So long US Message Board, I'm out......

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Here's the tldr version-

People say mean things online I don't like and I am too fragile to take it, so I am having one last crybaby sesh before I go
No, some of you guys are utter morons. Not everyone wants to waste their time on it. That's not crying.

Not all of us are utter morons. :(
aaron have you seen Bloodshot yet?.....

Not yet. I started reading the comic, but didn't get into it much. I never was a Vin Deisel fan.
watched the fist half hour last night.....totaly different than what you may have read.....another comic movie butchered....

I bet you watched the fist. Through your brown eye.
you vulgar else are you supposed to watch it?....
Last post on this message board. I took about a 3 year break from this place because it's so toxic. It was like being in a forum with a bunch of 10 year olds, ready to pounce and talk shit to every post no matter what the subject matter was. Recently I had surgery on my leg, so I'm confined to the couch for a couple of weeks, so I have a ton of free time to get back online. But damn, I can only take so much negativity, ignorance, and hate. Mass amounts of EXTEME HATE.

I visit 3 other forums, and I'm not sure if you guys visit other forums/message boards, but you should. Other forums you can debate topics and have conversations with people, and it's normal everyday conversation. When I visit this forum, I can ask the most basic question (what's your favorite beer?) and the responses are usually "Fuck you, god damn fucking commie fuck" or "Go fuck your sister and your mom you Trump cock sucker" and "Go suck Biden shit from his asshole" type of responses. Even the clean debate zone if full of this, just madness.

After my 3 year break it was kind of funny to read the stuff on here, but after a week of rejoining this message board, I've come to the realization this place is definitely not for me. Hell no. Not saying I'm "above you" or "better" than the people on here, I'm just saying the people here aren't the type of people I would associate with in real life. I wouldn't talk to people in real life like people do here, seem like 90% of the people on here are keyboard warriors or Monday morning quarterbacks, or angry people who have to talk shit to every single post that pops up.

I know, I know, nobody gives a shit, I certainly don't. I can't clean this place up, and if you tried to clean it up, the people holding this forum back from becoming a respected place will fight it and keep dragging it back down to the toxic place it is. The mods don't care, but then again, this is the type of forum they enjoy and promote. After being on here for a week I've noticed I logged back on ready and excited to talk shit to people, what the hell is this place turning me into? One of you, that's who. So I'm out, I'll keep my talk intelligent and respectable, the same way I talk to people in real life, face to face.

You think the grass is greener elsewhere? This is the nature of internet discussion boards going back to Listservs 25+ years ago.
A blues listserv starts out ‘Do you think Muddy Waters was the founding father of Chicago blues?’ An hour later ‘Fuck you, racist! You don’t know what it’s like to be black!’
The was completely shut down after a number of libel suits on their discussion board. They originally treated story comments as though they were letters to the editor. People had to register under real ID’s. They later reopened in an anonymous form.
I recently revisited a forum that chased me over here. They’ve gotten so left-wing high-strung that if you comment on COVID and it doesn’t jibe with the current lefty narrative you get censored for ‘misinformation’.
Good luck in your travels.
See you back here real soon!

Speaking an alternative truth than the one propagated on "official" corporate and government mouthpieces causes folks A LOT of cognitive dissonance, and thus, it is either

A) Not allowed

B) Slandered and ridiculed

C) Relegated to niche areas of the forum where it is not discussed and moderated unfairly

Fair debate and freedom of speech comes with a high price, both emotionally, and with lots of work for administration and moderators. We have the best team on the web.

I also compliment the membership for being able to expose themselves to differing POV in the rough world of an actual free exchange of ideas, even if they don't change their POV. . . it is a though row to hoe.

I have looked at other forums. . .

Echo Chambers. . . all of them.
Parrots in an echo chamber.
Last post on this message board. I took about a 3 year break from this place because it's so toxic. It was like being in a forum with a bunch of 10 year olds, ready to pounce and talk shit to every post no matter what the subject matter was. Recently I had surgery on my leg, so I'm confined to the couch for a couple of weeks, so I have a ton of free time to get back online. But damn, I can only take so much negativity, ignorance, and hate. Mass amounts of EXTEME HATE.

