So Much For The Red Wave

Ignoring the truth and attacking Women who believe they should control over their body....
They willingly give up their control to Pedo’s and Trannies. They are full of shit on this…”my body my choice” “ equal rights” “ Me Too” and other assorted bullshit they spew. They fight for it because the DNC tells them to. No other reason.
Cause its the best way for dems to ballot harvest and cheat
And the funny part is all the Dem voters are going for it because they know that their vote is going to count more that way. It is so absolutely fucking obvious. The best description for the mail-in voting process is....a FILTER..
Ignore the ass kicking you people got. Don't accept responsibility for losing. Blame Women who want to have control over their body.

Men have no more a right to dictate what medical procedures a Woman can have than a Woman dictating control over a Man's Body. I know my Grand Mother was pissed when I received my Vasectomy when I cam home from Viet Nam, but that was my choice to make. My body/My Choice. She tried to tell me how much it hurt HER that I decided to not father a child. I told her I loved her, but after my experiece in Nam, I would never raise a child to be used as canon fodder.
Ignore the ass kicking you people got. Don't accept responsibility for losing. Blame Women who want to have control over their body.

Men have no more a right to dictate what medical procedures a Woman can have than a Woman dictating control over a Man's Body. I know my Grand Mother was pissed when I received my Vasectomy when I cam home from Viet Nam, but that was my choice to make. My body/My Choice. She tried to tell me how much it hurt HER that I decided to not father a child. I told her I loved her, but after my experiece in Nam, I would never raise a child to be used as canon fodder.
My body my choice

Now tell us what you think of the vaxx
Ignore the ass kicking you people got. Don't accept responsibility for losing. Blame Women who want to have control over their body.

Men have no more a right to dictate what medical procedures a Woman can have than a Woman dictating control over a Man's Body. I know my Grand Mother was pissed when I received my Vasectomy when I cam home from Viet Nam, but that was my choice to make. My body/My Choice. She tried to tell me how much it hurt HER that I decided to not father a child. I told her I loved her, but after my experiece in Nam, I would never raise a child to be used as canon fodder.
The rest of us are glad you can’t father children. Thank the lord for small favors
I never subscribed to the Red Wave.
I predicted Dimm's keep the Senate.
Only because hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!!
Republicans were ready. This was their year. They were going to sweep to control of Congress and put election deniers in at every level of government to ensure that Democrats couldn’t win—or couldn’t have their wins counted—in 2024 and beyond. Having ensured that many of the most Democratic areas would count their votes slowly, leading to the appearance of an early Republican lead, they were going to declare victory prematurely and then use that to claim election theft and fraud.

As the hours ticked away on November 8 and turned into early November 9, that plan wasn’t going so well—and it showed in many of the victory parties Republicans were putting on. Boy did it ever show. Feast your eyes.

The pollsters were wrong. About everything. The election was a referendum on MAGA crazy. America said get lost.
The Democrats lost 6 seats, so far, in the House. Sounds like you're trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's
Oh all those rants, RePugs caught with no pants. Ignore the loss and talk wait until 24, 28, 32.

No big majority, no attack on human rights. Fuck you all. Shut up and go home. Come back when you can win.
Well......Well.....Well.....Seems like the Traitor needs someone to blame for endorsing that Carpetbagging Asshole Oz, and guess who....Melania.

The Traitor cannot accept responsibility his own mistakes and he kicks his arm candy wife under the bus.
Oh all those rants, RePugs caught with no pants. Ignore the loss and talk wait until 24, 28, 32.

No big majority, no attack on human rights. Fuck you all. Shut up and go home. Come back when you can win.
How many seats did the Democrats pick up in the House? Oh, They lost 6 seats.
Republicans were ready. This was their year. They were going to sweep to control of Congress and put election deniers in at every level of government to ensure that Democrats couldn’t win—or couldn’t have their wins counted—in 2024 and beyond. Having ensured that many of the most Democratic areas would count their votes slowly, leading to the appearance of an early Republican lead, they were going to declare victory prematurely and then use that to claim election theft and fraud.

As the hours ticked away on November 8 and turned into early November 9, that plan wasn’t going so well—and it showed in many of the victory parties Republicans were putting on. Boy did it ever show. Feast your eyes.

The pollsters were wrong. About everything. The election was a referendum on MAGA crazy. America said get lost.
American voters in record turnout SCREAMED with their votes to MAGAt loosers and even more "mainsream" Republicans that what pathetically anemic "platform" they have to offer at all is NOT where the majority of American voters are.

So the GOP is on the WRONG side of history on;

Voting access;

And of course voters were obviously repelled by most candidates tainted by the stink of Trump.

What is certain from the results of this mid term is that if the GOP cannot learn from yesterday and reform/reinvent itself by 2024, including cleansing the entire party from the stink of Trump and his MAGAt cult, it is on its way to extinction.

Americans aren't buying the shit Repubs OR MAGAts are selling anymore!
American voters in record turnout SCREAMED with their votes to MAGAt loosers and even more "mainsream" Republicans that what pathetically anemic "platform" they have to offer at all is NOT where the majority of American voters are.

So the GOP is on the WRONG side of history on;

Voting access;

And of course voters were obviously repelled by most candidates tainted by the stink of Trump.

What is certain from the results of this mid term is that if the GOP cannot learn from yesterday and reform/reinvent itself by 2024, including cleansing the entire party from the stink of Trump and his MAGAt cult, it is on its way to extinction.

Americans aren't buying the shit Repubs OR MAGAts are selling anymore!

You really can't spell that? It's an easy word
Thank God we won't have to listen to Staccy Abrahms wine and moan anymore about being oppressed. She's over and out on the national level.
So instead we will get to listen to Kari Lake tell EVERYONE how incompetent they are and about fraud.

I can hardly wait.
She's a windbag.
Republicans were ready. This was their year. They were going to sweep to control of Congress and put election deniers in at every level of government to ensure that Democrats couldn’t win—or couldn’t have their wins counted—in 2024 and beyond. Having ensured that many of the most Democratic areas would count their votes slowly, leading to the appearance of an early Republican lead, they were going to declare victory prematurely and then use that to claim election theft and fraud.

As the hours ticked away on November 8 and turned into early November 9, that plan wasn’t going so well—and it showed in many of the victory parties Republicans were putting on. Boy did it ever show. Feast your eyes.

The pollsters were wrong. About everything. The election was a referendum on MAGA crazy. America said get lost.
/——-/ It’s not all doom and gloom. But you’re right about the polls.

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