So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

Are you really 'having a great time?' Or are just expressing bitter hateful butt-hurt? I'm gonna have to go with the latter. Sounds like you have a very serious case of BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome). I wish you luck with that. There are treatments available.

Do you really have permission from sean hannity to use BHDS??? LOL

Let me ask you this of your half brain....Is it better to attack stupidity or defend an orange clown?

I don't believe you're really having a great time. I think you're just full of bitter hate. You're seriously butt-hurt. Nothing more, nothing less.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.
Your shit, you must find it. Soon.
Seriously, that's where you Snowflakes continue to go wrong. It's not only about what your country can do for you. It's also about what you can do for your country. What are you doing for your country right now? Are you doing enough? Are you just sitting back waiting for Government to do something for you?

Hey Petal..Donald is all about "What can this country do for me."...
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Well see, that's what the problem is with you Communist/Progressive Snowflakes. You need to start asking what you can do for your country. Y'all need to read up some on the last credible Democrat President. John F. Kennedy had it right. It's not only about what the Government can do for you.

You do realize JFK was calling for volunteers for the Peace Corps?

He never said the country shouldn't do things for the people

Y'all Snowflakes should listen to JFK. It's not only about what your country can do for you. It's also about what you can do for your country. Think about that for a bit.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

You missed stuff

Threatened to invade Mexico

Insulted Australia.

Created Alternative Facts and actually c alled the people represent the facts as opposition

Gag order on the EPA and trying to cut their funding to give more actual facts

Cabinet posts which are running Joke even among the Republicans

The only bright spot is there seems to be Republicans that love America enough to stand up to him

We said that the only good thing out of his presidency might be a backlash to him from GOP and we are starting to see it.

The GOP won't pay for half of his stupid ideas and that is where his failure will lie..
I don't believe you're really having a great time. I think you're just full of bitter hate. You're seriously butt-hurt. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you had agreed with any items in my O/P, I would have had to reevaluate my stance.....
So, in a round about way, THANK YOU !!
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Trump beats the Judge's order ending the travel ban since 100,000 visas from those seven countries are cancelled. No one can board a plane w/o a visa. Trump Trumps the judge. Trump wins again.
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning

That was indeed one of my little points in the O/P....But you phrased it MUCH better..
Of course, those "poor financial advisers" may be in need of a new Lear jet and all these "silly" restrictions got in the way of making huge profits off the backs of retirees with their IRAs.
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You missed stuff

Threatened to invade Mexico

Insulted Australia.

Created Alternative Facts and actually c alled the people represent the facts as opposition

Gag order on the EPA and trying to cut their funding to give more actual facts

Cabinet posts which are running Joke even among the Republicans

The only bright spot is there seems to be Republicans that love America enough to stand up to him

We said that the only good thing out of his presidency might be a backlash to him from GOP and we are starting to see it.

The GOP won't pay for half of his stupid ideas and that is where his failure will lie..

Thank you....of course I missed a whole bunch...and its ONLY been 2 weeks.
Trump beats the Judge's order ending the travel ban since 100,000 visas from those seven countries are cancelled. No one can board a plane w/o a visa. Trump Trumps the judge. Trump wins again.

Major win for ISIS...

Moderate Muslims who were fleeing ISIS have been told to join them... ISIS had a really good week.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can come up with the money for US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me.

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute river and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.
We're in charge. End of story...
LOL. Really?

Exactly what is it that you are in charge of? LOL.
Soon the supreme court for decades. XX --Mod Edit.
The adults are back in charge!
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I don't believe you're really having a great time. I think you're just full of bitter hate. You're seriously butt-hurt. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you had agreed with any items in my O/P, I would have had to reevaluate mys stance.....
So, in a round about way, THANK YOU !!

Seriously, y'all bitter Snowflakes should stop sitting around waiting for Government to so something for you. You should instead start asking yourselves what you can do for your country. I mean honestly, what are you personally doing for your country right now? Are you doing anything? Or are you just sitting around demanding your country do something for you?

From all your posts i've read, i have to conclude you're one of those who sits around demanding your country do something for you. I don't believe you'll ever make an effort to do something for your country. That's my assessment of you anyway. Take care
But watching you scream like a stuck pig is really worth having him in there.

I'll yield to your vast knowledge and experience with stuck pigs......But I'm actually having a great time slamming the Trumpster and the morons (like you) who actually swallowed his bullshit....with a smile and a cheer.

Glad you are able to find some solace in the slamming the sitting president. I am sure the stupid smile on your face is good for hiding the tremendous butthurt you are experiencing over having lost the WH and not gained the senate.

Which translates into a SCOTUS that will have you and your left wing butt-buddies sitting on the sidelines for decades.


I really don't like Trump and never figured he'd be worth much (I only want the SCOTUS to stay conservative), but he has already yielded a great deal of entertainment watching your clan of inbreds screaming like dying rabbits.

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