domestic Terror Legislation should ever get out of committee.

But hey, even if it can't, I have just found out? That the globalists intend to just do an end run around the Constitution anyway. . . this might be the last year our little forum has freedom of speech. (If it survives at all.) It looks like the globalists are going to get rid of our first Amendment? How Do you like that? :dunno:

So. . . we should be leery about the corporate owned press, habituating us to the term. . . "terrorist," all willy nilly. Words have meaning, and even this kid, because he was not working for a terrorist outfit, probably should not be charged as one. Just because a person causes terror, and PTSD, doesn't mean they are one. . . for on the national and international stage, these words have serious implications.

And who, then, gets to decide what, indeed, is a "terrorist?"

U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship​

U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship
by Ice Age Farmer | Dec 2, 2021

The guy is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Exactly what kind of heavier sentence and punishment are you looking for here?

Please be specific.
Solitary confinement or not, which prison, what freedoms, etc. that is why prosecturs push for death penalty in states that don't ever do it. If someone is on death row, you're basically living the rest of your life like a caged rat.

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