So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farmā€”something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigansā€”and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carterā€™s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farmā€”something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigansā€”and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carterā€™s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.
Can't keep up with all these merchandise and business protests anymore. People have lost their minds. I mean it.

I have never felt the need to boycott anything over politics. It's petty.
Is this a boycott? Seems to be a business decision because the stuff is not selling. Too many customers don't like the Trump name.

Not sure if it is an organized boycott or not, but I'm sure politics have something to do with it.
Why wait?? Impeach the pos
Trumpā€™s tweet ā€” which was retweeted by the official @POTUS account ā€” represents his latest attempt to use the power of the presidency to benefit his familyā€™s b...

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Trump uses power of the presidency to shill for Ivankaā€™s merchandise
Trump took to Twitter to attack Nordstrom for dropping his daughterā€™s products.
Unethical...but get used to it.

  • Are you advocating indifference toward blatantly unethical behavior -- behavior aimed at personal familial gain -- by a President of the United States?
  • Do you not take objection to that sort of behavior by a President?
  • For what other individuals or categories of individuals are you so glib toward unethical conduct?
I don't know why it's unethical. It was a personal opinion by a protective daddy about a retailer that had its stock jump 4 points after his tweet.
Do you REALLY think people will stop giving Nordstrom their business because of this tweet? I don't think it was even intended that way. He's just grumbling about a personal issue. It might not be "Presidential" but we should be used to that by now. I agree with Bodeca that we need to get used to it, but I disagree it was "unethical." That is giving far too much gravitas to the situation.
Donald should spend more time working with Congress on a Obamacare replacement and less time tweeting about his daughters tacky line of clothing
Oh for heaven's sake. It must have taken him all of 30 seconds to compose that tweet. Please.
The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farmā€”something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigansā€”and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carterā€™s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
Has anyone read the letter Nordstrom wrote then let her line go? I think it more than shows a link between their hatred for Trumps policies and are taking it out on his daughter

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Personally, business is business. PR is one thing, but going political usually does more harm to a business than good. Nordstrom's isn't Walmart; their clientele are well heeled and most well-heeled people are conservatives. The only exceptions being Limousine Liberls, but they are the elite of Democrats, not the most common members.
Wow that is a lot of hate. FROM YOU. Expected though. His name is not on her business.

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There's a reason 18 retailors aren't
...carrying Ivanka's overpriced, foreign made garbage. The Trumpeters just aren't buying. If the Trumpeters truly cared about whether the Trump children have fois gras on the table and they can pay their Bvlgari bills, they would be flocking to the Ivanka's departments in those retail stores.
The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farmā€”something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigansā€”and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carterā€™s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Wow that is a lot of hate. FROM YOU. Expected though. His name is not on her business.

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There's a reason 18 retailors aren't
...carrying Ivanka's overpriced, foreign made garbage. The Trumpeters just aren't buying. If the Trumpeters truly cared about whether the Trump children have fois gras on the table and they can pay their Bvlgari bills, they would be flocking to the Ivanka's departments in those retail stores.
Or maybe some women don't shop with politics in mind. They are not ALL liberals.
I am burning my Nordstram's dress shirts today, and heretofore I shall only buy English

Charles Tyrwhitt for Men's Dress Shirts, Suits, Ties, Shoes & Accessories
Neven been in one, likely never will.
Oh the Nordstrom's store line was very nice. Rather heavy weight and very soft. Back in my ironing days. But, I'm going non-American made now. All Hail Trump!
Thanks for the info, but my shopping needs are usually met by Sportsman's Guide, Bulk Ammo, Midway USA and Amazon. :)
My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farmā€”something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigansā€”and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carterā€™s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
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