I visit 3 other forums, and I'm not sure if you guys visit other forums/message boards, but you should. Other forums you can debate topics and have conversations with people, and it's normal everyday conversation. When I visit this forum, I can ask the most basic question (what's your favorite beer?) and the responses are usually "Fuck you, god damn fucking commie fuck" or "Go fuck your sister and your mom you Trump cock sucker" and "Go suck Biden shit from his asshole" type of responses. Even the clean debate zone if full of this, just madness.

After my 3 year break it was kind of funny to read the stuff on here, but after a week of rejoining this message board, I've come to the realization this place is definitely not for me. Hell no. Not saying I'm "above you" or "better" than the people on here, I'm just saying the people here aren't the type of people I would associate with in real life. I wouldn't talk to people in real life like people do here, seem like 90% of the people on here are keyboard warriors or Monday morning quarterbacks, or angry people who have to talk shit to every single post that pops up.

I know, I know, nobody gives a shit, I certainly don't. I can't clean this place up, and if you tried to clean it up, the people holding this forum back from becoming a respected place will fight it and keep dragging it back down to the toxic place it is. The mods don't care, but then again, this is the type of forum they enjoy and promote. After being on here for a week I've noticed I logged back on ready and excited to talk shit to people, what the hell is this place turning me into? One of you, that's who. So I'm out, I'll keep my talk intelligent and respectable, the same way I talk to people in real life, face to face.


Crushing - your riveting posts will be missed.

What can we do to have you stay?

What if aaronleland begged and pleaded?
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Meh. I belong to more cerebral and monitored political boards but they tend to be 90% liberal. The only way to get the right wing point of view is to lower ones standards and hang out here in this cesspool. You don’t have to stoop to their level here. It’s typically easy to make idiots look like idiots when they are idiots speaking idiocy.
I found another place to go if I want a real conversation on an issue without the juvie chorus hollering in my ear. But there's some funny characters here I enjoy, and a few who actually know what they're talking about. And like Gracie said, it takes a long time to figure out a new board.

During the three months that I wore my invisibility cloak, I decompressed quite a bit. Yesterday in a necroed thread I couldn't believe what I wrote in a post last May. OP is right--this place does encourage whatever hostility lurks in your soul. So I'm glad I scraped y'all off my shoe for awhile.

Those of you disappointed I'm back, tough noogies, as we say in Zone 1.
I'm glad you are back, myself.

It acts as a confirmation.
We can keep digging this hole as long as you like. It still goes "down".

I bet you want to keeping digging and "going down" on holes. :auiqs.jpg:

I know how you lefties like to eat shit straight outta ass HOs.. that's probably why San Francisco, and LA been seeing break outs of ebolas, and the bubonic plague :uhoh3::scared1:

Now stop crybabies QQin about things you don't like to see on here, or just leave the board already..:dev3:
We can keep digging this hole as long as you like. It still goes "down".

I bet you want to keeping digging and "going down" on holes. :auiqs.jpg:

I know how you lefties like to eat shit straight outta ass HOs.. that's probably why San Francisco, and LA been seeing break outs of ebolas, and the bubonic plague :uhoh3::scared1:

Now stop crybabies QQin about things you don't like to see on here, or just leave the board already..:dev3:

Last post on this message board. I took about a 3 year break from this place because it's so toxic. It was like being in a forum with a bunch of 10 year olds, ready to pounce and talk shit to every post no matter what the subject matter was. Recently I had surgery on my leg, so I'm confined to the couch for a couple of weeks, so I have a ton of free time to get back online. But damn, I can only take so much negativity, ignorance, and hate. Mass amounts of EXTEME HATE.

