So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?

You know, if my daughter made her own brand of widget, and contracted out to stores to sell her widgets, well............if the store said that her widgets weren't selling like they expected, I would expect the store to drop my daughter's widgets because they weren't profitable for the store.

I damn sure wouldn't bitch about it. THIS how "successful businessmen" act? They bitch and moan, hoping that they get their way?
Kellyanne "pitching" Ivanka's products was clearly a breach, too.
Absolutely a breach of the Constitution. Where are all those Trumpets now when they claimed Obama was destroying the Constitution now that Trump is directly violating the Constitution the moment he was sworn in and two weeks later.
Cat got your tongue?
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?
No one is coming after anyone. Her clothing line was too expensive and wasn't selling. Maybe you don't believe in capitalism.
What a mentally ill shit gibbon

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to complain that his daughter Ivanka has been "treated so unfairly" by the Nordstrom (JWN) department store chain, which has announced it will no longer carry her fashion line.

Trump blasts Nordstrom after it dumps Ivanka's fashion line

So what? Did he demand an anti-trust investigation? Did he ask the IRS to target them? Did he use his office to destroy them? Why not focus on what he does as President and not what he tweets?
How unbecoming of a president to continue to involve himself in unpresidential issues.
But it's not like we didn't see this coming when he went into his 5 day tweeter tirade about Alicia Machado and so many other examples.

You think he was mad then... it's just been reported that SNL is considering using Rosie ODonnell as Steve Bannon. That should make the unhinged one flip out because we all know how Rosie gets under the thin skin of the whiny little bitch.
What a mentally ill shit gibbon

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to complain that his daughter Ivanka has been "treated so unfairly" by the Nordstrom (JWN) department store chain, which has announced it will no longer carry her fashion line.

Trump blasts Nordstrom after it dumps Ivanka's fashion line

So what? Did he demand an anti-trust investigation? Did he ask the IRS to target them? Did he use his office to destroy them? Why not focus on what he does as President and not what he tweets?
Because he says " I like to communicate with the American people thru tweeting."
It's hilarious how the Trump whores continue to excuse his lies and even this Nordstrom's gaffe of his. They're going to be exhausted by Memorial Day carrying the water of this mentally unfit president.
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.

Damn skippy it is your turn. And when you fuck it up, you own it.

Nordstrums? Hell, they are on their death bed. And yet it is Nordstrums that Trump tweets about? Nordstrums and his precious daughter's clothing line, glad to see he is occupied with important shit.

This administration, and his absolutely terrible nominees, have got to be the most dysfunctional bunch of incompetent MORONS that ever occupied the White House. Hell, every two-bit dictator and their baby momma is going to be biting at the bit to get themselves a little "sit-down" with this ass clown. No telling what you can prod the jackass into saying.
I'm sorry, Puppyfuck, what are you yelping about? I asked for an example because the mindless assertion was made that the GOP simply obstructed everything.

I was finally given an example, infrastructure and I posted the bill they passed for historic funds.

You completely lost track of the subject and puked all over yourself with some Trump hate instead.

Well excuse me asshole, I thought the thread was about Trump, Tweeter, and Nordstrum. But, since you mentioned it. The infrastructure bill was passed with total Democratic support albeit much lower funding than was requested. Hell, the only reason a few Republicans got on board was because of the expiration of the import/export bank authority. Cruz, Rubio, and Rand Paul all voted against it.
What a mentally ill shit gibbon

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to complain that his daughter Ivanka has been "treated so unfairly" by the Nordstrom (JWN) department store chain, which has announced it will no longer carry her fashion line.

Trump blasts Nordstrom after it dumps Ivanka's fashion line

So what? Did he demand an anti-trust investigation? Did he ask the IRS to target them? Did he use his office to destroy them? Why not focus on what he does as President and not what he tweets?
Because he says " I like to communicate with the American people thru tweeting."

And that's bad?

I don't like Trump but some of you nervous nellies who spend so much time clutching your petticoats and whining about irrelevancies are forcing me to defend him because of your stupidity. Please stop!
What a mentally ill shit gibbon

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to complain that his daughter Ivanka has been "treated so unfairly" by the Nordstrom (JWN) department store chain, which has announced it will no longer carry her fashion line.

Trump blasts Nordstrom after it dumps Ivanka's fashion line

So what? Did he demand an anti-trust investigation? Did he ask the IRS to target them? Did he use his office to destroy them? Why not focus on what he does as President and not what he tweets?
Because he says " I like to communicate with the American people thru tweeting."

And that's bad?

I don't like Trump but some of you nervous nellies who spend so much time clutching your petticoats and whining about irrelevancies are forcing me to defend him because of your stupidity. Please stop!
What are you defending? How unpresidential he's acting taking Nordstrum's to task for making a business decision?
His incessant lying?
His thin skin where he just can't let any criticism go?
His inability to focus on anything for more than 3 minutes?
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.

Damn skippy it is your turn. And when you fuck it up, you own it.

Nordstrums? Hell, they are on their death bed. And yet it is Nordstrums that Trump tweets about? Nordstrums and his precious daughter's clothing line, glad to see he is occupied with important shit.

This administration, and his absolutely terrible nominees, have got to be the most dysfunctional bunch of incompetent MORONS that ever occupied the White House. Hell, every two-bit dictator and their baby momma is going to be biting at the bit to get themselves a little "sit-down" with this ass clown. No telling what you can prod the jackass into saying.
I'm sorry, Puppyfuck, what are you yelping about? I asked for an example because the mindless assertion was made that the GOP simply obstructed everything.

I was finally given an example, infrastructure and I posted the bill they passed for historic funds.

You completely lost track of the subject and puked all over yourself with some Trump hate instead.

