So Otraitor Plans To Instsitute Racial Quotas For Every Neighborhood In The US -

ROFL at those saying, "so what" - sheesh. I'm glad there are fewer of you than us. This is about moving people around, based on race, to diversify neighborhoods that in the estimation of the Oliar regime, are too white. The report is real. The effort is real. Ozero himself has spoken of it in terms of remaking of neighborhoods based on racial quotas. Ignoring it, attacking the source (ultimately the Oracist gang), attacking me, will not change those facts.

Megyn Kelly Unloads on Obama over Plans to Regulate the Diversity of Neighborhoods
so you're just worried that a black guy is going to live near you, is that it?

using available data to allocate funds where they are better spent isn't a bad idea. knowledge isn't the enemy, 'conservatives'
Your premises are real out of whack. So that's where SS funds, gas tax funds…etc go...
ROFL at those saying, "so what" - sheesh. I'm glad there are fewer of you than us. This is about moving people around, based on race, to diversify neighborhoods that in the estimation of the Oliar regime, are too white. The report is real. The effort is real. Ozero himself has spoken of it in terms of remaking of neighborhoods based on racial quotas. Ignoring it, attacking the source (ultimately the Oracist gang), attacking me, will not change those facts.

Megyn Kelly Unloads on Obama over Plans to Regulate the Diversity of Neighborhoods
so you're just worried that a black guy is going to live near you, is that it?

using available data to allocate funds where they are better spent isn't a bad idea. knowledge isn't the enemy, 'conservatives'
Your premises are real out of whack. So that's where SS funds, gas tax funds…etc go...
hud funds. this is about the allocation of hud funds. there might be some transportation funds tied in there too, but social security? no.
The USSC upheld the idea that statistical variations can equal intent to discriminate. The Administration is pushing to get low income (read "Black") housing in Westchester Co in NY. The intent is to dilute middle class white votes with welfare class black votes.

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