So much for freedom of speech, the republicans can never say anything about the cancel culture!

The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Its too bad that liberals have to be threatened with jail time just to compel civil behavour

but if thats what it takes...

Republican's are not "the law and order" party anymore, after what you did to the capital Jan 6th.

Don't make me laugh.

First, you don't really know what happened on Jan 6th.

Second, a small group of yutzes don't represent the GOP.

You simply dig for confirmational bias as you rot in your old folks home.

It was an insurrection and they are many are being charged for it. Yes it does represent the GOP and tramp.

We understand that you still suffer TDS.

It's apparent that 2016 has never left your blood stream.

I don't suffer from TDS, but you do.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

Antifa protestors are actually trained to be provocative to cops to try to get a violent response so that they can give material to their allies in the press and advance the agenda.

Cops practice and train to stand there and take it, and remain professional.

Shutting it down, sounds like a good idea.
Where do the antifa members train and who is their commander? Yes, I`m calling you a liar.

If the FBI wasn't as useless as tits on a boar, we would know. Hell there would be made for tv movies about the undercover agents that busted it wide open and thus shut it down.

But, instead, the criminal, terrorist, revolutionary organization just chugs along.
Yes millions of people compared to a few thousand that stormed the capital.
I have no idea what that means

there were only a few thousand who got out of hand and stormed Fort Pelosi

and republicans condemn that behavior

unlike democrats who condone leftwing violence across our nation
Yes millions of people compared to a few thousand that stormed the capital.
I have no idea what that means

there were only a few thousand who got out of hand and stormed Fort Pelosi

and republicans condemn that behavior

unlike democrats who condone leftwing violence across our nation

Was it thousands? I've been hearing a few hundred.
Was it thousands? I've been hearing a few hundred.
I dont know the exact number but it does not matter

for liberals 1-6 is their 9-11 and they will always rally around it

5 years, they will be teaching children in schools that the lefty riots were from proud boy agitators, and 1/6 was a Trump personally directing nazi troops.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Wow respecting others is compared to cancel culture. Liberalism is a mental disease. Maybe we should do away with that law and let the police man kick the ass of the person cussing him out. I'm good with that.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
I've asked it a million times:
why do you HATE law--order and LOVE criminals!!!!!!???? wonder your communities are shitholes and you have high crime rates
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Its too bad that liberals have to be threatened with jail time just to compel civil behavour

but if thats what it takes...

Republican's are not "the law and order" party anymore, after what you did to the capital Jan 6th.

Don't make me laugh.

First, you don't really know what happened on Jan 6th.

Second, a small group of yutzes don't represent the GOP.

You simply dig for confirmational bias as you rot in your old folks home.

It was an insurrection and they are many are being charged for it. Yes it does represent the GOP and tramp.
Wake up already, it was absolutely100% NOT an insurrection and no one's life was in danger, there were no weapons on anyone and no shots fired by anyone other than law enforcement. It was a riot and wrong but not an insurrection, media and the left want to call it that for inflammatory purposes which seems to have worked on you.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Its too bad that liberals have to be threatened with jail time just to compel civil behavour

but if thats what it takes...

Republican's are not "the law and order" party anymore, after what you did to the capital Jan 6th.

If iffy if they never were, Kavanaugh and Tramp both got away with rape and attempted rape.
We aren't talking about your boy Cumo, who also said all women should be believed.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

It will be challenged in court. So what ?

Has nothing to do with cancel culture.

Of course it does. But you are right it will never hold up in court. Maybe we should force all elected politicians to take a 8 hour course on the Constitution before they can take office.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Its too bad that liberals have to be threatened with jail time just to compel civil behavour

but if thats what it takes...

Republican's are not "the law and order" party anymore, after what you did to the capital Jan 6th.

Don't make me laugh.

First, you don't really know what happened on Jan 6th.

Second, a small group of yutzes don't represent the GOP.

You simply dig for confirmational bias as you rot in your old folks home.

It was an insurrection and they are many are being charged for it. Yes it does represent the GOP and tramp.
Wake up already, it was absolutely100% NOT an insurrection and no one's life was in danger, there were no weapons on anyone and no shots fired by anyone other than law enforcement. It was a riot and wrong but not an insurrection, media and the left want to call it that for inflammatory purposes which seems to have worked on you.
They had zip ties and gallows and they were trying to install a president who clearly got his ass kicked. It was a treasonous insurrection that was planned, scheduled and incited. It was 1st class domestic terrorism. They would`ve killed Pence if they had found him.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
What a bullshit law. Jesus.

That won't pass constitutional muster.
This is not a good road to go down.

People who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" are pieces of shit, but arresting them for doing so will head us in a direction we shouldn't be going. We already have the American left actively working to destroy our First Amendment, we don't want to be joining them.


This part here is puzzling ("or other physical contact"), since if you make "physical contact" with a cop, you're already likely to get arrested, and rightly so since this would be assault.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

Unlike a private company like Facebook or twitter, the government can't violate freedom of speech and expression.

This is a clear violation of the first amendment.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.
Yeah, I saw this earlier. These folks need to grow a pair
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

Antifa protestors are actually trained to be provocative to cops to try to get a violent response so that they can give material to their allies in the press and advance the agenda.

Cops practice and train to stand there and take it, and remain professional.

Shutting it down, sounds like a good idea.
Where do the antifa members train and who is their commander? Yes, I`m calling you a liar.
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

It will be challenged in court. So what ?

Has nothing to do with cancel culture.

Of course it does. But you are right it will never hold up in court. Maybe we should force all elected politicians to take a 8 hour course on the Constitution before they can take office.
I cannot see this passing constitutional muster...
The measure was filed months after Louisville, the state's largest city, became the site of huge protests in the wake of the police killing of Breonna Taylor. The bill passed the Republican-dominated Senate 22-11 and now awaits House input.

Under the legislation, anyone who "accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response" would be guilty of a misdemeanor and face up to 90 days in jail and fines.
Several Republican senators who voted against the bill shared concerns that some parts of it would violate First Amendment rights and strain the judicial system. Nevertheless, they signaled support for the bill if some parts of it were amended in the House.
What do they have better to do, Kentucky is a hell hole, they have the Grim Reaper and Rand Paul to represent them.

Unlike a private company like Facebook or twitter, the government can't violate freedom of speech and expression.

This is a clear violation of the first amendment.

I thought you love it when our society and legislators bend to accommodate ignorant, illiterate, savage black males?
Isn’t this piece of legislation aimed to deter cops from hunting and killing young black males?

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