So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

Stop whining. There is plenty more junk out there like hers to buy that is also Made in China.
Yeah like stuff sold by Jennifer Lopez for instance.
Whatever. Makes no difference to me.
Based on how often you posted regarding this, I say it must make a major difference to you
I don't see any sense in all this, really. I suppose it's the first time we've had a First Family with so many businesses to target, so maybe it makes sense if you don't like Trump, you won't buy Ivanka's line. But for department store chains to be so sensitive to the politics that they would remove her line entirely?
Stop whining. There is plenty more junk out there like hers to buy that is also Made in China.
Yeah like stuff sold by Jennifer Lopez for instance.
Whatever. Makes no difference to me.
Based on how often you posted regarding this, I say it must make a major difference to you
You got me. I really do give a fuck whether or not Jennifer and Ivanka's clothing line sells.

Happy now, asshole?
Stop whining. There is plenty more junk out there like hers to buy that is also Made in China.
Yeah like stuff sold by Jennifer Lopez for instance.
Whatever. Makes no difference to me.
Based on how often you posted regarding this, I say it must make a major difference to you
You got me. I really do give a fuck whether or not Jennifer and Ivanka's clothing line sells.

Happy now, asshole?
Actually, it wasn't a matter of me being happy or not. It was a matter of calling someone out who posts on here when they blatantly lie.

You see, this is a debate board. And one someone blatantly lies on a debate board, they should be called out.

Otherwise, the debate is fundamentally flawed and worthless.

Got it?
Clinton was unable to put forward an affirmative agenda during the campaign, but now we are learning what Democrats are all about, personal attacks on the President's family.

The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands

Wrong, as usual. This is an attack on a family which is openly seeking to profit from their political office. The rules say the President and his closest advisors must divest themselves of their business interests. The Trumps refuse to do that.

Ivanka Trump and her husband want to be on her father's staff. That violates the nepotism rules put in place after JFK made his brother Attorney General.

Neither Donald Trump nor Ivanka has divested themselves of their business interests. In Donnie's case, this is grounds for Impeachment. He is in violation of the Constitution.

Democrats aren't going along with all these Constitituional violations, ethics violations and out and out lying by the President and his staff.

I'm sorry if the truth and decency offend you. You'll just have to get used to people refusing to give up their rights under the Constitution. Elections do have consequences and so does behaving illegally and in violation of the Constitution,
Clinton was unable to put forward an affirmative agenda during the campaign, but now we are learning what Democrats are all about, personal attacks on the President's family.

The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands

Wrong, as usual. This is an attack on a family which is openly seeking to profit from their political office. The rules say the President and his closest advisors must divest themselves of their business interests. The Trumps refuse to do that.

Ivanka Trump and her husband want to be on her father's staff. That violates the nepotism rules put in place after JFK made his brother Attorney General.

Neither Donald Trump nor Ivanka has divested themselves of their business interests. In Donnie's case, this is grounds for Impeachment. He is in violation of the Constitution.

Democrats aren't going along with all these Constitituional violations, ethics violations and out and out lying by the President and his staff.

I'm sorry if the truth and decency offend you. You'll just have to get used to people refusing to give up their rights under the Constitution. Elections do have consequences and so does behaving illegally and in violation of the Constitution,
Right off the bat, your post is inaccurate making the entire post useless.

The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

Where do you get your information?

Chuck Schumer?
I believe he was referring to that since you're female, as a parent you'd be a mother rather than a father. You didn't get that? Seriously?

She's very confused...she can't decide if she's a wife or a husband.

What day of the week is it?
The rules actually make it clear that the President is NOT subject to divesting from business.

My how times have changed.

When Jimmy Carter became POTUS, he gave up his peanut farm—something he actually created without fraud, bankruptcy or other shenanigans—and then proceeded to be investigated for six months by a special prosecutor republican born and raised.

Arthur Hill Christy was hired by the Department of Justice in 1979 to thoroughly investigate every peanut shell to try to find something, anything scandalous in Jimmy Carter’s family peanut farm. There was no wrong doing.

Them the did the same thing for Carter's right hand man, Ham Jordan and found nothing there either.. he allegedly "snorted a line" at Studio 54.

As we enter a new age, there is news that a Kuwaiti meeting was "encouraged" to move their function from the "Four Seasons in DC to the Trump Mausoleum" .. and of course the Secret Service is renting space in the Trump Tower to the tune of 3 million per year. Now Donald is advertising that if someone moves into the Trump Tower they will benefit from the security that the Secret Service offers. Even though he minimizes the role and function of the Secret Service by keeping his own security force.

Remember Jimmy Carter's "Peanutgate" and how the times are a changin..
Clinton was unable to put forward an affirmative agenda during the campaign, but now we are learning what Democrats are all about, personal attacks on the President's family.

The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands

Wrong, as usual. This is an attack on a family which is openly seeking to profit from their political office. The rules say the President and his closest advisors must divest themselves of their business interests. The Trumps refuse to do that.

Ivanka Trump and her husband want to be on her father's staff. That violates the nepotism rules put in place after JFK made his brother Attorney General.

