So my Dad went to the bank today, and met someone from the EPA, who was Conservative


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
So he met this guy who basically said " I'm just doing my job, because I need the money"

But he went over the attacks against the American people he faces everyday. Most in his office are liberals, or should I say Socialist or Communists...or Anti American in their ideas.

Most of you know the EPA is anti American and pro UN AGENDA 21...because that is what the EPA was built to promote.

So the short story is, this man often tries to help home owners get passed the idiot fines of the EPA. Who we never elected or endorsed.

He says he often tries to help people get past the fines which are unconstitutional to begin with... management punishes him for trying to help citizens.

For trying to help home owners who are victim of a regulation which they never heard about in their lives, this EPA local "Regional" "manager" threw this "Conservative" out of his office for offing solutions to the "government" demands which call for fines. Fines , fines fines.

The EPA is there to promote the NWO, it was set in place by the evil man Kissinger under Rockefeller, IE AAE social protocals for their "Brave new world" The EPA just like the shills of "Global warming, or now Climate change" crowd. It is enforcement from the powers our Founding Fathers tried to leave long ago at our birth.

But today it still exists, punishment for non compliance to rules and laws which hold no facts only an evil agenda.

but why do these people put up with it? Well, they use the same line as old. I'm just doing my job, my family needs to eat.

So In America the land of the free, we still have people who sell out everyone for their family. That has mostly been true though world history.

But this time, under UN AGENDA 21, this is the first time in history I can tell this has happened. UN AGENDA 21 is the take over plan of the super rich who gain though evil through time and History.

Our claims for fighting for or working for our families, because we need the work, don't work any more.

Today, just doing your job, can really get your family killed off. You blood line STOPS! under AGENDA 21.

but most of you here already understand that, so just venting.

I'm very happy in what I see online today, 15 plus years ago was a lot worse.

Most of you SAY!. And I'm sure you do.

People See evil, and TV doesn't have to tell them about it, because TV won't...its own by the evil..old tricks...of old.

Again, just venting :)
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Looks like someone has been watching their Glenn Beck, you're parroting his "super-scarey" catch words more than he does. :cuckoo:

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