So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?

So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?


It merely means state employees have their rights back with regard to disciplinary actions and firings. It means they may avail themselves of employment due process.

Nothing more.
Yes lets get it so that everyone is down to $5 per hour. We already have a corporate plutocracy in this country. Might as well totally eliminate the middle class.

That seems to be the answer these days. Cut everyone's pay and then expect that the economy will improve because ten percent of the country is getting richer.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

Yeah--that's what happens in states with balanced budget amendments--if public unions go crazy-ivan--in the end it is the private sector that suffers--because the state or locality has to lay off police--firemen and teachers to meet the requirements of the budget and those union demands.
So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?


It merely means state employees have their rights back with regard to disciplinary actions and firings. It means they may avail themselves of employment due process.

Nothing more.

Which means unions can make threats to avoid discipline or termination of their members, aka, the lazy, spoiled moody workers who want 100K for doing a half ass job. Which means less productivity.
Why do repubs cry "the unions pay more than the private sector" while screaming "Class Warfare"!

Ironic much?
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?

This has been found to be untrue.

I love this notion that conservatives have. That we are a rich nation because we have rich people.

And that's bullshit. We are a rich nation because we have people who are productive. And if they aren't sharing in that prosperity..there is a problem.
So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?


It merely means state employees have their rights back with regard to disciplinary actions and firings. It means they may avail themselves of employment due process.

Nothing more.

Which means unions can make threats to avoid discipline or termination of their members, aka, the lazy, spoiled moody workers who want 100K for doing a half ass job. Which means less productivity.

We had several hundred 'lazy, spoiled, moody workers' rush into the twin towers at 9/11.

Good to see you feel that way.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.


It's easier to lay people off than raise taxes for the increase in costs.

so when people bitch about the layoffs, the tax raise will go through, with cheering. The poor will be hit the hardest, of course, but who gives a damn about them.

It merely means state employees have their rights back with regard to disciplinary actions and firings. It means they may avail themselves of employment due process.

Nothing more.

Which means unions can make threats to avoid discipline or termination of their members, aka, the lazy, spoiled moody workers who want 100K for doing a half ass job. Which means less productivity.

We had several hundred 'lazy, spoiled, moody workers' rush into the twin towers at 9/11.

Good to see you feel that way.

Hyperbole much?
All of the budget cuts and austerity measures proposed in both Ohio and Wisconsin had already been agreed to by the unions. These union-busting measures had absolutely nothing to do with the state budget, and would have done nothing to curb state spending. The OP is disingenuous.
Which means unions can make threats to avoid discipline or termination of their members, aka, the lazy, spoiled moody workers who want 100K for doing a half ass job. Which means less productivity.

We had several hundred 'lazy, spoiled, moody workers' rush into the twin towers at 9/11.

Good to see you feel that way.

Hyperbole much?

Not hyperbole.

Those people were Union members.
So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?


It merely means state employees have their rights back with regard to disciplinary actions and firings. It means they may avail themselves of employment due process.

Nothing more.

That is part of the problem. From my view of a public agency (I work as a consultant for one) the biggest problem is that you can't get rid of worthless workers due to the union rules. It is easier just to shuffle an unproductive person to a desk job or somehwhere they cant do any damage, then either use overtime or new workers to ge thier work done, than to go through the often elaborte disiplinary procedures to get rid of the person.

A typical union contract here of say 20 pages often dedicates at least 1/2 of them to the disiplinary dispute issues, invovlving so many levels and appeals it is often not worth doing.

In private industry if you dont do your job, you get fired. In the public sector, you get to fight it for years, and often the agency in charge gives up.
We had several hundred 'lazy, spoiled, moody workers' rush into the twin towers at 9/11.

Good to see you feel that way.

Hyperbole much?

Not hyperbole.

Those people were Union members.

Unions tend to protect the lazy worker.....and sadly, at the expense of the hard worker.

Use ALL of your personal and sick days and you get the same exact raise as the guy that used none of them.

An inch of snow prevents you from coming in and you strill get the same raise as the guy that found a way to get in when there were 2 feet of snow.

Do you see that as fair to the guy with the better work ethic?
We had several hundred 'lazy, spoiled, moody workers' rush into the twin towers at 9/11.

Good to see you feel that way.

Hyperbole much?

Not hyperbole.

Those people were Union members.

Yeah, it is.

They did the job they are paid to do. They did it exceptionally well and with little thought for themselves.

There's a VAST difference between them and the slugs that do their first 6 months by the book, and then can't be bothered for the next 19.5 years.

Comparing a horrendous teacher, that can't be fired cuz it's got tenure to the first responders is fucked up at best.
Kasich told the folks last night local governments can't expect bailouts from the state. It's broke.

This should be fun.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

didn't they just raise taxes by 60%? I predict layoffs.
Will somebody please tell me why the blue blazes fuck public unions should have collective bargaining rights with the very same politicians who decide their contracts? At a time when their compensation and benefits far outstrip what the private sector gets?

The taxpayers should have collective bargaining rights too.
Most States are broke and are trying to balance their budgets. Public Unions have shown no effort to help. Their greed knows no bounds. They forgot they work for the Taxpayers a long time ago. The People of Ohio blew this one for sure.

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