So Moochelle wants paid- Laura Bush sets Her Straight

Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books

My Dad was one of the ones who passed

What's your point?
My point is that you have no idea who the Nazis were. Michelle is a food Nazi? Fucking moron! Even Stephanie called to say you were an embarrassment.

Michelle is a food Nazi.

She needs to mind her own fucking business
And you are an why don't you mind your own fucking business?
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
My God, the Right is so used to throwing lies out and having their dumb fellow Righties believe them. Who ever heard of this source?

They make this shit up and eat it up.........what idiots.
Love the cartoons that hit the BULLSEYE every time!


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