So now Putin has threatened the world with nuclear war...

Whatever the axis powers are going to do (if that term was good enough for Germany and Japan its good enough for China and Russia) they are going to do it in the next 3 years. They know the time is NOW with the current leadership in America.

We need someone with a backbone to run for POTUS and win.
Remember in 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals voted, but he did nothing about it
The Old Soldier Doug MacArthur threatened China with nukes after he ordered American Troops into the biggest ambush in history in Korea. He was finally relieved of duty by Truman. JFK brought the U.S. to Devcon #2 the first and only time in history. It remains to be seen what the doddering old fool in the W.H. decides to do.

And the ignorant surrender monkeys running our nation will wag their fingers and promise to do something, and Putin will laugh and do whatever he wants because he knows our current leadership is feckless, ballless and absolutely cowardly. You can bet china is watching this with a huge Cheshire cat grin and that Xi has already given his orders about Taiwan. They know these fools in Washington will soon be replaced and will act long before that happens. Freedom means nothing to the socialists, in fact freedom is what the socialists in America want to take away from everyone. And how much do you want to bet that old man sanders can actually get an erection again as he watches his favorite country introduce Russian ideology to the free people of Ukraine through the barrel of a cannon. (*^^&Y%^*&^&**&
And Trump keeps running his fucking mouth. What a dumb mfr;
can a veto being overturned, yes or no? cone on fk head, can't answer the question? stop skating around it.
A UN Security Council veto?

Overturned by the US Congress?

Christ you are stupid
Just curious.

What do you suppose the appropriate response would be here?

Putin is clearly insane

No Putin is the only sane one.
Over 93% of the people in Donetsk and Crimean are Russian, and their ancestors lived in those regions as part of Russia for over 1000 years.
The principle of self determination demands they be freed from the oppression by the Ukraine and returned to Russia.
No Putin is the only sane one.
Over 93% of the people in Donetsk and Crimean are Russian, and their ancestors lived in those regions as part of Russia for over 1000 years.
The principle of self determination demands they be freed from the oppression by the Ukraine and returned to Russia.
Any doubt NOW that this creep is a Russian stooge?
You must be very young and full of wonderful idealism that the world is full of teddy bears, unicorns and rainbows. Putin is not going to stop with Ukraine, but by mush-mouthing and finger wagging and doing nothing, Putin is going to expand his offensive... The Ukrainians were a free people who want nothing to do with communism. We used to stand and defend freedom, now people like you have our government cowering like a tiny child who thinks the boogeyman is in the closet.

China is watching our cowardice and spineless reaction to Putin's war on freedom, and they will soon be murdering the Taiwanese to steal their freedom. But you won't care about them either. Hell, as along you can see little boys putting on fingernail polish and women murdering their babies, and the left forcing people out of their jobs because of a word they said 40 years ago at a party you are happy as a pig in the slop.

The Donetsk and Crimea were always historically part of Russia until a secret deal by Khrushchev gave them away in 1955.
The people of these provinces want to be returned to Russia, and that is their right.
Any doubt NOW that this creep is a Russian stooge?

You are just ignorant.
This fight is not over the whole Ukraine, but the regions with 94% Russian populations.
Do you believe in "self determination" for all populations, or not?
This is not a complicated issue.
The Russians are in the right on this one.
A UN Security Council veto?

Overturned by the US Congress?

Christ you are stupid
So you don’t know vetoes can be overturned too. You fkers prove your stupid all the time
can a veto being overturned, yes or no? cone on fk head, can't answer the question? stop skating around it.

No, a UN security council veto can not be over turned.
That is why I consider the UN security council illegal.
The US created it and gave itself illegal autocratic powers of ultimate veto.
The is a total hypocrite and liar, creating a UN charter making war illegal, but then constantly committing illegal acts of war almost constantly.

The correct answer is no. The UN Security Council Veto cannot be overturned.

Wow. This really should not need to be pointed out.
Hahaha that you believe that!! You’re the only one. You’re on an island
I notice this question gets asked multiple times but never gets answered. My guess is their hatred of Biden is all that matters here.

What would be a better response? One article I read suggested that the west, through multiple administrations, vastly underestimated Putin. Obama didn’t consider him a real threat, Bush found an unexpected ally in Putin when dealing with 9/11. Trump was more concerned with dismantling NATO and shifting more of the cost onto Europe. Biden, like the rest of the world, even Ukraine, did not believe Putin would invade. To Biden’s credit, one of his first initiatives was strengthening ties with Europe and NATO.
Trump tried to get NATO to pull their heads out of their asses and quit forcing us to pay for almost all of their defense, while they gave their money to Russia. that's a fact, but ignore the truth because you have been brainwashed to hate anyone wo is not a far left socialist rainbow warriors.

Now NATO is finally talking about increasing their defense budgets, 10 years too fucking late to make a difference.

Biden needs to stop proclaiming what he will not do, that's as bad as telling your enemy what you will do. Are you fools really that stupid? Because I think you are, totally and irredeemably stupid. meanwhile you seem very happy to watch the Ukrainians slowly get killed with no air cover and lack of ammunition and almost zero support... Of course since most of your ilk want communism in America you probably masturbate yourself to sleep overnight with the thought of Russia retaking eastern Europe.
Do you think I read every post here numbnut? Democrats are not and never have been socialists. From the alphabet people to the socialists and the anti-Semitics there are almost no real democrats left in Washington. If you think the left is not full of deviants then you yourself must be one. Now go have sex with your son since your ilk see's no problem with such disgusting filth.
Is any republicans reading this rubbish? Is that the type of image you want to project just because you hate democrats? Why don't you mob use some discipline on this hate filled jerk.
Report the dickhead. I did.

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