So now that republicans have full control, HOW will they address the following issues?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
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The GOP does not care about any of those issues.

They only care about:

1 - maintaining control of The White House, the Senate, the House Of Reps, and the US Supreme Court.

2 - getting re-elected.

3 - more tax cuts for the rich.

4 - higher Social Security payroll taxes.

This is what the GOP will focus their energies on.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)
Help illegals return home, shrink low-end labor supply, drive up low-end wages.
2) A weakening middle class
Drive up low end wages, make lower class into middle class, strengthen middle class.
3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).
Rein in Big Pharm lobbyists, trial lawyer lobbyists, insurance lobbyists
4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups
No plans. Trump supports raw sewage and toxic waste in the water supply.
5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).
Stop bombing Israel's neighbors, use dividend to fund massive infrastructure effort.
Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)
Help illegals return home, shrink low-end labor supply, drive up low-end wages.
2) A weakening middle class
Drive up low end wages, make lower class into middle class, strengthen middle class.
3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).
Rein in Big Pharm lobbyists, trial lawyer lobbyists, insurance lobbyists
4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups
No plans. Trump supports raw sewage and toxic waste in the water supply.
5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).
Stop bombing Israel's neighbors, use dividend to fund massive infrastructure effort.
Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
What a useless reply. Look, even if Trump somehow managed to deport all illegals, it wouldn't do jack shit to boost wages. Business owners aren't going to be like "well the illegals are gone. I guess I'll start paying a decent wage to my employees!"

Also, republicans in congress will do absolutely nothing to "reign in Big Pharma"
Actually business owners don't have a choice, the cost of labor is dictated solely by the market. As the illegals file out and open up positions to unemployed Americans, the availability of low cost (min wage) labor will quickly dry up - which will necessarily require businesses to pay more in order to compete for employees.

This effect is exampled perfectly in Alaska, we are constantly hurting for employees up here - to example we have been short on our police force for like 10 years despite paying them well enough to live in my city (wealthy military suburb. In fact, I've got 7 police officers on my street heh) There are /always/ jobs available up here and as a direct result of lack of employees the vast majority of positions pay around $10/h and often more than that simply attempting to lure in employees. See also:

10 an hour is not shit in alaska.....discuss the price of rent and fresh produce...etc and so forth
I doubt any of you dumb ass liberals are serious about these OP questions. But know this, America's only hope now is economic growth and that means bringing manufacturing back to America. We cannot tax our way out of trouble, even the rich don't have enough money to bail us out. $20 trillion in debt and over $100 trillion in promised government benefits they have no way of paying for.

Growth, aggressive growth and to do that the hundreds of thousands of pages of growth killing government regulations are going to have to be shredded. One of our greatest assets, energy will have to be unshackled from stifling environmental regulations and anti energy policy that was purely political. You libs will have to suck it up and deal with it.

Otherwise we'll continue this slow slide to financial collapse and when that day comes then you will know real financial pain and hardship. This will seem like the good old days in comparison.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.

austerity program
strollingbones Yea $10/h is for the kids because we still trend that those kinds of jobs are for learning.

Do note that with an average household income of $75k+ and presuming two working folks per, that means the average pay in Alaska is roughly $18/h (Though I would note that a lot of folks up here are "traditional" and mom [or dad] stay home to raise the kidos)

Reference - average pay for various jobs as per 2015 Wages for Alaska Statewide
2015/16 gives an average salary of $76k gross and the most frequent is $72k Alaska | 2015/16 Average Salary Survey
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1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.
If Obama had been a competent leader, there would be no need to ask these questions.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.

College educated Democrat's don't know shit from shinola.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.

Except the Democrats didn't give enough of a damn to address those issues.
You most certainly did not give a damn during the campaign.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.
If Obama had been a competent leader, there would be no need to ask these questions.
I agree, however the problem is that these things are only issues with the democrat voters when the republicans are in control.
the lowest wages will always be behind inflation. Thats just the way it works.
one good way to weaking the middle class is to raise minimum wage. It brings the middle class closer to poverty.
Making healtcare less affordable was the result of the democrats ACA, getting rid of the ACA will help in bringing cost back down.
Protecting our water supply from government would be a good start too.
democrats need childhood poverty, its what they run on each time, without it, they would have nothing.
our crumbling infrastructure might not be in as bad a shape if the democrats would stop stealing the road funds generated by the fuel tax in order to pay for their social programs.
again, getting rid of democrats is a great way to fix a few of these issues right away.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.

College educated Democrat's don't know shit from shinola.
There is massive power to be unleased in a liberal arts degree.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)
Help illegals return home, shrink low-end labor supply, drive up low-end wages.
2) A weakening middle class
Drive up low end wages, make lower class into middle class, strengthen middle class.
3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).
Rein in Big Pharm lobbyists, trial lawyer lobbyists, insurance lobbyists
4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups
No plans. Trump supports raw sewage and toxic waste in the water supply.
5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).
Stop bombing Israel's neighbors, use dividend to fund massive infrastructure effort.
Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
What a useless reply. Look, even if Trump somehow managed to deport all illegals, it wouldn't do jack shit to boost wages. Business owners aren't going to be like "well the illegals are gone. I guess I'll start paying a decent wage to my employees!"

Also, republicans in congress will do absolutely nothing to "reign in Big Pharma"

I thought it was funny, and you know the old saying. Many a true word is oft spoken in jest.

1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.

College educated Democrat's don't know shit from shinola.
There is massive power to be unleashed in a liberal arts degree.

There is but it's wasted on liberals.

1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
How did the democrats fix all of this when they had full control? why is any of this even a question?
what is this derp derp derp thing? is it something that signifies the person using it is mentally retarded? it certainly sounds that way.
Dont you be a pussy, you go ahead and explain, how about you explain how the EPA under your kenyan kings rule polluted the Animas river in Colorado? how about the oil spill in the gulf? didnt that happen under democrat control?
I think that by not having the democrats allowed to screw things up, things will get better. there is no better explanation.

College educated Democrat's don't know shit from shinola.

I often wondered what Shinola was.

Shinola – Official Site

I thought it was shoe polish.

But quite right.


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