So now that that we know Russia has blatantly violated a treaty, can we agree Trump is pawn?

"only 40 percent of Americans approve of the job the president has done in office so far"
This is a poll question asking how his job APR is so far. Without a full cabinet in place thanks to the slimy democrats it will be tough going for a while. Rasmussen was the most accurate poll during the election season and they have his "over all" APR at 53% So you will forgive us if we don't buy the medias BS poll of the day.

"only 40 percent of Americans approve of the job the president has done in office so far"
This is a poll question asking how his job APR is so far. Without a full cabinet in place thanks to the slimy democrats it will be tough going for a while. Rasmussen was the most accurate poll during the election season and they have his "over all" APR at 53% So you will forgive us if we don't buy the medias BS poll of the day.

Yet a huge outlier.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Russia secretly deployed nuclear cruise missiles that violate a treaty with the US

Even if cons want to remain in denial about Trump's obvious connections to Russia, can they st least admit Putin sees Trump as a weak piece of shit he can walk over?

Cons will of course insist this violation isn't about Trump, but they are of course hypocrites because they blamed every Russian provacation under Obama on Obama.

When will the RW admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Alex Lockie? And he is????? And I should weigh his opinion because of? I would obliterate him in a debate. I have challenged him to one either on line or in person...let's see if the butthurt pussy responds.

Now, with that being said? Why did the Barrypuppet back the illegal coup d'etat of the Ukraine sponsored by George Soros? Why do leftards always ignore this very salient fact? Why do they ignore that the people of Crimea that are mostly of Russian heritage voted to take their chances with Russia instead of the international bankers and their pet project "the E.U"????

The problem with leftards is that they are woefully uninformed and it's fucking sad to witness. Russia is trying to rebuild after the communist regime was taken down and the resources of the Russian people were raped, pillaged and plundered by the western banking oligarchs that financed the commie regime to begin with starting with the Bolshevik revolution. They nurtered it, funded it even at the expense of Americans to profit the military....much like they profited when they funded the rise of Hitler, picked over the carcass and then used the Vatican ratlines to scrub the backgrounds of high ranking Nazis under "Operation Paperclip". There hasn't been a thing that Trump has done that leads me to believe that he isn't legit. When he does"toe the line" of the global elites? I will be posting alllll about it.....but WTF, he hasn't even been in office a month and the leftard clown posse and the lamestream media are losing their minds...protesters making asses of themselves...all George Soros NGO funded.

Bring it, have got nothing......
Hilarious you suck Russia's cock and lie that the millions who demonstrated in all 50 states and 32 countries were paid to be there.
I attended two demonstrations and didn't receive a penny. Nor would I take it.
Putin is amurderous thug who makes his political opponents DISAPPEAR into the night just like you'd wish Trump could get away with.
You got caught in a lie and now you double down with more stupidity.
Typical wingnut deplorable.
His approval rating is dropping like a stone.
I produced facts. You produced a silly icon. You're an idiot.

Rasmusen has him at 53%.

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™
Using Rasmussen for polling is equivalent to using Breitbart for news..
He has a 41% approval rating.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

Then you could use the average of all the the polls which is 44.9, Gallup as usual is an outlier.
Russia secretly deployed nuclear cruise missiles that violate a treaty with the US

Even if cons want to remain in denial about Trump's obvious connections to Russia, can they st least admit Putin sees Trump as a weak piece of shit he can walk over?

Cons will of course insist this violation isn't about Trump, but they are of course hypocrites because they blamed every Russian provacation under Obama on Obama.

When will the RW admit they were wrong about Trump all along?
Iran and NK violated their agreements, yet you were silent. What do you think Trump should do, nuke them?
t's weird. Republicans admire Russia and really admire Vladimir Putin and yet want to pretend this president is not connected to Russia.
We have a huge challenge ahead of us in regards to global terrorism. It's not just going to go away. It must be defeated. Working with a nation like Russia is an asset. We worked with Stalin during a time of war so I don't think working with Putin is such a bad thing.
The question you need to ask yourself is why are the democrats aligning themselves with hawks like McCain and Graham? Why do the democrats want another cold war?
Sad to say that Graham and McCain are one of the very few sane republicans left and not afraid to standup to Trump's chronic lying and toxic policies. The rest ofthe GOP has even stopped using lube as they been fucked in the ass.
And if you think Russia is going to help the US fight ISIS you have no idea how they've done just the opposite and is working hard to destabilize Syria.
And if you think " terrorism can be defeated" you got more screws loose in your head than trump who just said last night that he was " going to stop crime in America."
Those are the words of someone who has no idea what he's talking about.
Stop crime in America. This guy is not well and you believe all the bullshit that comes out of his mouth.
Lol. The Dems and McCain built and funded ISIS. What are you babbling about? Obama destabilized multiple countries and then left the mess for others to clean up.

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