So now that republicans have full control, HOW will they address the following issues?

1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)
Help illegals return home, shrink low-end labor supply, drive up low-end wages.
2) A weakening middle class
Drive up low end wages, make lower class into middle class, strengthen middle class.
3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).
Rein in Big Pharm lobbyists, trial lawyer lobbyists, insurance lobbyists
4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups
No plans. Trump supports raw sewage and toxic waste in the water supply.
5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).
Stop bombing Israel's neighbors, use dividend to fund massive infrastructure effort.
Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
What a useless reply. Look, even if Trump somehow managed to deport all illegals, it wouldn't do jack shit to boost wages. Business owners aren't going to be like "well the illegals are gone. I guess I'll start paying a decent wage to my employees!"

Also, republicans in congress will do absolutely nothing to "reign in Big Pharma"
I've come to believe that one of the prerequisites for being a Democrat is you have to be jaw-droppingly stupid concerning all things economic. A reasonably intelligent child knows that wages are not a simple function of the desires of business owners. If that were the case, the prevailing wage for all occupations would be one dollar per week. Nor is it a function of government policy. If that were the case, except for lobbying, there wouldn't be a job in the country that paid more than minimum wage. Wages are set by market forces (you may have heard of the term "job market").

One of Trump's stated goals is to help foreigners comply with our laws and return to their homes. Since the vast majority of those foreigners who have taken an American's job are on the low end of the wage scale, when they leave, there will be fewer workers competing for those jobs, i.e., the supply of workers will decrease. There is a concept familiar to non-Democrats called "supply and demand". This concept holds that, in general, as the supply of something decreases, its price increases. We call the price of labor "wages". So, as Trump implements the illegal population's removal, wages will rise for the people at the low end of the wage scale. (It's a very progressive policy, by the way, because while prices will go up some as low end wages rise, the increase in prices will impact those who consume the most and will be distributed throughout society, transferring wealth from the rich to the poor).

Another of Trump's stated goals is to "drain the swamp", clean out the lobbyists, something neither party has done.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.

Nice you admit that Obama did nothing to help these situations and it will take Republicans to do so.
the problem is that these things are only issues with the democrat voters when the republicans are in control.

Bingo. All issues are only issues when the republicans are in control. These are things people have to monitor year in and year out and it is not relevant who has control. More importantly, it isn't enough to just say fund it. You have to know where the money is going. You have to know all of the players involved and what their interests are and you have to be willing to look at it carefully and say this doesn't work because...
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.

Nice you admit that Obama did nothing to help these situations and it will take Republicans to do so.

You didn't read to the end.
Actually full time was 2080 hours a year and at 10 per hour, it would be 20,800 a year, gross. Full time use to mean 40 hours a week, and 2 wks paid vacation. Then it went to 35 , then it seemed to be 32. What is it now?

The Pubs will cut taxes, esp for the rich , but do not expect to see a US min wage increase, that will be left up to the states.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
I thought Big Ears resolved those issues.

1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
I thought Big Ears resolved those issues.


I see you didn't read to the end of article, don't deflect.
Only Americans working together can solve economic issues of jobs, poverty and wage disparity. I guess because I live (have lived) in the two dimensions of economic life I just shake my head and wonder. The wealthy live in a different world than most Americans, they live in an environment of privilege but fail to see it as that. The poor admire the rich, and go through life buying lottery tickets. Anyone read Vance's book? Or check out 'White Trash' for a more real view of life here in the promised land. Conservatives live in libertarian fantasy land and liberals live in fantasy rationality land. Neither exist. But having been on this site for years now I've come to think maybe the Twilight zone is a better metaphor, everything is repeated repeated repeated. A few posts on unions below, there is no proper place to start a dialogue as no one listens anyway.

See this:
One Example of American Workers Growing Despair; We Need OUR Jobs to Stay Here!

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

What About The Unions?

The demonization of unions through corporate money and propaganda is a story of the decline of the middle class. When you don't defend each other soon you lose. When you can turn people against each other you control them. An excellent history below for the interested reader.

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed." Clarence Darrow

"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism." Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan: Kim Phillips-Fein: 9780393059304: Books

American unions
Unions are (basically) Evil

Poverty Jobs

*poverty myths ' In 2012, total welfare funding was 0.47 percent of the federal budget'
10 poverty myths, busted

'So why don't the unemployed/underemployed simply find better jobs?'
9 questions about poverty, answered
The pubs will pass the definition of a work week as 40 and change the ACA to read 40 instead of 30. Work less than 40 no employer offered insurance package.
H.R.30 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Save American Workers Act of 2015

I am quite sure Pres. Elect Trump will sign it, and I do hope many of you who voted the way you did will be affected.

Healthcare for all, I say, no matter what, prevention is the key, not treatment. What good is work if one does not have healthcare. A persons health is the most imp. thing a person has. Healthy people do not go to see their doctors for the heck of it.
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

2) A weakening middle class

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
I thought Big Ears resolved those issues.

Yeah, what exactly DID he do, anyway (besides double the debt)?
How will Republicans address the following issues?

1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers) Cut taxes

2) A weakening middle class Cut taxes

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare). Cut taxes

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups Cut taxes

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations Cut taxes

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue). Cut taxes
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to decrease OT eligibility for 20 million workers)
Help illegals return home, shrink low-end labor supply, drive up low-end wages.
2) A weakening middle class
Drive up low end wages, make lower class into middle class, strengthen middle class.
3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).
Rein in Big Pharm lobbyists, trial lawyer lobbyists, insurance lobbyists
4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups
No plans. Trump supports raw sewage and toxic waste in the water supply.
5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).
Stop bombing Israel's neighbors, use dividend to fund massive infrastructure effort.
Don't even bother deflecting to "well the democrats derp, derp, derp!". Explain why having republicans in office is better. Don't be pussies about this.
What a useless reply. Look, even if Trump somehow managed to deport all illegals, it wouldn't do jack shit to boost wages. Business owners aren't going to be like "well the illegals are gone. I guess I'll start paying a decent wage to my employees!"

Also, republicans in congress will do absolutely nothing to "reign in Big Pharma"

You really dont understand the concept of supply and demand?
None of those issues were problems in the 1990s when government spending was 25% of GDP. They are problems now with government spending at 50% of GDP. Cut spending in half, and we'll be fine.
None of those issues were problems in the 1990s when government spending was 25% of GDP. They are problems now with government spending at 50% of GDP. Cut spending in half, and we'll be fine.

More praying at the alter of Trickle Down
1) Wages in the lower classes being behind on inflation (hint: Trump wants to eliminate OT eligibility for 20 million workers)

Unemployment and food stamps were the twin engines driving the Obama economy, Trump will let the free market bring back real work

2) A weakening middle class

See 1 Above. Also "The Middle class have been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012

3) Making healthcare more affordable for the poor (hint: people in poverty still couldn't afford it prior to ObamaCare).

Competition will cause Premium prices to plummet, the exact opposite of government run health insurance

4) Protecting our water supply from corporate fuck ups

Don't vote Democrat, Dems ran Flint, they fucked it up

5) Childhood poverty ranking among the worse of developed nations

Don't vote Democrat

6) Our crumbling infrastructure (hint: republicans in congress don't give a shit about this issue).

Trump will spend $1 Trillion making America Great

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