So, lets review what 2 weeks of Trump have done for us....

On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can come up with the money for US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me.

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute river and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

I don't care for Trump.

But watching you scream like a stuck pig is really worth having him in there.

Obviously you've never actually heard a pig scream.

[QUOTE="jknowgood, post: 16492248, member: 24535"]I guess your unable to read. The federal education did you wrong.

Let's not go THAT route, please.......The correct spelling is "YOU'RE" for you are.......Thank me later.[/QUOTE]

Everything the Left has pimped, promoted, and prayed for these last 8 years is vanishing like fog in the sunrise. Many are not coping very well. For all their self perceived, considerate open mindedness; there's one thing they failed to consider... Losing.
[QUOTE="jknowgood, post: 16492248, member: 24535"]I guess your unable to read. The federal education did you wrong.

Let's not go THAT route, please.......The correct spelling is "YOU'RE" for you are.......Thank me later.[/QUOTE]
You're shiting your pants, and it's funny!
Could it be your messiahs nightmare is getting written away?

My God, did Trump already repeal and replace the ACA????? The things you learn on this board from these nitwits......

(BTW, stay away from downstream of a coal mine....)
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Got a link to that?

There is a sucker born every minute
Your talking about the queer dod arrangement that caused the crash in 2008. Goodbye!

Dodd-Frank wasn't enacted until 2010....
That's bullshit DoD was sticking up for it when Bush warned about it in 2006.
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can come up with the money for US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me.

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute river and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

I don't care for Trump.

But watching you scream like a stuck pig is really worth having him in there.

Obviously you've never actually heard a pig scream.

Is that from your last Saturday night out?
Could it be your messiahs nightmare is getting written away?

My God, did Trump already repeal and replaced the ACA????? The things you learn for these nitwits......

(BTW, stay away from downstream of a coal mine....)
He did away with the mandate, and is working on the rest. It took Obama well over a year to get it passed. Trump has been president for two weeks dumbass. Wow
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Got a link to that?

There is a sucker born every minute
Your talking about the queer dod arrangement that caused the crash in 2008. Goodbye!

Dodd-Frank wasn't enacted until 2010....
That's bullshit DoD was sticking up for it when Bush warned about it in 2006.

Wrong... it was signed into law in 2010. You should do your research before you spew.

"What is the 'Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act '
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation passed by the Obama administration in 2010 as a response to the financial crisis of 2008. Named after sponsors U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd and U.S. Representative Barney Frank, the act's numerous provisions, spelled out over roughly 2,300 pages, are being implemented over a period of several years and are intended to decrease various risks in the U.S. financial system. The act established a number of new government agencies tasked with overseeing various components of the act and by extension various aspects of the banking system. President Donald Trump has pledged to repeal Dodd-Frank. "

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.
Oh, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a train wreck, alright...

And most Pubs KNEW he was going to be a train wreck, even before they voted for him...

That is a measure of just how badly you ( Dems-Libs-Progs ) have phukked up in recent years...

Shitting on 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching that sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) is wicked and degenerate...

Standing alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than your own poeple...

Standing alongside nasty Muzzies rather than your own people...

Drawing lines in the sand that made people laugh at you...

Phukking-up the withdrawal from Iraq...

Shoving a Black Elephant (ObamaCare) down the throats of Americans and causing untold millions to be in worse shape because of it...

Conniving between DNC leadership and your candidate, to knock her competition out of the ring during the primaries...

Your girl's hubby meeting the US Attorney General on an airport tarmac the day before a "No Charges Will Be Pressed" finding was announced...

Your girl lying her ass off before Congress and the American Public about her handling of confidential materials...

Your girl calling The Opposition a "Basket of Deplorables"...

Stupid, dumb-phukk LibTards...

No wonder you knuckle-draggers lost the White House, the Senate, the House, and the SCOTUS...
On domestic policies, we can all "rejoice" that:

1. Mexico is NOT paying for any "beautiful wall" and that even right wingers in congress can't come up with the money from US taxpayers to build this campaign lie (fiasco.)

