Zone1 So, no more introducing new mods, eh?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Or did I miss it? This new now a mod. How nice. Or is it? Is he/she a noob or someone with a new user name so folks don't have a cow with your choice?
Yeah, he asks questions of us; and so far, he doesn't yell.
I DO HAVE to admit that I HAVE never seen HIM YELL. As far AS MY own experiences, I WOULD say that MOST of the yelling might NOT be YELLING, but rather,
THE family cat JUMPING ON the computer TABLE and depressing the cap LOCKS KEY at random INTERVALS uNbeknownst to said MODERATOR
I DO HAVE to admit that I HAVE never seen HIM YELL. As far AS MY own experiences, I WOULD say that MOST of the yelling might NOT be YELLING, but rather,
THE family cat JUMPING ON the computer TABLE and depressing the cap LOCKS KEY at random INTERVALS uNbeknownst to said MODERATOR
They'll do it; cats sometimes post very hostile posts just to get their human into trouble, too. Especially if they've been drinking. Out of the toilet, that is.
I like both the new mods.
Havent had any interaction(i dont think) with zinc but have read some posts. They arent insane, so thats good.
Low standards, I know.. :lol:
I’ve been smacked by folks I would have expected to be more moderate. No pun intended. And I’ve been treated fairly by folks who might be expected to be more heavy handed.

And the big take away? Their job sucks. Not how well they do it. But what they are called upon to do. Herding cats. That’s what it comes down to.

And it all makes sense. Except for that whole Zone 1 absurdity. That’s just wicked dumb.
I’ve been smacked by folks I would have expected to be more moderate. No pun intended. And I’ve been treated fairly by folks who might be expected to be more heavy handed.

And the big take away? Their job sucks. Not how well they do it. But what they are called upon to do. Herding cats. That’s what it comes down to.

And it all makes sense. Except for that whole Zone 1 absurdity. That’s just wicked dumb.
Yup…it’s a hard job…

….here kitty kitty

I was just wondering why he was not introduced as a new mod. I saw the other one (white6? is his nic?) but just noticed Zinc.
No problems. Just askin'.

Nobody has ever introduced me as a mod




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Or did I miss it? This new now a mod. How nice. Or is it? Is he/she a noob or someone with a new user name so folks don't have a cow with your choice?
How does one become a mod in like 8 mos and 3k posts? Strong and resilient knees?
MisterBeale is a new mod! EXCELLENT choice! But no announcement. Why not?


I remember when you posted this thread. I laughed.

I had wanted to keep mum on the topic.

I had been approached, WAY back then, and asked. I told them, it really didn't interest me, but, I love this site, and I love all the people, from all the points of view, even the annoying lefties and the silly racists can teach us something about this nation .

. . . and b/c of my disability and financial position, I have never been able to give anything, so I did feel, well, a responsibility to help out, if they couldn't find anyone else that was better qualified, and more willing soooooooooooooooooooooo. . .

They could keep me in mind if they couldn't find anyone better. . . So yeah, I knew, even when you posted this thread, that it was a possibility, but I did not want to get your, er, hopes up. But, I like to think I am a fairly unbiased person, who doesn't let my POV affect my modding.

I was, actually, going to post in this thread, and give you notice, I looked for it, but I could not find it. Sorry. If I can't find something in a short amount of time, I go on to something else.

If you want to know who the staff is, at any particular time,? There is a link at top, that says members, then, it leads you to;


What it looks like on smart phones? NO idea.
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