So Newt pulling ahead means the Tea Party nonsense is over?

Kinda looks that way to me.
Or is Leroy now the Tea Party darling?

Yeah - suggesting we actually adhere to the ultimate law of the land (the US Constitution) is definitely "nonsense". It's so much easier/better/sensical to just implement Marxist Dictators like Cuba has and like liberals crave.

All the Tea Party has ever done is demand that government adhere to the Constitution - something they are bound by law to do and should be doing on their own, without a party demanding it. It speaks volumes about an indvidual if they are bashing the one party demanding their government adhere to the Constitution. You people really are ignorant little Communists.

[ame=]Building a Religion 2012 Edition-Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Kinda looks that way to me.
Or is Leroy now the Tea Party darling?

Newt Gingrich is now the tea party candidate--as Mitt Romney is considered the establishment candidate--and Sarah Palin coming out for Newt Gingrich just last week--should have given you a clue. Newt Gingrich coming from behind by 18 points and in one week later--does this in S. Carolina.



Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative Tea Party vote.
Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative Tea Party vote.

If he won the TEA party vote, then the movement is just about officially dead.
if the tea party's objective was to reduce the size of government or reduce our national debt, then it's been dead since it started.

Let's see, it began while the democrats had control of both chambers and the white house, the Democrats have lost the house but still control the senate and the white house. SO exactly what power has the tea party ever had to meet it's objectives? Or do you not understand how politics work and just want to blow more smoke out of your ass?

do you believe, when republicans regain power, that the size of government will be reduced or the national debt will decrease?

Depends on the Republican.
I cannot take the TPers seriously. Where were they when Bush'n'Cheney were WRECKING the Constitution?


I will never take them seriously...NEVER!

Tee hee!!! :D

Dr.House said:
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nobody takes you seriously either fucknut...


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I just want to repost this because it's so true....:lol:
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You were wrong then, wrong now. The ideas of that philosophy is what is causing the heavy voter turn out, same as the first time you were wrong.

Doesn't matter what the name is, many people, many of them independents do not want what's been going on from this administration or the past.

No, he’s right, the TPM is a sham, we didn’t hear a peep out of them during the first Bush term when he and Congressional republicans were creating a deficit and growing the size of government.

I cannot take the TPers seriously. Where were they when Bush'n'Cheney were WRECKING the Constitution?


I will never take them seriously...NEVER!

They can be taken seriously in their hate of Obama, and their blind partisan hypocrisy.

Well Clayton, Care to tell us how Conservatives just made it up. Did they digitally edit the video to make it look like Obama saying it? LOL

Oh, brother, you've got to be kidding - it's called a metaphor – remarkable the right’s hate and ignorance to actually believe Obama was ‘promising’ to ‘heal the earth.’ And the context was future generations, if we all worked together, not during Obama’s presidency.
Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative Tea Party vote.

If he won the TEA party vote, then the movement is just about officially dead.

:lol::lol: Yeah we can see how "dead" it is--:lol::lol: Of course the elite media talking heads were telling us that the Newt Gingrich campaign was dead one week ago too---:lol::lol:

I don't know--but this looks like pretty much alive and well to me--:clap2:

Read again for comprehension.

Gingrich is a big gubmint loving Wilsonian neocon, not the anti-establishment outsider he is trying to pass himself off as.....If the TEA party has been sucked in by that insider establishment dickweed, they've pretty much marginalized themselves.
The 'tea party' was fatally wounded when its list of demands became identical to that of the Chamber of Commerce. It lost credibility with anyone who happens to be a. Intelligent, b. True to their original mission, or both.

It's been going through the motions ever since.

The TEA PARTY is not a monolith, as correctly noted by JoeB131.

At its core, what it is -- and what its members seek -- remains unchanged.

It seeks a return to the principles of our Constitutionally limited Republic.

And the lefties are aghast. They seem to knee-jerk respond, in unison, "Imagine da Noive of doze guyz!"

It's as though wanting the government to adhere to the foundation of our form of government and the root of its legitimate authority is somehow too debased a notion for civilized elitists to even contemplate.

We are in a GIANT MASSIVE CAULDRON of BOILING SHIT, folks. If we do not confront the massive and still growing out of control federal debt(s) immediately, we may very well find -- in a dangerously short period of time -- that we have run OUT of time. We ARE that screwed.

Action to reverse course is not just urgently required in the near future. It was already required. There is even a chance that we are already too late.

But instead of caving in to the problem, the TEA PARTY movement seeks to make those course corrections without further delay.

The lefties howl as though mortally wounded when, in reality, whatever saves this Republic also serves to save THEM. Those stupid fucks cannot comprehend even that much.

Fucking dumbass leftist turds.
Kinda looks that way to me.
Or is Leroy now the Tea Party darling?

Maybe the radical left just doesn't get it or maybe fuzz face is being sarcastic. The Tea Party is just a conservative pressure group. They would exert pressure on democrats but the democrat party is hopeless so they do the best they can with republicans. Relax libs, nobody from the Tea Party is going to camp out on your lawn and piss in your pond like the fools in OWS so why do you fear the little old ladies and grizzled old Vets who wave Flags and clean up their own mess after rallies? Like Mark Levin says "I'd vote for a can of orange juice before I'd vote for Obama". Like poor old Sonny Bono would have said "the beat goes on" and the Tea Party will continue to work from the grass roots to get the best conservative they can but meanwhile they will do what they can do to un-elect Barry Hussein.
Do you know who won legal marriage for gays in New York? Republican donors. The Republicans have written off the black vote, the Latino vote, the gay vote and a lot of the female vote. Who they got left?

