So Now the Leftwing Goofballs are Rewriting History claiming no Whites Have Ever Been Slaves


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.
I see you didn't have any luck peddling your revisionist history on Kos.

So, precisely who are these BLM people that say nobody except blacks have ever been enslaved?
I see you didn't have any luck peddling your revisionist history on Kos.

So, precisely who are these BLM people that say nobody except blacks have ever been enslaved?

I guess these people forgot when Charlton Heston requested that Yul Brynner "Let My People go" out of bondage

This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.
Since every major civilization in history had slaves, I'm guessing all races did, too.
But that Irish thing? That's bullshit. They were indentured servants. That's why they didn't call them slaves.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.
Since every major civilization in history had slaves, I'm guessing all races did, too.
But that Irish thing? That's bullshit. They were indentured servants. That's why they didn't call them slaves.

Poland under Casimir the Great abolished Slavery in 1347. I don't think that many of slaves came from Africa, the black population in Poland to this day is pretty low.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
So did the Native Americans. But they were assimilated into the tribe in time, usually in a few years. It wasn't a perpetual state for the slave and all their offspring as it became in the South.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?

Remember that it is the Republican Party that has always been against Slavery and always will be. Not the D's.

And also, remember that Obama was not only descended from Slave Owners, but his signature program, O'care, was determined to be essentially the same as Slavery. Slaves didn't have a choice about their health care at all,and whether they like their doctor or not , they didn't have an option to keep him it was up to the bureaucracy/slave masters.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?

Remember that it is the Republican Party that has always been against Slavery and always will be. Not the D's.

And also, remember that Obama was not only descended from Slave Owners, but his signature program, O'care, was determined to be essentially the same as Slavery. Slaves didn't have a choice about their health care at all,and whether they like their doctor or not , they didn't have an option to keep him it was up to the bureaucracy/slave masters.
What a load, Repubs fully supported a separate but equal social establishment in the US for seventy years. Trump has one black cabinet member, congrats they finally got one...
Repubs passed the 13th Amendment which still allows slavery to exist in the US.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?

Remember that it is the Republican Party that has always been against Slavery and always will be. Not the D's.

And also, remember that Obama was not only descended from Slave Owners, but his signature program, O'care, was determined to be essentially the same as Slavery. Slaves didn't have a choice about their health care at all,and whether they like their doctor or not , they didn't have an option to keep him it was up to the bureaucracy/slave masters.
What a load, Repubs fully supported a separate but equal social establishment in the US for seventy years. Trump has one black cabinet member, congrats they finally got one...
Repubs passed the 13th Amendment which still allows slavery to exist in the US.

The 13th Amendment, passed without liberal help, was crystal clear in its prohibition against Slavery

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Plessy v Ferguson , the case which established Separate but Equal, was decided by the Far Left Fuller Court, the Chief Justice being an appointee of ultra leftist Grover Cleveland. The case dealt with the law from the then Far Left state of Louisiana.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?

Remember that it is the Republican Party that has always been against Slavery and always will be. Not the D's.

And also, remember that Obama was not only descended from Slave Owners, but his signature program, O'care, was determined to be essentially the same as Slavery. Slaves didn't have a choice about their health care at all,and whether they like their doctor or not , they didn't have an option to keep him it was up to the bureaucracy/slave masters.
What a load, Repubs fully supported a separate but equal social establishment in the US for seventy years. Trump has one black cabinet member, congrats they finally got one...
Repubs passed the 13th Amendment which still allows slavery to exist in the US.

The 13th Amendment, passed without liberal help, was crystal clear in its prohibition against Slavery

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Plessy v Ferguson , the case which established Separate but Equal, was decided by the Far Left Fuller Court, the Chief Justice being an appointee of ultra leftist Grover Cleveland. The case dealt with the law from the then Far Left state of Louisiana.
Slavery is prohibited? No it is not. Try reading the amendment and find out the exception to the rule.
This controversy over whether the Irish slaves SOLD by force to sugar plantations in the Caribbean were actually slaves or only mere Indentured Servants is heating up along with the rise to prominence of BLM.

It is as thought these revisionists want to pretend that blacks were the only slaves in history. The fact is when you are SOLD against your will for an open ended period of time, and FORCED to labor for nothing, you are in some kind of slave bondage. In the case of penal labor this is punishment, and in the case of debt slaves, it is in effects still slavery.

But here we have Fakebook sensoring discussion of this issue.

Here it is presented inWikipedo

Here is the old link taken down by DailyKos for BLM new narrative of only blacks have been slaves.

The Truth about Arab slavery, which includes whites from Europe.

The historical record is clear; white have been enslaved and share that common bond with African Americans.

But the Oligarchs have to keep us divided so we dont team together and put these bastards in their place.

What a joke. There have been slaves throughout history. Britain had them during ancient times as did Rome. The lefty loons sure are stupid.
Yet no matter the time period it was wrong to enslave other humans..Do you want to allow slavery to exist in the US now?

Remember that it is the Republican Party that has always been against Slavery and always will be. Not the D's.

And also, remember that Obama was not only descended from Slave Owners, but his signature program, O'care, was determined to be essentially the same as Slavery. Slaves didn't have a choice about their health care at all,and whether they like their doctor or not , they didn't have an option to keep him it was up to the bureaucracy/slave masters.
What a load, Repubs fully supported a separate but equal social establishment in the US for seventy years. Trump has one black cabinet member, congrats they finally got one...
Repubs passed the 13th Amendment which still allows slavery to exist in the US.

The 13th Amendment, passed without liberal help, was crystal clear in its prohibition against Slavery

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Plessy v Ferguson , the case which established Separate but Equal, was decided by the Far Left Fuller Court, the Chief Justice being an appointee of ultra leftist Grover Cleveland. The case dealt with the law from the then Far Left state of Louisiana.
What made Grover Cleveland a leftist? What is a leftist specifically?
Poland under Casimir the Great abolished Slavery in 1347.
Awesome! Imagine what the world would be like now if everyone had followed his example!
Had those that claimed to be a christian had followed God's word they would have never practiced slavery ever.
Not to get off track, but I didn't know God was opposed to slavery. He chose Abraham. Abraham had plenty of slaves. Did he change his mind when the Jews were enslaved in Egypt?

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