So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Are you arguing he made the generals wait or he tweeted while he was waiting for the generals? It sounds like the second.


My point was that this is where the man's head was before he received his daily intelligence briefing.

But, it's much worse, because I was mistaken.

He actually sent that tweet out 20 minutes AFTER he received his daily intelligence briefing.

So, that's where his head was directly AFTER hearing about security threats to the nation.

Wow ...
What the hell is wrong with him??

There is something wrong with a man with a voice standing up for his daughter when he believes she has been unfairly treated?


Oh, I get it. He is president so he should no longer stand up for his daughter.

Sure. That's it.
conflict of Interest....oh and guess what? Donald Trump IS President Trump, one and the same.... :D

Plus, WE WERE TOLD that Ivanka removed herself from her business, so why Is Trump acting like they are doing this to his daughter instead of his daughter's brand?
Are you that naive to not realize that going after her brand because it is HER brand is the same as going after his daughter?

Grow up.
So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Are you arguing he made the generals wait or he tweeted while he was waiting for the generals? It sounds like the second.


My point was that this is where the man's head was before he received his daily intelligence briefing.

But, it's much worse, because I was mistaken.

He actually sent that tweet out 20 minutes AFTER he received his daily intelligence briefing.

So, that's where his head was directly AFTER hearing about security threats to the nation.

Wow ...
And it seems people believe he should consume himself with one thing at a they can then claim that he is unable to multi task.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.
Drumplethinskin is Ivanka's mother? Well, that's a shock! :ack-1:
So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Are you arguing he made the generals wait or he tweeted while he was waiting for the generals? It sounds like the second.


My point was that this is where the man's head was before he received his daily intelligence briefing.

But, it's much worse, because I was mistaken.

He actually sent that tweet out 20 minutes AFTER he received his daily intelligence briefing.

So, that's where his head was directly AFTER hearing about security threats to the nation.

Wow ...

So you wanted him to sit there and think about what they are about to tell him? Seriously? Everyone reading this you know has phones and access to the Internet. Only a truly partisan Democrat would grasp what you are saying and not think you're being an idiot.

He posted 20 minutes before a meeting. You are unreal. You'd be offended if he finished his dinner
President Snowflake strikes again

Yeah I don't think he has the stamina to do the job.
So, now "stamina" is an issue? Please post a link. Hillary had to be helped up steps, pushed onto a car waiting for her after an appeared collapse and you worry about HIS stamnia? I would like to know the hours he would be very impressive.
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WTF? Where did I say that "Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something"??

Nordstrom got one interest - BOTTOM LINE. Trump needs to STFU and concentrate on running the country instead this family business nonsense.

Nordstrom made the decision our of fear of your vile Stalinists. The war you wage on anyone who fails to bow before you puts the Mafia to shame.

I'll never spend another dime with Nordstrom, because they cowered to you terrorists.

:rolleyes: good luck with that.

Fortunately for me I get to shop unburdened by politico lists of where I can and can't shop.

Except of course when your marching orders involve a Christian owned pizza shop, bakery or when the social warriors are pissed at Denny's, Papa John's. and Chic Fil A again. And I do believe it's still not safe to shop at Macy's says the social justice warriors.
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.
Drumplethinskin is Ivanka's mother? Well, that's a shock! :ack-1:

I believe he was referring to that since you're female, as a parent you'd be a mother rather than a father. You didn't get that? Seriously?
Trump is so ill fitted for anything Presidential.

They just need to make him a job development Czar, and let Mike Pence run everything else

No way is this guy getting elected to a second term
You can't figure out why he might be upset over his daughter being mistreated (in his opinion)?

Not wise to tweet in it but a reasonable reaction
You can't figure out why he might be upset over his daughter being mistreated (in his opinion)?

Not wise to tweet in it but a reasonable reaction
Sure, that could be a natural reaction. O don't agree with him maligning the company nationally in tweets. Too whiny and doesn't give the appearance of being disengaged with the family's business.
President Snowflake strikes again

Yeah I don't think he has the stamina to do the job.
the word of a poster who uses the image of a fallen hero in an effort to make some kind of warped political statement means very little to me.

I write your opinions on toilet paper. Guess what I do with them when the time is right?
Perhaps that opinion is just nonsense. Can you add to a discussion?
President Snowflake strikes again

Yeah I don't think he has the stamina to do the job.
the word of a poster who uses the image of a fallen hero in an effort to make some kind of warped political statement means very little to me.

I write your opinions on toilet paper. Guess what I do with them when the time is right?
Glad to see I have such an impact on your life. I suggest you re-evaluate what is important in your life.

And as for what you said....what are 3?

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