So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
the president and his family shouldn't be cashing in on his office.


Ivanka had the line before he was president, Mz. Fakelawyer.

You of the Khmer Rouge are simply blackballing anyone associated with Trump.You always lie that Americans did that to you Communists in the 50's, but it is you who actually does this.
Last edited:
Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
What the hell is wrong with him??

What the hell is wrong with him?? He has an agenda and that agenda is getting his favored child's name in lights to prepare the voters for her up-and-coming position in his circle of influence.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.


Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.


Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.

The only child of his who impresses me is Donald Jr. and by extension, his wife Vanessa, who is the most naturally attractive and with the least amount of surgical attention from what I have read. Hard to believe she has five children.
He said in part my daughter has been treated unfairly by Nordstrom she is s great person. Yes by all means try and bring impeachment over that I think we would all love to see the left explain how the President saying my daughter has been treated unfairly and is a great person is a basis for impeachment.

You're the only one to equate his comment about his daughter to an article of impeachment. That is no high crime or misdemeanor; taking money from foreign sources, in terms of income derived from his real estate holding overseas is in violation of COTUS - see Art. I, sec. 9, clause 8.
The tweet was the focus of the OP I'm not the OP. You and the OP should contact Maxine Watters with your impeachment concerns the three of you seem to be at the same idiocy level.
Why can't the daughter stand up for herself ?? Why does daddy who at one time said he'd not get involved in his childrens businesses need to open his yap?
AND ALL they did as trump was so fond of saying ,,YOU'RE FIRED
And all he did was say she was treated unfairly and is a great person getting involved would be Trump demanding Nordstrom reinstate her line or threatening to have the DOJ investigate them none of which has happened you really are dense. Now go contact Watters and get that impeachment ball rolling.
Exactly. The trolls are melting over this. :)
The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farm—something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigans—and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carter’s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
Oh please don't sully dear Forrest Gump's name by calling Trump that! Life is like a box of chocolates....
My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farm—something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigans—and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carter’s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
Oh please don't sully dear Forrest Gump's name by calling Trump that! Life is like a box of chocolates....

Chauncey Gardner's evil twin then? Everything he touches turns into a clusterfuck?
Are you saying today's Democrats are incompetent and can't find their asses in a closet? I'd agree but that doesn't mean Trump is guilty of the the charges hurled at him.

Maybe if the Dems had some good ideas instead of one hatefest after the other.

Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
Oh please don't sully dear Forrest Gump's name by calling Trump that! Life is like a box of chocolates....

Chauncey Gardner's evil twin then? Everything he touches turns into a clusterfuck?
Much better!

Chauncey Gardner's evil twin then? Everything he touches turns into a clusterfuck?

Yeah, I mean Betsy DeVos, rejected, Jeff Sessions, rejected, Rex Tillerson, rejected, Steven Mnuchin, rejected, James Mattis, rejected, John Kelly, rejected.

I mean Trump can't get anyone confirmed. Now HAD they all been confirmed, then we would have to admit that you of the Soros Army are the biggest cluster fuck in history and had the floor mopped with your incompetent asses.

BUT they were all rejected, right blindfool?
Yes hatefests are a double edge sword. After the last 8 years, the GOP has nothing to complain about when it comes to hate filled rhetoric and obstructionists tactics.
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
Oh please don't sully dear Forrest Gump's name by calling Trump that! Life is like a box of chocolates....

Chauncey Gardner's evil twin then? Everything he touches turns into a clusterfuck?
Much better!
...for children.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?

You know, if my daughter made her own brand of widget, and contracted out to stores to sell her widgets, well............if the store said that her widgets weren't selling like they expected, I would expect the store to drop my daughter's widgets because they weren't profitable for the store.

I damn sure wouldn't bitch about it. THIS how "successful businessmen" act? They bitch and moan, hoping that they get their way?
How so? Not bending over for a totalitarian dictator is how you define hate? Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed.

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
SEPTEMBER 23, 2014
Dave Johnson

The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn’t helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It’s working.

In President Obama’s July 12 weekly address he said, “So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.” He could have said, “Since 2009.” Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every effort to help the economy. In the Senate they have filibustered hundreds of bills, and since the “stimulus” they have managed to keep anything from passing that might help the economy.

