So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

I'm sure they are hoping for the magic money fairy to show up and cure all of thier ills.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

I'm sure they are hoping for the magic money fairy to show up and cure all of thier ills.

Of course. Just tax the rich and wait for Obama to open up his stash.
Layoffs. Easy call. Nobody want to raise taxes, and they can't even get close doing that anyway. Well, except for the dems, who think raising taxes fixes everything.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

lay them all off.....
Ever been to Cleveland? That's what democrats will do to the entire state of Ohio and then they will blame banks and Wall Street and everything but socialism.
I have no idea what Ohio will do, but I think you are missing something in your assumptions. In the medium term, you can't pay people less and get the same quality. Paying teachers and police the same (I say the same and not more since this bill just keeps the pre-Kasich status quo) will lead to better teaching and policing than if you cut their pay. Better schools and lower crime are important factors in attracting new residents and businesses. In an extreme example, the population in Detroit has fallen precipitously even as the cost of living has dropped sharply.

And I don't think it's fair to the voters to suggest that they don't understand your argument. I'm sure that as Kasich and his allies campaigned publicly for their law they made it perfectly clear that unionization didn't lead to free money. That a strong majority of the voters of Ohio chose a different path than the one you favor indicates a difference in values more than a difference in knowledge level.
I have no idea what Ohio will do, but I think you are missing something in your assumptions. In the medium term, you can't pay people less and get the same quality. Paying teachers and police the same (I say the same and not more since this bill just keeps the pre-Kasich status quo) will lead to better teaching and policing than if you cut their pay. Better schools and lower crime are important factors in attracting new residents and businesses. In an extreme example, the population in Detroit has fallen precipitously even as the cost of living has dropped sharply.

And I don't think it's fair to the voters to suggest that they don't understand your argument. I'm sure that as Kasich and his allies campaigned publicly for their law they made it perfectly clear that unionization didn't lead to free money. That a strong majority of the voters of Ohio chose a different path than the one you favor indicates a difference in values more than a difference in knowledge level.

But the money simply is NOT there. Period. They either lower compensation, layoff workers or raise taxes on companies and wealthy individuals. 2 of the 3 causes the loss of jobs in Ohio. Ohio's governor went with the 1 out of 3 that did not cost jobs. And Ohioans voted it down.

Simple math really. 3 options. 2 cause job loss. 1 doesn't. The gov't passed 1. The union workers voted it down today.

Buckle up. Option 2 and 3 are gonna suck. But they asked for it.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

I hope its layoffs.
I have no idea what Ohio will do, but I think you are missing something in your assumptions. In the medium term, you can't pay people less and get the same quality. Paying teachers and police the same (I say the same and not more since this bill just keeps the pre-Kasich status quo) will lead to better teaching and policing than if you cut their pay. Better schools and lower crime are important factors in attracting new residents and businesses. In an extreme example, the population in Detroit has fallen precipitously even as the cost of living has dropped sharply.

And I don't think it's fair to the voters to suggest that they don't understand your argument. I'm sure that as Kasich and his allies campaigned publicly for their law they made it perfectly clear that unionization didn't lead to free money. That a strong majority of the voters of Ohio chose a different path than the one you favor indicates a difference in values more than a difference in knowledge level.

I don't know about that. There are quite a few qualified, motivated unemployed people who will take less pay than the current public employees if those people decide a pay cut isn't worth their time and effort.
I'm guessing layoffs because I don't see Ohioans accepting higher taxes. I mean, they're not Illinois.

I hope we get follow-ups on how Ohio fares in the aftermath of this vote.
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?
I'm guessing layoffs because I don't see Ohioans accepting higher taxes. I mean, they're not Illinois.

I hope we get follow-ups on how Ohio fares in the aftermath of this vote.

I'm also going with layoffs. It will fit in better with the soon to arrive increasing migration out of this State. (I've made it as far South as Cincinnati)
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?

Because Ohio voters said they should.

Now let's see how they pay for it. This will be interesting.
And watch....left wingers will demonize Ohio politicians for doing layoffs that they themselves caused by voting down the only fair solution.
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?

That's easy...the public unions used the main stream media to convince the voters that taking away collective bargaining to public unions was an attempt to bust up the unions even though even an iconic liberal like FDR was staunchly opposed to public unions having collective bargaining. It wasn't a union busting was a move to rein in public sector union abuse of the taxpayers.
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?

Their amazing productivity, work ethic and oh crap who am I kidding. :cuckoo:

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