I visit 3 other forums, and I'm not sure if you guys visit other forums/message boards, but you should. Other forums you can debate topics and have conversations with people, and it's normal everyday conversation. When I visit this forum, I can ask the most basic question (what's your favorite beer?) and the responses are usually "Fuck you, god damn fucking commie fuck" or "Go fuck your sister and your mom you Trump cock sucker" and "Go suck Biden shit from his asshole" type of responses. Even the clean debate zone if full of this, just madness.

After my 3 year break it was kind of funny to read the stuff on here, but after a week of rejoining this message board, I've come to the realization this place is definitely not for me. Hell no. Not saying I'm "above you" or "better" than the people on here, I'm just saying the people here aren't the type of people I would associate with in real life. I wouldn't talk to people in real life like people do here, seem like 90% of the people on here are keyboard warriors or Monday morning quarterbacks, or angry people who have to talk shit to every single post that pops up.

I know, I know, nobody gives a shit, I certainly don't. I can't clean this place up, and if you tried to clean it up, the people holding this forum back from becoming a respected place will fight it and keep dragging it back down to the toxic place it is. The mods don't care, but then again, this is the type of forum they enjoy and promote. After being on here for a week I've noticed I logged back on ready and excited to talk shit to people, what the hell is this place turning me into? One of you, that's who. So I'm out, I'll keep my talk intelligent and respectable, the same way I talk to people in real life, face to face.

I found another place to go if I want a real conversation on an issue without the juvie chorus hollering in my ear. But there's some funny characters here I enjoy, and a few who actually know what they're talking about. And like Gracie said, it takes a long time to figure out a new board.

During the three months that I wore my invisibility cloak, I decompressed quite a bit. Yesterday in a necroed thread I couldn't believe what I wrote in a post last May. OP is right--this place does encourage whatever hostility lurks in your soul. So I'm glad I scraped y'all off my shoe for awhile.

Those of you disappointed I'm back, tough noogies, as we say in Zone 1.

Understand the need to get out of here for a while, I did that too.

I went to other forums, found one that is now my favorite forum, which is where I post the most often every week, this forum is currently #3, yes I came back when they FINALLY increased the number of Moderators (something I Brought up several times), which helps reduce the obvious trolling garbage that was destroying threads early and generating hostility.

What is funny that some of the members HERE are also members at my favorite forum, but they are a lot nicer because they have been slapped down and even thread banned (a great mod tool) a few times. I now use a feature at the favorite forum that allows me to request having obvious trollers be thread banned, but only when a NEW thread is created. The moderator will decide if the request is valid, if the feature is abused, the Moderator will shut down the feature, but the report a problem button is always in use.

I come here to see the immature hilarity, but go to other forums for a real debate that rarely bogs down.

  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
Meh. I belong to more cerebral and monitored political boards but they tend to be 90% liberal. The only way to get the right wing point of view is to lower ones standards and hang out here in this cesspool. You don’t have to stoop to their level here. It’s typically easy to make idiots look like idiots when they are idiots speaking idiocy.

That's why we're not cerebral or frontal.. The boards you're talking about are "self-selecting" in who can speak.. They are 90% leftist because moderation there has TOO MUCH discretion in what people say.. If you're in an echo chamber -- it's just all smoke and illusion about civility and "brilliance"..

When y'all start realizing what content is being filtered at these "pleasant" sites and how dangerous that is to free Republic like ours -- We'll still be here at USMB..
I now use a feature at the favorite forum that allows me to request having obvious trollers be thread banned, but only when a NEW thread is created. The moderator will decide if the request is valid, if the feature is abused, the Moderator will shut down the feature, but the report a problem button is always in use.

That's an ADMISSION that Moderation is taking sides when they HONOR requests to thread ban people from FRESH THREADS.. it's like having a parent "lunch monitor" interfere in who sits with their kid at a table. And BEFORE any "crime is committed".. You end up with super virulent trolls you cant' get rid of -- because they never commit "warnable" offenses..
Thread got moved to Zone1 from Zone2 without proper cleaning and some of that propagated thru the rest of the discussion,.. We've said good-bye and now its done.. Cleaned to Zone1 moderation and closed.
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