They have the right!

No, they have the far right...and the 1% who $support them.

The extreme far left is in this administration right now.
58% of the nation wants smaller government. I don't call that extreme far right.

If you think President Obama is "far left" then there is simply no hope for you at all. Dennis Kucinich is "far left". Bernie Sanders is "far left". Barack Obama is not "far left". On his best day he might be a pragmatic liberal.

Guess what? Most Americans want increased taxes on the rich and more regulations of the financial industry. How many republicans support that?
Well, Rick Santorum is an obvious Tea Party candidate and he went from giving speeches in a room of one person to finishing 3rd in SC. And, if and when he drops out, his votes are most likely going to go to Newt. Tea Party is alive and well.
Well, Rick Santorum is an obvious Tea Party candidate and he went from giving speeches in a room of one person to finishing 3rd in SC. And, if and when he drops out, his votes are most likely going to go to Newt. Tea Party is alive and well.

Really? What's your basis for calling frothy Santorum a "Tea Party" candidate? He's an earmark guy from way back and wants much more control over your PRIVATE life. How is that Tea Party exactly?
No, they have the far right...and the 1% who $support them.

The extreme far left is in this administration right now.
58% of the nation wants smaller government. I don't call that extreme far right.

If you think President Obama is "far left" then there is simply no hope for you at all. Dennis Kucinich is "far left". Bernie Sanders is "far left". Barack Obama is not "far left". On his best day he might be a pragmatic liberal.

Guess what? Most Americans want increased taxes on the rich and more regulations of the financial industry. How many republicans support that?

Barack Obama is as far left as it possibly gets. He is a radical Marxist dictator. He has usurped the US Constitution on many occassions (hence dictator). That is not opinion, that is 100% undeniable fact. In addition, he has called for redistribution of wealth under the guise of his idea of "fairness" (hence Marxist). Again, that is not opinion, but 100% fact that can be verified in video of his own words over and over.

He wrote a book called "Dreams from my Father". Well, his father was a Marxist who referred to America as "the great imperialist" and said we needed to be "punished". His daddy then abandoned him for Africa where he wrote a paper stating that government has the right to impose 100% tax on income, so long as they provide benefits the people "needed". Again, 100% fact that can be verified easily. That was the dream of his father, that's what daddy brainwashed him with since birth, and that is why Obama is the radical left-wing Marxist nut-job that he is. Sorry folks, you can try the propaganda all you want - but this is all fact that cannot be denied, no matter how much you try.
No, they have the far right...and the 1% who $support them.

The extreme far left is in this administration right now.
58% of the nation wants smaller government. I don't call that extreme far right.

If you think President Obama is "far left" then there is simply no hope for you at all. Dennis Kucinich is "far left". Bernie Sanders is "far left". Barack Obama is not "far left". On his best day he might be a pragmatic liberal.

Guess what? Most Americans want increased taxes on the rich and more regulations of the financial industry. How many republicans support that?

No, Obama is far left, and Dennis Kucinich is frigging insane. Thanks for admitting that leftism leads to insanity, though.
What's interesting to me at the moment is that Gingrich won among married women, and tied Romney among single women. I kinda think this is because, as I said before the primary, Marianne Gingrich actually made him look BETTER in a weird sort of way.

I think every woman knows there's a limit to how long you can whine and moan to your friends about a man doing you wrong before they move from sympathy to annoyance. And the time limit on whining to acquaintances and strangers about it is even shorter. While we can certainly identify with anothe woman who's been screwed over by a man, we don't LIKE to, and the more bitter and obsessed she appears, the more powerfully we want to push any and all identification with her away.

In a sense, a woman who is still kvetching about her ex fifteen years later is an affront to the pride and self-respect of other women. So yeah, I think there might actually have been a hint of Marianne Gingrich actually pushing other women TOWARD Newt, if only in a subconscious rejection of the idea that THEY could ever be that pathetic.
Well, Rick Santorum is an obvious Tea Party candidate and he went from giving speeches in a room of one person to finishing 3rd in SC. And, if and when he drops out, his votes are most likely going to go to Newt. Tea Party is alive and well.

Really? What's your basis for calling frothy Santorum a "Tea Party" candidate? He's an earmark guy from way back and wants much more control over your PRIVATE life. How is that Tea Party exactly?
Well, partly the fact that he identified himself as a Tea party candidate in his speech in SC. :cool:
No, they have the far right...and the 1% who $support them.

The extreme far left is in this administration right now.
58% of the nation wants smaller government. I don't call that extreme far right.

If you think President Obama is "far left" then there is simply no hope for you at all. Dennis Kucinich is "far left". Bernie Sanders is "far left". Barack Obama is not "far left". On his best day he might be a pragmatic liberal.

Guess what? Most Americans want increased taxes on the rich and more regulations of the financial industry. How many republicans support that?

You are truly one of the most ignorant tools posting here. Even Obama supporters know that is the most radical far-left politician this country has EVER seen. Period. He is a die-hard Marxist. You know it. He knows it. America knows it. Claiming Dennis Kucinich is further left than Obama is as asinine as trying to claim that Cuba has been more successful economically than America over the past 100 years. You are lying out of your ass and you know it. Why do you waste time posting things you know are complete bullshit?

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