So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

That isn't anything that america cares about. He is doing some good things but his family stuff is no part of his presidency. Where are his advisors?
The guy goes to a prayer breakfast and talks about the Apprentice ratings??? And you ask about this shit??? LOLOLOLOL....the man is a fuckin idiot and disgrace to this country....but as long as white men and women are happy, who cares, yes?
Leave it to a Democrat to inject race into the issue...
This is a non story drummed up by political boot lickers who can't figure out america doesn't care about either loser side involved.
Never heard of nordstroms before today but I guarantee its big retail and a god awful place of employment. As far as what they sell or not only utter morons care.
Why support our politicians owebo? I surely don't and am not afraid to call them on everything they do.
Yup...I wonder why some actually care? Nobody cares about a clothes business. It has no affect on anyone. Its comical.
This happens every day in the business world. This is no different. Does anybody really care? Only weirdos really care.
N words are a disgrace to this country.
So are Cowards who want to insult, but are afraid to say what they mean. ;)
I think this site auto censors the word he's inferring. I doubt fear was involved... Unless you're referring to whomever decided that word needed censoring.
Someone with a spine would post something like "Fuck you, you Goddam N*GGER C*nt!!!!", but, well, you know, most racist dipshits are really just spineless fucks.
N words are a disgrace to this country.
So are Cowards who want to insult, but are afraid to say what they mean. ;)
I think this site auto censors the word he's inferring. I doubt fear was involved... Unless you're referring to whomever decided that word needed censoring.
Someone with a spine would post something like "Fuck you, you Goddam N*GGER C*nt!!!!", but then he's a spineless fuck, so, well, you know, most racist dipshits are really just spineless fucks.
Or just have a biased preference that offends your personal beliefs...
N words are a disgrace to this country.
So are Cowards who want to insult, but are afraid to say what they mean. ;)
I think this site auto censors the word he's inferring. I doubt fear was involved... Unless you're referring to whomever decided that word needed censoring.
Someone with a spine would post something like "Fuck you, you Goddam N*GGER C*nt!!!!", but then he's a spineless fuck, so, well, you know, most racist dipshits are really just spineless fucks.
Or just have a biased preference that offends your personal beliefs...
Bias towards cowardice and racism does offend me. Americans are better than that. You are free to disagree.
N words are a disgrace to this country.
So are Cowards who want to insult, but are afraid to say what they mean. ;)
I think this site auto censors the word he's inferring. I doubt fear was involved... Unless you're referring to whomever decided that word needed censoring.
Someone with a spine would post something like "Fuck you, you Goddam N*GGER C*nt!!!!", but, well, you know, most racist dipshits are really just spineless fucks.
Especially n words.
N words are a disgrace to this country.
So are Cowards who want to insult, but are afraid to say what they mean. ;)
I think this site auto censors the word he's inferring. I doubt fear was involved... Unless you're referring to whomever decided that word needed censoring.
Someone with a spine would post something like "Fuck you, you Goddam N*GGER C*nt!!!!", but then he's a spineless fuck, so, well, you know, most racist dipshits are really just spineless fucks.
Or just have a biased preference that offends your personal beliefs...
Bias towards cowardice and racism does offend me. Americans are better than that. You are free to disagree.
Indeed. I am free. Therefore; not subject to offense, at the mere existence of a differing preference.

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