2. The ACA is such a hot potato that now, the term "replace" is being revised to the term "re-work" (which is fine by me).

3. Those poor, picked on banks and wall street investors can restart their cheating on mortgages and retirement plans.

4. Those coal mining outfits can now pollute rivers and streams to their heart content.

5. People wit mental health issues can "safely" buy assault weapons because.....well, because gun manufacturers and the NRA need the business and screw kids and others from massacres by "troubled" Americans

On the foreign front, our beloved Trump is goading Iran and telling our allies that if they didn't think that he was a childish bully before, he is here to put that doubt to rest.....

If right wingers think they're winners, they're dumber than we had previously thought.

ALWAYS REMEMBER RIGHT WINGERS ....don't label yourself the popular're not.

Your #5 and #3 on the list are a WHOLE LOT of good old #2.... :badgrin:
He did away with the mandate, and is working on the rest. It took Obama well over a year to get it passed. Trump has been president for two weeks dumbass. Wow

If you had graduated from junior high, you too would figure out that taking away the mandate is the "repeal" part of the entire ACA........HOWEVER, the "replace" part is nowhere to be seen; so, just wait and see what happens?....LOL
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Of course you have a link to this right? Still asking for it.

Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci promises to 'repeal' DOL fiduciary rule
The Skybridge Capital executive says the regulation diverts too much capital into low-cost passive funds, and he compares it to the 1857 Dred Scott decision

Anthony Scaramucci, managing partner of SkyBridge Capital, said the measure, which requires financial advisers to act in the best interests of their clients in retirement accounts, is an example of government overreach that would divert too much capital into low-cost passive ETFs and index funds.

“We're going to repeal it,” Mr. Scaramucci said.

Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci promises to 'repeal' DOL fiduciary rule
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Of course you have a link to this right? Still asking for it.

Trump Signs Memorandum Shelving Fiduciary Standard For Financial Advisors

At about 1:30 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, February 3, 2017, President Donald Trump signed a memorandum to roll back the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule by asking the DOL to review the rule again and likely to delay its April 10th implementation (although at the time of this article a delay has not yet occurred but it is likely coming).

Why does this matter? Simply put, the DOL fiduciary rule was designed to make sure that, if you hired a financial advisor to help with your retirement planning and assets, the financial advisor acted in your best interest, avoided conflicts of interest when possible, and was transparent with you about his or her compensation and fees. Many people are surprised to learn that such a rule does not already exist for financial advisors since financial advice, at its core, would appear only to be needed precisely to ensure the best interests of the consumer. While the fiduciary rule was not supported by everyone in the financial services industry, it has been hailed as a workable rule that is a step in the right direction for financial services, and the delay in implementation is expected to be the first step in terminating the rule as it exists today.

Trump Signs Memorandum Shelving Fiduciary Standard For Financial Advisors
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Got a link to that?

There is a sucker born every minute
You give me a link to your own post? I kinda was thinking maybe you had a link to something less fucking dumb than you. Can you do that?

Several links in the post

Try to keep up with the day's news
Today Trump struck down an Obama policy requiring financial advisors to put the needs of their clients above their personal profits for retirement planning
Of course you have a link to this right? Still asking for it.

Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci promises to 'repeal' DOL fiduciary rule
The Skybridge Capital executive says the regulation diverts too much capital into low-cost passive funds, and he compares it to the 1857 Dred Scott decision

Anthony Scaramucci, managing partner of SkyBridge Capital, said the measure, which requires financial advisers to act in the best interests of their clients in retirement accounts, is an example of government overreach that would divert too much capital into low-cost passive ETFs and index funds.

“We're going to repeal it,” Mr. Scaramucci said.

Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci promises to 'repeal' DOL fiduciary rule
Don't put your retirement savings into one of those boring index funds. I've got this stock my brother in law runs that will double your investment in six months

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