So much for Military hates Trump

Haha good viewpoint Toob. BY the way, avatar brings back memories. I was going for an EE in 72, we learned tube theory. Once the instructor brought in an IC chip, where he found it who knows. He said "this is the future, it can hold more than a telephone room" I still have one tube, a headphone amp, opted for the Russian tube. It kicks ass!


Yep, I recognized that as one of the headphone amps they used to sell (or still do). Running a 12AX7/12AU7 in triode class A, I bet it sounds great. Anything is better than those shitty, op-amp driven headphone ports.
Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest


Freeze on recruiting? WTF are you babbling about?
Why you think Pres.Trump is now building back up the military that Obama was trying to down-sized;

Failure by Congress to end budget sequestration could force the services in fiscal 2014 to freeze military promotions, suspend recruiting and halt all change-of-station moves, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned in letter Wednesday to leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Freeze Possible On All Promotions, Recruiting

Though constraints like sequestration have limited the money available for the U.S. military, the Obama policy calling for a smaller standing ground army reflects a deliberate strategy shift and not just a response to cost-cutting, since some other parts of the military are not being reduced. Obama’s Military Policy: Down-Size While Threats Rise

What does any of that have to do with Christianity?

Also, you are talking 2014. WTF, over?

I work for Army Recruiting. Our mission is doubling in 2021.

I gotta ask, why is your username spelled wrong?
Not all of those that are in the military supports Pres.Trump. Over the years that the Deep State has been infiltrating in the military with their kind of people. But still there's not enough of them to dominate the military. It is because it's around 70% of this country are Christians. And then that there are some from other religions. And so they has put a freeze on recruiting, until they has dropped the population of Christians in this nation. By conversion or having them killed especially across seas. That is why they taunt and tease the Muslims across seas. To have the Muslims to do their job for them.

Owen Shroyer Arrested For Silent Protest


Freeze on recruiting? WTF are you babbling about?
Why you think Pres.Trump is now building back up the military that Obama was trying to down-sized;

Failure by Congress to end budget sequestration could force the services in fiscal 2014 to freeze military promotions, suspend recruiting and halt all change-of-station moves, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned in letter Wednesday to leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Freeze Possible On All Promotions, Recruiting

Though constraints like sequestration have limited the money available for the U.S. military, the Obama policy calling for a smaller standing ground army reflects a deliberate strategy shift and not just a response to cost-cutting, since some other parts of the military are not being reduced. Obama’s Military Policy: Down-Size While Threats Rise

What does any of that have to do with Christianity?

Also, you are talking 2014. WTF, over?

I work for Army Recruiting. Our mission is doubling in 2021.
Yea, Pres.Trump has disrupted their plans. Obama had removed many that didn't agreed to his orders. And so he quickly fired them and replaced them with his kind. But a few he fired weren't disloyal, but fired them so that they can spy on those that were disloyal. To see if they are anymore members of the military that are disloyal to him.

Defense: What the president calls "my military" is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful. Turnover in the military ranks is normal, and in these times of sequestration and budget cuts the numbers are expected to tick up as force levels shrink and missions change.
We recognize President Obama is the commander-in-chief and that throughout history presidents from Lincoln to Truman have seen fit to remove military commanders they view as inadequate or insubordinate.

Yet what has happened to our officer corps since President Obama took office is viewed in many quarters as unprecedented, baffling and even harmful to our national security posture. We have commented on some of the higher profile cases, such as Gen. Carter Ham. He was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi
. Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's Business Daily
Brad Osborn, a Marine veteran who served from 2008-2012 during Obama’s first term, confirmed to TGP that those orders were indeed handed down by supervisors.

“Most of us are middle class people who support President Trump. It seems that we are not allowed to show our support during Democrat Congressman Andrew Kim’s visit,” Osborn explained.

He went on to explain that when he was serving under Obama, there were recommendations that you not speak ill of any president when you are serving. Now Obsborn says it seems like the exact opposite, that supporting your Commander-in-Chief is now not only frowned upon, it is becoming forbidden.

“Free speech should protect against this type of thing. When you serve, the president is your boss and you respect him.”

Military Facility In New Jersey: REMOVE ALL TRUMP GEAR Before Dem Congressman’s Visit

To be fair, you should never disrespect the president of the United states, if you are an active member of the military.

That's just... bad form. So yeah, I agree with that, that under Obama, or Clinton, or any president, you should never speak ill of them.

Sorry, but you should have some decency and respect for the office, if you are going to be in the military serving under that office. I don't care how utterly disgusting Bill Clinton was, or how much you disagreed with Obama, or if you think Trump is a loud mouth idiot.... mind your manors if you are serving our country. You leave the armed forces, fine, be a jackass all you want. But you wear a uniform, you should have a higher standard of conduct.
Brad Osborn, a Marine veteran who served from 2008-2012 during Obama’s first term, confirmed to TGP that those orders were indeed handed down by supervisors.

“Most of us are middle class people who support President Trump. It seems that we are not allowed to show our support during Democrat Congressman Andrew Kim’s visit,” Osborn explained.

He went on to explain that when he was serving under Obama, there were recommendations that you not speak ill of any president when you are serving. Now Obsborn says it seems like the exact opposite, that supporting your Commander-in-Chief is now not only frowned upon, it is becoming forbidden.

“Free speech should protect against this type of thing. When you serve, the president is your boss and you respect him.”

Military Facility In New Jersey: REMOVE ALL TRUMP GEAR Before Dem Congressman’s Visit

Bernie Sanders Leads Trump, All 2020 Candidates in Donations From Active-Duty Troops

"No other 2020 candidate for president, including Donald Trump, can come close to matching Bernie Sanders’ level of support among members of the U.S. military, to go by the most recent campaign finance data from the Federal Election Commission."

Trump lied about ending for-profit wars in the Middle East and Africa; are you surprised?
Yep, I recognized that as one of the headphone amps they used to sell (or still do). Running a 12AX7/12AU7 in triode class A, I bet it sounds great. Anything is better than those shitty, op-amp driven headphone ports.

Yes they still sell them, amazon carries them for one. I'm kinda deaf from the USAF so I need an amp! Sounds awesome.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

Military seems to have the same opinion as the general public.
42 percent approve, 50 percent disapprove

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion.
Has trump apologized to the VFW yet? How about our POWs?
VFW wants Trump apology for comments on brain injuries in Iran attack
Damn, you are DIM. Congratulations.
So he hasn`t apologized to the VFW or our POWs. Thank you, traitor.
There is nothing for Trump to appologise about. But you Dims just like bowing down and kissing anyones ass that will let you.

Bill Maher got you woketards absolutely right.

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