So, Our President is Rage Tweeting About Nordstrom Today

So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Pace yourself.

You're going to being saying that A LOT in the face of his constant aberrant behavior and misuse of office for financial gain.
If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.


Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.
You wouldn't say that if you knew what the word, nepotism, means.

the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends

synonyms:favoritism, preferential treatment, the old boy network, looking after one's own, bias, ... moreantonyms:impartiality
What the hell is wrong with him??


If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.


Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.

What don't I have proof of?

Ivanka, who was a big part of her father's CAMPAIGN runs business that has been politicized with all the big upsides and of course some downsides. She got a lot of exposure and a lot of businesses do not want to deal with the politics, especially if her brand is not a big seller.

This is not for Trumps to bitch about, especially as President of the United States singling out private businesses.
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Poor little snowflakes are screaming with rage over even the most trivial little things Trump does.

What is wrong with them?
Trump leaves himself vulnerable when he gets personal especially on behalf of his children's businesses.
Do you mean his critics might get nasty because he is angry about them going after his daughter?
This is a free country. Who says they were going after his daughter. Nordststrom makes fiscal decisions every day. That isn't going after people.
Nordstrom is responding to pressure from crazed Trump critics who have been attacking the President's wife, daughter and youngest son.
He should ignore it.
No, he should call them out as he is doing.
So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Pace yourself.

You're going to being saying that A LOT in the face of his constant aberrant behavior and misuse of office for financial gain.
Does he have a financial interest in that company? His daughter does, but not aware of his financial gain due to this business.
If you ever become a mother, (hint: ass sex won't get you pregnant), you might understand why the boycott against his daughter comes from leftist trash who hates him. That would tick off any parent..."rage" I don't see in his tweet.


Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.

WTF? What don't I have proof of?
Proof that Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something instead of a financial decision for Nordstrom. BTW, I an an avid supporter of Trumps, but still have my own beliefs and more objective about this matter.
So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Pace yourself.

You're going to being saying that A LOT in the face of his constant aberrant behavior and misuse of office for financial gain.
He said his daughter was treated unfairly he didn't dress down Nordstrom's like Obama did the Supreme Court.

Get a grip.

Don't you have Macy's to boycott?
Trump leaves himself vulnerable when he gets personal especially on behalf of his children's businesses.
Do you mean his critics might get nasty because he is angry about them going after his daughter?
This is a free country. Who says they were going after his daughter. Nordststrom makes fiscal decisions every day. That isn't going after people.
Nordstrom is responding to pressure from crazed Trump critics who have been attacking the President's wife, daughter and youngest son.
He should ignore it.
No, he should call them out as he is doing.
Maybe her clothing line was not being sold. We cannot say that everything that negatively affects Trump or family members is retaliation.

Don't you idiots get it? Using his position for the benefit of his family business dealings is UN-ETHICAL
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.

WTF? What don't I have proof of?
Proof that Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something instead of a financial decision for Nordstrom. BTW, I an an avid supporter of Trumps, but still have my own beliefs and more objective about this matter.

WTF? Where did I say that "Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something"??

Nordstrom got one interest - BOTTOM LINE. Trump needs to STFU and concentrate on running the country instead this family business nonsense.
What the hell is wrong with him??


He also spent the early morning criticizing the federal appeals court which heard arguments on both sides. Trump engaged in a long-winded, rambling, and barely coherent speech about it to the National Sheriff's Association.

Trump's presidency is already an unmitigated train wreck in the first 3 weeks. And frankly, it's just plain uncomfortable to watch. It reminds of those very rare moments in life (which I think happens to everyone) when I've been a witness to someone who seems to be unraveling. When I've seen it, what makes it seem particularly uncomfortable is the fact that it happens in front of a fairly large number of people, and you can tell by the expressions on everyone's faces that they all pretty much feel the same way.

You know, if this kind of behavior only happened 2 or 3 times since day 1, Trump would be able to put it all behind him after a few weeks or a month or so. But to be perfectly honest, I don't see this behavior as something that's going to end; his hypersensitivity is simply too ingrained in his personality. I think this is just going to continue on, and on, and on. I suppose there's always the chance that people will get used to it over time in much the same way that you can get used to a person's particular speaking style or a personal habit that you once found distracting. But my firm belief is that it's just going to become more worrisome, if not downright unnerving, for everyone. And by everyone, I'm not just talking about average citizens of all political persuasions. I'm also talking about elected office holders like Senators and House members (of BOTH parities), appointed officials in gov't, and even for world leaders. Everyone is eventually going to wonder about Trump's state of mind and his mental health because it's just not normal for a president to display this kind of behavior while seemingly being completely oblivious as to how he's being perceived at the same time.
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So Trump saying his daughter is being treated unfairly is " rage". But the Leftwing nutjobs harassing Nordstroms to drop the Trump line isn't about " rage".

Interesting liberal logic there. Not.

He tweeted that out approximately 20 minutes before he was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing.

It's good to know he has his priorities in order.

Pace yourself.

You're going to being saying that A LOT in the face of his constant aberrant behavior and misuse of office for financial gain.
He said his daughter was treated unfairly he didn't dress down Nordstrom's like Obama did the Supreme Court.

Get a grip.

Don't you have Macy's to boycott?
Just as his tweets generally are lacking if facts or evidence, that was his own "fatherly" thoughts. There's some things he just has to let go.
Trump leaves himself vulnerable when he gets personal especially on behalf of his children's businesses.
Do you mean his critics might get nasty because he is angry about them going after his daughter?
This is a free country. Who says they were going after his daughter. Nordststrom makes fiscal decisions every day. That isn't going after people.
Nordstrom is responding to pressure from crazed Trump critics who have been attacking the President's wife, daughter and youngest son.
He should ignore it.
No, he should call them out as he is doing.

Why should he call them out?

They have said they dropped the line due to poor sales, and Belk, Jet, ShopStyle, and Home Shopping Network have also dropped the line, so why should they be singled out??
He is the President and if you had any sense of decency, any internal moral compass, any real interest in the issues or the country, you would be just as pissed off as he is about the dumb fucks in the Democratic Party going after his family.

A store not interested in carrying Trump associated brand is "going after his family"? How fucking hopped up on Trump vodka do you have to be to believe such nonsense?
You can't say that because you don't have proof. The worst that can be said is that Trump is interfering with his daughter's business. He cannot do this and it appears to smack of nepotism.

WTF? What don't I have proof of?
Proof that Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something instead of a financial decision for Nordstrom. BTW, I an an avid supporter of Trumps, but still have my own beliefs and more objective about this matter.

WTF? Where did I say that "Nordstrom's decision was based on the fact that it was a retaliation for something"??

Nordstrom got one interest - BOTTOM LINE. Trump needs to STFU and concentrate on running the country instead this family business nonsense.
I agree with you that the bottom lone is most likely the case. But I don't know that for a fact. None of us do. Trump should have never tweeted that line.

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