So obama @23 Americans died from an act of war..

I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

So, you would side with the Russians in the case of a conflict between Russia and the US. Nice to know what kind of citizen you are.:cuckoo:
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

Wow, Rootin for Putin. What kind of fucking putz says shit like that?. :dev3:

Yep! Funny how such comments can be decided just because someone has an (R) of a (D) next to their name. If this happened under an (R) president you would not be saying such things, nor would the far left, your side would saying "It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change." But then again many of the far left still think Bush is president..

And you are a lying bastard. Never read a single comment from a liberal saying that they would back a Russian President invading this nation during Bush's terms. But I have read several by 'Conservatives' stating that they would back Putin were he to try to invade the US. Seems you have a strong streak of traitor, as well as yellow, up your spines.
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

So, you would side with the Russians in the case of a conflict between Russia and the US. Nice to know what kind of citizen you are.:cuckoo:

I'm a citizen of America not obama. Sometimes nations get evil leaders. Decent citizens do not support evil leaders nor the nation itself when it becomes evil.
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

So, you would side with the Russians in the case of a conflict between Russia and the US. Nice to know what kind of citizen you are.:cuckoo:

One that adores the KGB agent now running Russia.
Wow, Rootin for Putin. What kind of fucking putz says shit like that?. :dev3:

Yep! Funny how such comments can be decided just because someone has an (R) of a (D) next to their name. If this happened under an (R) president you would not be saying such things, nor would the far left, your side would saying "It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change." But then again many of the far left still think Bush is president..

And you are a lying bastard. Never read a single comment from a liberal saying that they would back a Russian President invading this nation during Bush's terms. But I have read several by 'Conservatives' stating that they would back Putin were he to try to invade the US. Seems you have a strong streak of traitor, as well as yellow, up your spines.

So you admit to reading nothing but far left propaganda blog sites for all your debunked information. Then again you are good are misrepresenting what was originally posted..

It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change

How the far left Obama drones attack with their propaganda bombs and miss by light years..
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

So, you would side with the Russians in the case of a conflict between Russia and the US. Nice to know what kind of citizen you are.:cuckoo:

One that adores the KGB agent now running Russia.

The far left actually adores him, but will not openly admit to it as they would defeat all their propaganda and talking points about the (R)'s and Putin..
Posting these before Wrongpublican warhawks wind up getting us into another war we can't afford. I know that President Obama will resist it, though. He is a pyrsyn of peace and diplomacy, not piggish warfare and senseless violence.

On the afternoon of 7 May, Lusitania was torpedoed by a German U-Boat, 11 mi (18 km) off the southern coast of Ireland and inside the declared "zone of war". A second internal explosion sent her to the bottom in 18 minutes.

In firing on a non-military ship without warning, the Germans had breached the international laws known as the Cruiser Rules. Although the Germans had reasons for treating Lusitania as a naval vessel, including that the ship was carrying war munitions and that the British had also been breaching the Cruiser Rules,[4][5][6][7][8] the sinking caused a storm of protest in the United States, as 128 Americans were among the dead. It also influenced the decision by the US to declare war in 1917.

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

But what about your bff The Pootin????
what will you do??? Nothing.

Serious repercusions are needed but maybe find out who did it first?

Or are you a "fuck the judge and the jury and go straight to the exectution" kinda guy?

Putin is the preferred world leader in a poll on this site, and Putin has already stated that if Russian separatists shot down the passenger plane, it is the fault of Ukraine. His supporters who post here are applauding his "courage" right now.
You forgot to add the word "please" to your hashtag. . :cool:

No, we have to be tough on these jerks. :mad:

That will show them who's boss......

Putin has many US supporters, he won a poll on this board over Obama & McCain, we can expect approval from his followers should Russian extremists be involved; I doubt Russia had a direct hand, Putin isn't t stupid, his KGB years trained him. He is more popular with those who post here than the US President AND a long term Senator who has this country as a POW in war, and in Congress.
I wish he would use this as an excuse to declare war on Russia. It would give Russia a great excuse for American regime change. obama has to have a clue that most Americans wouldn't exactly be on his side.

obama will do nothing because the plane was shot down by his nazi buddies in Kiev. It was not deliberately shot down by Russia.

Obama derangement syndrome has rendered your post idiotic and all over the map. Care to try again?
You forgot to add the word "please" to your hashtag. . :cool:

No, we have to be tough on these jerks. :mad:

That will show them who's boss......

Putin has many US supporters, he won a poll on this board over Obama & McCain, we can expect approval from his followers should Russian extremists be involved; I doubt Russia had a direct hand, Putin isn't t stupid, his KGB years trained him. He is more popular with those who post here than the US President AND a long term Senator who has this country as a POW in war, and in Congress.

Putin has many US supporters, he won a poll on this board over Obama & McCain,
would you please post a link to that poll.., i somehow missed it...., thank you. :up:

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