So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

Political or economic?

If it was political why would they wait until now and during the election season?
Then why not drop it when Trump began his presidency run? They did it to try to be appealing to liberals. Well they forgot, most liberals don't have money. A failed attempt to be cool.

Trump's getting a big backlash and if it affects their bottom line: they're going to pull the's that simple. It's capitalism and they're doing what they (think they) need to do in order to make money. Some people I think are taking it too personally: it's strictly business.

PS: There are plenty of rich conservatives and liberals.
Agreed, but I don't think there is as many Trump haters as the media says there is.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

BULLSHIT! Her China made clothing line isn't selling. Besides, how many middle class Americans can afford to buy from Nordstrom?

nordstrom's isn't that expensive. but ok....

and i know an awful lot of people who wouldn't spend five cents on anything with the trump name.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

Political or economic?

If it was political why would they wait until now and during the election season?
Then why not drop it when Trump began his presidency run? They did it to try to be appealing to liberals. Well they forgot, most liberals don't have money. A failed attempt to be cool.

Trump's getting a big backlash and if it affects their bottom line: they're going to pull the's that simple. It's capitalism and they're doing what they (think they) need to do in order to make money. Some people I think are taking it too personally: it's strictly business.

PS: There are plenty of rich conservatives and liberals.
Agreed, but I don't think there is as many Trump haters as the media says there is.

is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

is that why there were more people protesting the orange sociopath than showed up at his inauguration?

Why wait?? Impeach the pos
Trump’s tweet — which was retweeted by the official @POTUS account — represents his latest attempt to use the power of the presidency to benefit his family’s b...

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Trump uses power of the presidency to shill for Ivanka’s merchandise
Trump took to Twitter to attack Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s products.
Unethical...but get used to it.

  • Are you advocating indifference toward blatantly unethical behavior -- behavior aimed at personal familial gain -- by a President of the United States?
  • Do you not take objection to that sort of behavior by a President?
  • For what other individuals or categories of individuals are you so glib toward unethical conduct?
Unethical. Get used to it.
Has anyone read the letter Nordstrom wrote then let her line go? I think it more than shows a link between their hatred for Trumps policies and are taking it out on his daughter

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and? again, he shouldn't have his name on ANY business.

but it is what happens when someone decides to spout white supremacist misogynist and bigoted policeies
Especially n words.
Nutjob? Nincompoop? Nonuts? Neckless? Nancy? Nutless? Nagger? Nifkin? Nyphomaniac? Nomp? Niplet?
All of them.

Especially racist n words who use race for political expediency.

Especially n words like that.

Nothing worse than dirty stinking race baiting leftwing n words.

All of them.
Is that what you are doing? Do you dislike black people for their skin tone or do you dislike racism in general, Theowl32?

Personally, I'm tired of the racist bullshit. I think President Obama had good intentions, but he fucked up because he was thinking about "black Americans" instead of just "Americans".

I'm not a "white-American" nor an "English-American" nor an "Irish-American" or any other hyphenated American. I'm just an American who supports American ideals and our American Constitution. Everybody else is free to go fuck themselves or disagree...which is the same to me either way. ;)

Agreed, but I don't think there is as many Trump haters as the media says there is.
Agreed....but I think there will be a growing number of Trump laughers if he keeps this stupid shit up.

Which is worse; being hated or being laughed at as a fool?
What the hell is wrong with him??

I think the question should be, what the hell isn't wrong with him -LOL

We should probably install psychiatrists in grade schools today so kids can figure out who is bat shit crazy so they don't vote for people like this in the future.
Yes, Hillary is a nutjob and a liar. That's why so many people didn't trust her. OTOH, many people don't trust white supremacists, American Nazis, and other racist assholes.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

BULLSHIT! Her China made clothing line isn't selling. Besides, how many middle class Americans can afford to buy from Nordstrom?
Well then we agree.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

BULLSHIT! Her China made clothing line isn't selling. Besides, how many middle class Americans can afford to buy from Nordstrom?

nordstrom's isn't that expensive. but ok....

and i know an awful lot of people who wouldn't spend five cents on anything with the trump name.
And I know plenty that won't since they cancelled Trumps line.
That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
They went after his daughter for political purposes. So he fought back. I take it you don't have children? If you do, your a pussy.

he's the president dumbass..... he shouldn't be in ANY freaking business.

So your good with someone coming after one of your family members?
Donald should spend more time working with Congress on a Obamacare replacement and less time tweeting about his daughters tacky line of clothing
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.

I agree. The only idiots who see rage are the lefty's who want to see rage.

His Tweet was just stating facts. Nothing ticks the left off like facts. His Tweet wasn't rage or anything else. Just facts.

The left sure needs to grow the fuck up.
capitalism sucks. trump should make buying trump articles mandatory, by eo. that will make them libruls heads explode. and that is what counts. that, and the constitution. AND FREEDOM!!
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.
LOL It's a leftist conspiracy? One, Nordstrom's is a business, a very successful international business. They make business decisions, not political decisions. Two, because Trump is president of the US he needs to show restraint. He can personally feel protective about his kids, but to broadcast it to the world is very inappropiate for a head of state.

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