Well excuse me asshole, I thought the thread was about Trump, Tweeter, and Nordstrum. But, since you mentioned it. The infrastructure bill was passed with total Democratic support albeit much lower funding than was requested. Hell, the only reason a few Republicans got on board was because of the expiration of the import/export bank authority. Cruz, Rubio, and Rand Paul all voted against it.
I didn't change the topic. I said what I responded to. I showed that they passed a historic amount for so like the good lib you are you now want to make the argument that it wasn't enough. Like nailing jello to a wall.

What are you defending? How unpresidential he's acting taking Nordstrum's to task for making a business decision?
His incessant lying?
His thin skin where he just can't let any criticism go?
His inability to focus on anything for more than 3 minutes?
What a mentally ill shit gibbon

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to complain that his daughter Ivanka has been "treated so unfairly" by the Nordstrom (JWN) department store chain, which has announced it will no longer carry her fashion line.

Trump blasts Nordstrom after it dumps Ivanka's fashion line

So what? Did he demand an anti-trust investigation? Did he ask the IRS to target them? Did he use his office to destroy them? Why not focus on what he does as President and not what he tweets?
Because he says " I like to communicate with the American people thru tweeting."

And that's bad?

I don't like Trump but some of you nervous nellies who spend so much time clutching your petticoats and whining about irrelevancies are forcing me to defend him because of your stupidity. Please stop!
What are you defending? How unpresidential he's acting taking Nordstrum's to task for making a business decision?
His incessant lying?
His thin skin where he just can't let any criticism go?
His inability to focus on anything for more than 3 minutes?

He didn't take Nordstrum's to task for making a business decision as President. He used his personal account to complain, not the one of him as President.
Frankly, what seems to have you most upset that he'd wasn't lying about his campaign promises.
Some people are just thin skinned and others use being thin-skinned to their advantage by distracting.
I haven't seen his focus being a problem, but maybe he has an ADD problem .
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?
No one is coming after anyone. Her clothing line was too expensive and wasn't selling. Maybe you don't believe in capitalism.
That's not what the owner said. It was a political statement. Which he has every right to do, but he also has the right to go out of business also.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

BULLSHIT! Her China made clothing line isn't selling. Besides, how many middle class Americans can afford to buy from Nordstrom?

nordstrom's isn't that expensive. but ok....

and i know an awful lot of people who wouldn't spend five cents on anything with the trump name.

As compared to Neiman Marcus?
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

BULLSHIT! Her China made clothing line isn't selling. Besides, how many middle class Americans can afford to buy from Nordstrom?
Well then we agree.

There was NO political overtone.
Why wait?? Impeach the pos
Trump’s tweet — which was retweeted by the official @POTUS account — represents his latest attempt to use the power of the presidency to benefit his family’s b...

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Trump uses power of the presidency to shill for Ivanka’s merchandise
Trump took to Twitter to attack Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s products.
Unethical...but get used to it.

  • Are you advocating indifference toward blatantly unethical behavior -- behavior aimed at personal familial gain -- by a President of the United States?
  • Do you not take objection to that sort of behavior by a President?
  • For what other individuals or categories of individuals are you so glib toward unethical conduct?
I don't know why it's unethical. It was a personal opinion by a protective daddy about a retailer that had its stock jump 4 points after his tweet.
Do you REALLY think people will stop giving Nordstrom their business because of this tweet? I don't think it was even intended that way. He's just grumbling about a personal issue. It might not be "Presidential" but we should be used to that by now. I agree with Bodeca that we need to get used to it, but I disagree it was "unethical." That is giving far too much gravitas to the situation.

A President using a public forum to blast a company who drops a relatives clothing line because of decreased sales ISN'T unethical? Yeah, right.....
I don't know why it's unethical.

Why Trump's Nordstrom Tweet May Have Crossed An Ethical Line

The unethical aspect came into play, at least in part, when Trump retweeted tweet using the official POTUS account his "@readDonaldTrump" original tweet. The fact of the matter is that the President ceases to be a private person. He is 24/7 the POTUS and everything he says and does becomes a pronouncement of the U.S. government until it's not due to judicial or Congressional action.

He can be a private person as long as his words and deeds are made public. The minute they are, they stop being the words and deeds of a private citizen. He also gets a "pass" if he's officially on vacation.
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I don't know why it's unethical.

Why Trump's Nordstrom Tweet May Have Crossed An Ethical Line

The unethical aspect came into play, at least in part, when Trump retweeted tweet using the official POTUS account his "@readDonaldTrump" original tweet. The fact of the matter is that the President ceases to be a private person. He is 24/7 the POTUS and everything he says and does becomes a pronouncement of the U.S. government until it's not due to judicial or Congressional action.

He can be a private person as long as his words and deeds are made public. The minute they are, they stop being the words and deeds of a private citizen. He also gets a "pass" if he's officially on vacation.
kelly lapdog anne gets no such pass
I don't know why it's unethical.

Why Trump's Nordstrom Tweet May Have Crossed An Ethical Line

The unethical aspect came into play, at least in part, when Trump retweeted tweet using the official POTUS account his "@readDonaldTrump" original tweet. The fact of the matter is that the President ceases to be a private person. He is 24/7 the POTUS and everything he says and does becomes a pronouncement of the U.S. government until it's not due to judicial or Congressional action.

He can be a private person as long as his words and deeds are made public. The minute they are, they stop being the words and deeds of a private citizen. He also gets a "pass" if he's officially on vacation.
kelly lapdog anne gets no such pass

I agree. She does not warrant such a pass, especially after presenting her remarks as, "“It’s a wonderful line, I own some of it. I’m going to give it a free commercial here, go buy it today!”

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