So McConnell is Fine With Kentucky ACA, But As For The Weather: Not In McConnell's Kentucky(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Senate Minority leader claims to have worked at least a week or so in his last six years. He apparently arranged a compromise with the Democrats, on something. Then in the Kentucky Senate debate, the Kentucky ACA website got a rating of "Fine," from the Minority Senate Leader--unless something gets transposed, there(?)! (There is some odd about the "Obama" concept, in Kentucky(?).)

At any rate, McConnell is not too clear about whether or not there are weather-events worldwide. If nations were watching the debate--then they need to compare the Senate Republicans with the Iraqis--not too concerned about the Kurds getting raped in the name of "Sharia Law." There is likely not going to be much Republican concern with worldwide events, if any are in the Senate, especially from Kentucky. The other Senator is more or less a GOP socialist. Government should be in a partnership with individuals. A few bankers did get all the TARP money. That would be a few individuals, getting a whole, whole lot of federal money! Probably a lot of state money gets included, in the "new" libertarian, Republican version.

McConnell Wants To Keep Obamacare Website But Repeal Obamacare

Compromise with Democrats will apparently be less likely, however, if McConnell gets elected. He thinks ObamaCare should be ripped out at the roots, if elected. The Kentucky ACA website should be left to crash. That was right there on TV.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Navajo get Many federal dollars, and even despite BIA!)

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