In the House, Republicans have refused to allow votes on anything that seriously would help the economy, instead passing only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, spending cuts on essential things like maintaining our infrastructure and scientific research, and cutting regulations that protect people and the environment from being harmed by corporations seeking profit.

Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.

Obstruction Using Senate Filibusters

How many bills have been filibustered by Senate Republicans since President Obama took office? Bloomberg’s Jonathan Bernstein, in “All Filibusters, All the Time,” writes, “The correct count of how many bills have been filibustered during Obama’s presidency is: approximately all of them.”

That’s what it means to have a 60-vote Senate, which is what Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republicans declared as soon as Obama was elected. Almost every measure and, until Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democrats invoked the nuclear option last fall, almost every nomination, had to have 60 or more votes to pass. That’s a filibuster.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of bills Senate Republicans have filibustered since President Obama took office — just a few:

Calling a sitting president a "totalitarian dictator"( granted a mild insult compared to much of the rhetoric after the election in 2008) is exactly what I'm talking about. Seems Presidunce Gump (or should that be Dictator Gump?) and much of the GOP are extremely thin skinned.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.
Your turn for alternative facts? There weren't 100's of fillibusters??
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.
Your turn for alternative facts? There weren't 100's of fillibusters??
Hey asshole. I said give me the issue and I would explain why it was opposed. Now you are just slinging more shit. You idiots are pathetic.
He acted like one and used EO prolifically. Now they have to be undone. However you failed to respond to my challenge of your assertion. Try again:

"Here's a challenge for you:
Name an issue and I'll tell you why it was opposed."
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.

Damn skippy it is your turn. And when you fuck it up, you own it.

Nordstrums? Hell, they are on their death bed. And yet it is Nordstrums that Trump tweets about? Nordstrums and his precious daughter's clothing line, glad to see he is occupied with important shit.

This administration, and his absolutely terrible nominees, have got to be the most dysfunctional bunch of incompetent MORONS that ever occupied the White House. Hell, every two-bit dictator and their baby momma is going to be biting at the bit to get themselves a little "sit-down" with this ass clown. No telling what you can prod the jackass into saying.
Money for infrastructure

A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
A Major Infrastructure Bill Clears Congress
The House and Senate send President Obama the largest transportation package in more than a decade, costing $305 billion over five years.

The five-year infrastructure bill is the longest reauthorization of federal transportation programs that Congress has approved in more than a decade, ending an era of stopgap bills and half-measures that left the Highway Trust Fund nearly broke and frustrated local governments and business groups. President Obama will sign the bill into law, as it fulfills his long-running push for lawmakers to pass an infrastructure bill even though it is significantly less than the $478 billion he sought in his own plan earlier this year.

The Senate approved the highway bill on an 83-16 vote. All but two Democrats—Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tom Carper—voted for it.
Thank you I thought Repub congress defeated it because obama wouldn't make cuts to pay for it
Back from the beach ice man and found this
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Who in their right mind would read past that? You can believe a square is round for all I care. You ignored the post where they passed a historic bill so you could smear feces. It's all you liberals have. American is tired of eating your shit. It's our turn now.

Damn skippy it is your turn. And when you fuck it up, you own it.

Nordstrums? Hell, they are on their death bed. And yet it is Nordstrums that Trump tweets about? Nordstrums and his precious daughter's clothing line, glad to see he is occupied with important shit.

This administration, and his absolutely terrible nominees, have got to be the most dysfunctional bunch of incompetent MORONS that ever occupied the White House. Hell, every two-bit dictator and their baby momma is going to be biting at the bit to get themselves a little "sit-down" with this ass clown. No telling what you can prod the jackass into saying.
I'm sorry, Puppyfuck, what are you yelping about? I asked for an example because the mindless assertion was made that the GOP simply obstructed everything.

I was finally given an example, infrastructure and I posted the bill they passed for historic funds.

You completely lost track of the subject and puked all over yourself with some Trump hate instead.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?

You know, if my daughter made her own brand of widget, and contracted out to stores to sell her widgets, well............if the store said that her widgets weren't selling like they expected, I would expect the store to drop my daughter's widgets because they weren't profitable for the store.

I damn sure wouldn't bitch about it. THIS how "successful businessmen" act? They bitch and moan, hoping that they get their way?
Kellyanne "pitching" Ivanka's products was clearly a breach, too.

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