Neither Donald Trump nor Ivanka has divested themselves of their business interests. In Donnie's case, this is grounds for Impeachment. He is in violation of the Constitution.

Democrats aren't going along with all these Constitituional violations, ethics violations and out and out lying by the President and his staff.

I'm sorry if the truth and decency offend you. You'll just have to get used to people refusing to give up their rights under the Constitution. Elections do have consequences and so does behaving illegally and in violation of the Constitution,
So profoundly ignorant and dishonest, as usual. You have to try to understand that the fact you have a feeling doesn't mean the Constitution has endorsed it.
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?

Really, George protected Martha's businesses? Something more than your opinion Beale, is expected.
Get all the facts, watch the whole thing before you make an ass of yourself.

The farmers of the whiskey rebellion did not have the right to vote. The person that led the charge to put down the rebellion, was, like our current crop of politicians, a hypocrite.

One of the largest land owners in the colonies was Washington.

Your ignorance is astounding. Seriously.

None of what you posted was anything I did not know. In fact, your response was a non sequitur, for the Whiskey Rebellion had nothing to do with Trump's behavior - who BTW has great wealth too (though to my knowledge Washington never needed to declare bankruptcy). As for your complaint that the farmer's did not have the right to vote, please post some evidence. Of course Women were denied the vote up until the 20th Century in the US, noted, since it seems non sequiturs are fair game when posted in response to you.
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?

What other President has violated the Nobility Clause (Art. I, sec 9, Clause 8)? Trump has already done so, and is culpable of at least a misdemeanor, if not a high crime. If the H. of Rep. had integrity, which is highly doubtful, they would write and pass an article of impeachment, thereby putting The President on trial and able to prove is innocence, or be convicted by the Senate and end this nightmare.

President Carter, President H. W, Bush, President Clinton, President G. Bush, and President Obama took the oath of office and promised to defend and support the Constitution of the United States. As the highest statesmen alive today, they need to stand as one, and call for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump.
just imagine wry,,if it was obama speaking up for or aiding in his families finances,,,,,you'd be able to hear repub howls from washington to palins porch
He said in part my daughter has been treated unfairly by Nordstrom she is s great person. Yes by all means try and bring impeachment over that I think we would all love to see the left explain how the President saying my daughter has been treated unfairly and is a great person is a basis for impeachment.

You're the only one to equate his comment about his daughter to an article of impeachment. That is no high crime or misdemeanor; taking money from foreign sources, in terms of income derived from his real estate holding overseas is in violation of COTUS - see Art. I, sec. 9, clause 8.
Clinton was unable to put forward an affirmative agenda during the campaign, but now we are learning what Democrats are all about, personal attacks on the President's family.

The up-to-date list of companies that sell Trump brands

Wrong, as usual. This is an attack on a family which is openly seeking to profit from their political office. The rules say the President and his closest advisors must divest themselves of their business interests. The Trumps refuse to do that.

Ivanka Trump and her husband want to be on her father's staff. That violates the nepotism rules put in place after JFK made his brother Attorney General.

Neither Donald Trump nor Ivanka has divested themselves of their business interests. In Donnie's case, this is grounds for Impeachment. He is in violation of the Constitution.

Democrats aren't going along with all these Constitituional violations, ethics violations and out and out lying by the President and his staff.

I'm sorry if the truth and decency offend you. You'll just have to get used to people refusing to give up their rights under the Constitution. Elections do have consequences and so does behaving illegally and in violation of the Constitution,


What utter blather.
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?

What other President has violated the Nobility Clause (Art. I, sec 9, Clause 8)? Trump has already done so, and is culpable of at least a misdemeanor, if not a high crime. If the H. of Rep. had integrity, which is highly doubtful, they would write and pass an article of impeachment, thereby putting The President on trial and able to prove is innocence, or be convicted by the Senate and end this nightmare.

President Carter, President H. W, Bush, President Clinton, President G. Bush, and President Obama took the oath of office and promised to defend and support the Constitution of the United States. As the highest statesmen alive today, they need to stand as one, and call for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump.
just imagine wry,,if it was obama speaking up for or aiding in his families finances,,,,,you'd be able to hear repub howls from washington to palins porch

So true. We all must remember that hypocrisy, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and The BIG LIE are the only tools in the bag of the Republicans and members of the Alt. Right. Truth, Justice and the American way get in their when seeking and keeping power.
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He said in part my daughter has been treated unfairly by Nordstrom she is s great person. Yes by all means try and bring impeachment over that I think we would all love to see the left explain how the President saying my daughter has been treated unfairly and is a great person is a basis for impeachment.

You're the only one to equate his comment about his daughter to an article of impeachment. That is no high crime or misdemeanor; taking money from foreign sources, in terms of income derived from his real estate holding overseas is in violation of COTUS - see Art. I, sec. 9, clause 8.
The tweet was the focus of the OP I'm not the OP. You and the OP should contact Maxine Watters with your impeachment concerns the three of you seem to be at the same idiocy level.

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