So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

President Snowflake strikes again

Yeah I don't think he has the stamina to do the job.
the word of a poster who uses the image of a fallen hero in an effort to make some kind of warped political statement means very little to me.

I write your opinions on toilet paper. Guess what I do with them when the time is right?
Glad to see I have such an impact on your life. I suggest you re-evaluate what is important in your life.

And as for what you said....what are 3?

What led you to believe that anything you say would have an impact on my life? My point was that you are next to nothing in importance.
Let's just review ...

... the president* was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing @10:30am.

I don't know how long such briefings typically last, but let's say 10 or 15 minutes.

So, he receives a briefing on national security concerns, and his mind immediately shifts to sending out a tweet blasting Nordstrom @10:51am.

Sorry folks, there's nothing normal about any of this.
Let's just review ...

... the president* was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing @10:30am.

I don't know how long such briefings typically last, but let's say 10 or 15 minutes.

So, he receives a briefing on national security concerns, and his mind immediately shifts to sending out a tweet blasting Nordstrom @10:51am.

Sorry folks, there's nothing normal about any of this.


You can see where his mind was focused during the briefing
Easily distracted by shiny objects
Let's just review ...

... the president* was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing @10:30am.

I don't know how long such briefings typically last, but let's say 10 or 15 minutes.

So, he receives a briefing on national security concerns, and his mind immediately shifts to sending out a tweet blasting Nordstrom @10:51am.

Sorry folks, there's nothing normal about any of this.


You can see where his mind was focused during the briefing
Easily distracted by shiny objects
The scheduled briefing was for 10:30. Surely you have more important things to be upset about.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.
President Trump is busy protecting poor Ivanka's bank accounts rather than getting his cabinet confrmed. Stop Picking on President Trump!
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?
I doubt the same thing You think it fine that this pos can enrich his family ,put his 2 cents into their financial business? aren't there laws against that?
Let's just review ...

... the president* was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing @10:30am.

I don't know how long such briefings typically last, but let's say 10 or 15 minutes.

So, he receives a briefing on national security concerns, and his mind immediately shifts to sending out a tweet blasting Nordstrom @10:51am.

Sorry folks, there's nothing normal about any of this.


You can see where his mind was focused during the briefing
Easily distracted by shiny objects
The scheduled briefing was for 10:30. Surely you have more important things to be upset about.

Normally, the White House is a very busy place with a rigid schedule.

Considering the reports of Trump donning a bathrobe in the late afternoons to retire in front of the television, maybe this White House is different.

I'm not sure which would be the worse scenario, but neither is normal.
Let's just review ...

... the president* was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing @10:30am.

I don't know how long such briefings typically last, but let's say 10 or 15 minutes.

So, he receives a briefing on national security concerns, and his mind immediately shifts to sending out a tweet blasting Nordstrom @10:51am.

Sorry folks, there's nothing normal about any of this.


You can see where his mind was focused during the briefing
Easily distracted by shiny objects
The scheduled briefing was for 10:30. Surely you have more important things to be upset about.

Normally, the White House is a very busy place with a rigid schedule.

Considering the reports of Trump donning a bathrobe in the late afternoons to retire in front of the television, maybe this White House is different.

I'm not sure which would be the worse scenario, but neither is normal.
Is that the best negative comment you have against the president? Yawn.
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?

Really, George protected Martha's businesses? Something more than your opinion Beale, is expected.
Get all the facts, watch the whole thing before you make an ass of yourself.

The farmers of the whiskey rebellion did not have the right to vote. The person that led the charge to put down the rebellion, was, like our current crop of politicians, a hypocrite.

One of the largest land owners in the colonies was Washington.

Your ignorance is astounding. Seriously.

I believe he was referring to that since you're female, as a parent you'd be a mother rather than a father. You didn't get that? Seriously?

She's very confused...she can't decide if she's a wife or a husband.
President Snowflake strikes again

Yeah I don't think he has the stamina to do the job.
the word of a poster who uses the image of a fallen hero in an effort to make some kind of warped political statement means very little to me.

I write your opinions on toilet paper. Guess what I do with them when the time is right?
Glad to see I have such an impact on your life. I suggest you re-evaluate what is important in your life.

And as for what you said....what are 3?

What led you to believe that anything you say would have an impact on my life? My point was that you are next to nothing in importance. you ARE 3.

Got it.
He did exactly what I would have done...lets not play stupid here. The stores dumped her line because of her father and who he is. In the coming years we are going to see the difference between patriotic American businesses and Global sucking businesses that could not care less about America and it's people. Those anti America first businesses will go the way of the buggy whip, one after another. These stores want cheap labor here and over seas. A natural enemy of someone like President Trump! 3 cheers for the man that will stand in defense of his family and his nation.
Why wait?? Impeach the pos
Trump’s tweet — which was retweeted by the official @POTUS account — represents his latest attempt to use the power of the presidency to benefit his family’s b...

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Trump uses power of the presidency to shill for Ivanka’s merchandise
Trump took to Twitter to attack Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s products.
Absolutely not. We are not going to impeach the President of the United States because of the silliness of Twitter. Get real.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.

Please. It's business. Her clothing line is expensive and its really nothing special. For that kind of money, I can buy Jones of New York, Calvin Klein, or Ralph Lauren, which are all better quality and workmanship, and better designed.

Ivanka Trump's line is just one of any number of vanity lines, none of which are doing all that well.
Other well thought of presidents have done the same thing, so why should we impeach this one?

What other President has violated the Nobility Clause (Art. I, sec 9, Clause 8)? Trump has already done so, and is culpable of at least a misdemeanor, if not a high crime. If the H. of Rep. had integrity, which is highly doubtful, they would write and pass an article of impeachment, thereby putting The President on trial and able to prove is innocence, or be convicted by the Senate and end this nightmare.

President Carter, President H. W, Bush, President Clinton, President G. Bush, and President Obama took the oath of office and promised to defend and support the Constitution of the United States. As the highest statesmen alive today, they need to stand as one, and call for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump.

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