So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

Trump beats the Judge's order ending the travel ban since 100,000 visas from those seven countries are cancelled. No one can board a plane w/o a visa. Trump Trumps the judge. Trump wins again.

The above from yet another moronic right winger whose ilk shouts that Trump's pick for the SCOTUS must be confirmed because he is a "constitutionalist"who obeys the Constitution and the courts' rulings........Go figure......LOL

OK moron, the Executive Branch followed the Law and you are still whining. What part of Obama had 8-years and appointed two marginal gals to the UCCS and Trump picks a blue chip nominee who will be confirmed. Hoping for two or three more. So show me a violation of the Constitution or go burn down a building or two like a good sore loser baby whiner.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

Great job, Nat. You forgot to mention that he's already gone on his first vacation. He's in Florida now.
Actually knuckle head the Peace Corps was founded in March 1961, after the inauguration. The concept was promoted in the late 50's by a host of politicians thinking outside the box on the subject of a means for combating the spread of communism. It was thought that by furthering US goodwill through out developing countries by increasing one's standard of living it would thwart the spread of communism and ruthless dictatorships. JFK was challenging the nation to embrace challenges and think of their country and how they could improve living conditions.

That was back when Democrats weren't Communist/Progressive extremists. Today's Democrats only demand their country do something for them. They don't believe in doing anything for their country. They've gone in the opposite direction of what JFK wanted. In my opinion, he was the last credible Democrat President. That Democratic Party no longer exists.
It is time to grow up, face the fact that America rejected the policies and social engineering you so emphatically embrace. Face it your progressive policies failed miserably in addressing the fundamental issues facing the country. As a result we now have the Donald, which regardless of how you voted is the result of your political ideology.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can come up with the money for US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me.

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute river and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

I don't care for Trump.

But watching you scream like a stuck pig is really worth having him in there.

Obviously you've never actually heard a pig scream.
Which translates into a SCOTUS that will have you and your left wing butt-buddies sitting on the sidelines for decades.


I really don't like Trump and never figured he'd be worth much (I only want the SCOTUS to stay conservative), but he has already yielded a great deal of entertainment watching your clan of inbreds screaming like dying rabbits.

Oh,chances are very good (bad, really) that the religious nut will be appointed to the SCOTUS.....BUT, to not shatter your dream-like state, if Kennedy and Souter don't retire, chances are pretty good that many decision will wind up 5-4 in favor of sanity
Trump has fucked up the plans the leftists had for this country that's for sure! And not a moment too soon. However; the rest of the country is quite grateful, and pleased beyond expectation at President Trumps performance so far. And it's only been a couple of weeks.

Who is the 'rest of the country'? He's certainly popular amongst lawyers. 55 law suits and counting...
It is time to grow up, face the fact that America rejected the policies and social engineering you so emphatically embrace. Face it your progressive policies failed miserably in addressing the fundamental issues facing the country. As a result we now have the Donald, which regardless of how you voted is the result of your political ideology.
306 people don't represent the 130,000,000 who voted at the polls.
Enough said, the DNP has lost its rudder. Where are the Bobby and Jacks of this party, where are the HHH's? Shit their party left them and they became Republicans!
It is time to grow up, face the fact that America rejected the policies and social engineering you so emphatically embrace. Face it your progressive policies failed miserably in addressing the fundamental issues facing the country. As a result we now have the Donald, which regardless of how you voted is the result of your political ideology.
306 people don't represent the 130,000,000 who voted at the polls.

Actually it does. The numbers are skewed, specifically in CA.
OK moron, the Executive Branch followed the Law and you are still whining. What part of Obama had 8-years and appointed two marginal gals to the UCCS and Trump picks a blue chip nominee who will be confirmed. Hoping for two or three more. So show me a violation of the Constitution or go burn down a building or two like a good sore loser baby whiner.

Turn on the cable news (if your remote can turn from FOX) and you'll see that TWO federal judges have issued a "stay" on Trump's ban on Muslims and declared teh ban as possibly UN-constitutional......Trump of course, is vacationing in Florida having his hair re-colored orangy.
Great job, Nat. You forgot to mention that he's already gone on his first vacation. He's in Florida now.

Indeed, there's strong rumors that in Florida there's a clinic that has had great successes in hand-enlargements.
Trump beats the Judge's order ending the travel ban since 100,000 visas from those seven countries are cancelled. No one can board a plane w/o a visa. Trump Trumps the judge. Trump wins again.

The above from yet another moronic right winger whose ilk shouts that Trump's pick for the SCOTUS must be confirmed because he is a "constitutionalist"who obeys the Constitution and the courts' rulings........Go figure......LOL
Liberal ways will be set back for decades. Thanks obama, for being such a failure! Also thank you nat for being a pawn!
Nat thinks the truth is funny. Tell me nat, why are you shiting your pants after two weeks? Could it be your messiahs nightmare is getting written away? I say hell yeah!
[QUOTE="jknowgood, post: 16492248, member: 24535"]I guess your unable to read. The federal education did you wrong.[/QUOTE]

Let's not go THAT route, please.......The correct spelling is "YOU'RE" for you are.......Thank me later.

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