So like, when do we repair our infastructure, and how should we pay for it?

Try cutting social programs that do not benefit Americans, and use the prison population to do the work.
That's only going to build the Prison Industrial Complex even more, and guess who this country criminalizes, penalizes more harshly and servers longer terms...

No thanks.
It's easy. Just cut taxes for billionaires and corporations. The GOP's answer to everything.
It has to be done and it's not gonna be cheap.

Ask your governor, it's a State responsibility.

The problem there is when it comes to highways and the bridges over highways, cities/states put repairs and much needed upgrades at the bottom of the list which means they never get done.

So making excuses for a States inaction makes unconstitutional expenditures by the feds OK? Funny, I can't find that anywhere in the Constitution.

Try cutting social programs that do not benefit Americans, and use the prison population to do the work.
That's only going to build the Prison Industrial Complex even more, and guess who this country criminalizes, penalizes more harshly and servers longer terms...

No thanks.

Yeah, this. There shouldn't be a monetary incentive to have people locked up.

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