So Newt pulling ahead means the Tea Party nonsense is over?

if the tea party's objective was to reduce the size of government or reduce our national debt, then it's been dead since it started.

It's always been about Obama you see. They didn't like the fact that a man like him won. So they went off. They threw everything up against the wall until something stuck. They finally settled with the rhetoric about national debt, because all their previous rants were just too openly racist.

The TP was, and is, just another not-so-cleverly-disguised arm of the Republican party. Just like how they supported Bush 'n' Cheney to the hilt, until they didn't. Then they claimed they never liked him, and then they claimed that Bush wasn't really a conservative. I just saw a number of clips of the GOP during their primaries with Bush, both times and that man had support from the Right up the wazzoo. There were GOP reps at RW churches speaking during the service telling the church-goers to vote, because it's too important not to vote.

PPL have VERY short memories...unfortunately. Not to mention selective, very selective.
Obama claimed the planet would heal and the seas would recede.

Actually conservatives claimed Obama claimed that – part of the whole ‘teleprompter motif.’

Telling how rightist myths are soon perceived to be reality.

Was that video our imagination? Seeing Obama with the teleprompters in the grade school.
Yep hatred/fear of Obama seemed to be the one common factor among all Tea Party types.
Yep hatred/fear of Obama seemed to be the one common factor among all Tea Party types.

Or that a democrat was in the WH at all, republicans perceiving the Oval Office as their birthright.
It sure means the "Party of Family Values" nonsense is over (at least in SC), that's for sure. :lol:

That nonsense will be over nationally if serial adulterer/open marriage guy runs against President Obama, whose personal 'family values' are unassailable.

But liberals have a track record of supporting adulterers... Maybe newt will win over some of them....
It sure means the "Party of Family Values" nonsense is over (at least in SC), that's for sure. :lol:

That nonsense will be over nationally if serial adulterer/open marriage guy runs against President Obama, whose personal 'family values' are unassailable.

But liberals have a track record of supporting adulterers... Maybe newt will win over some of them....

What? You mean NYcuminhisrear made it through a post without pissing on vets?
After only three contests, won by three different candidates, there is no clear front runner. Ron Paul will remain in the race to win as many delegates to the 2012 GOP presidential convention in Tampa. If Ron does not have enough delegates to win the nomination and neither does anyone else, my prediction a year ago will come true, a brokered convention. With several hundred delegates, Ron could force many issues, including putting Rand Paul on the ticket as either the presidential nominee or VP » Ron Paul’s message is resonating
Maybe. Newt will get into bed with anyone, any group who can benefit him in any way though.

Actually, the TPM is lining up behind him, yes.

I think the thing is, the TPM is not a monolithic group. It's a lot of members with a lot of different complaints. I also think that it is unrealistic to expect that they are going to change a 160 year old political party in 3 years.

Well yeah but they claimed Reagan would fix everything, then it was Bush II who would fix everything. Then it was the regained repub majority in the house and several TP types elected to congress that were going to fix everything.

At what point does optimisism become stupidity?

And no I do not think the dems are going to fix everything.
I think BOTH party's suck bigtime and are mostly controlled by the "market" not the people.

Obama claimed the planet would heal and the seas would recede. Anything Newt is promising seems a bit tame compared to that.

I do think that we have a lot of hard choices ahead, without a doubt. And we aren't ready to make them yet, and the politicians of both parties aren't levelling with us.

Obama claimed the planet would heal and the seas would recede.

Actually conservatives claimed Obama claimed that – part of the whole ‘teleprompter motif.’

Telling how rightist myths are soon perceived to be reality.

Ya, he didn't say the seas would recede - just that the rise would slow. ;)

Got Link?
We were telling you 2 years or more ago that the so-called Tea Party was nothing more than the same old rightwing base of the GOP, with nothing new except a funny name.

Get it now??
We were telling you 2 years or more ago that the so-called Tea Party was nothing more than the same old rightwing base of the GOP, with nothing new except a funny name.

Get it now??

You were wrong then, wrong now. The ideas of that philosophy is what is causing the heavy voter turn out, same as the first time you were wrong.

Doesn't matter what the name is, many people, many of them independents do not want what's been going on from this administration or the past.
I cannot take the TPers seriously. Where were they when Bush'n'Cheney were WRECKING the Constitution?


I will never take them seriously...NEVER!
Obama claimed the planet would heal and the seas would recede.

Actually conservatives claimed Obama claimed that – part of the whole ‘teleprompter motif.’

Telling how rightist myths are soon perceived to be reality.

Um... here's a video of Obama actually SAYING that the seas would recede....

[ame=]Obama speech oceans receding, planet healing - YouTube[/ame]
Kinda looks that way to me.
Or is Leroy now the Tea Party darling?

The Tea Party has made it clear all along their number 1 Priority is Defeating Obama, and they can and will support who ever it appears is best positioned to Defeat Obama.

You Liberals fundamentally fail to understand the Tea Party mind set.
Obama claimed the planet would heal and the seas would recede.

Actually conservatives claimed Obama claimed that – part of the whole ‘teleprompter motif.’

Telling how rightist myths are soon perceived to be reality.

Um... here's a video of Obama actually SAYING that the seas would recede....

[ame=]Obama speech oceans receding, planet healing - YouTube[/ame]

Well Clayton, Care to tell us how Conservatives just made it up. Did they digitally edit the video to make it look like Obama saying it? LOL
I cannot take the TPers seriously. Where were they when Bush'n'Cheney were WRECKING the Constitution?


I will never take them seriously...NEVER!

Tee hee!!! :D

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nobody takes you seriously either fucknut...


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Kinda looks that way to me.
Or is Leroy now the Tea Party darling?

Yeah - suggesting we actually adhere to the ultimate law of the land (the US Constitution) is definitely "nonsense". It's so much easier/better/sensical to just implement Marxist Dictators like Cuba has and like liberals crave.

All the Tea Party has ever done is demand that government adhere to the Constitution - something they are bound by law to do and should be doing on their own, without a party demanding it. It speaks volumes about an indvidual if they are bashing the one party demanding their government adhere to the Constitution. You people really are ignorant little Communists.

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