So, people in the North East are thirsty, hungry and cold.

1800 people died during Katrina..many in some very preventable ways.

The death toll so far is less then 100.

And we have all sorts of federal aid all over the place.
Who said that you filthy moron. I said the people don't have gasoline to get to the aid so obama should deliver the aid. fucking moron.

When Mitt Starts delivering Food and Gas to these people then you can talk about Obama not doing enough besides Mitt wants to wipe out Fema Like i said Republicans are dumbass's :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nonsense... Obama deserves the same respect Liberals gave Bush when Katrina hit. People are starving, looting, and Obama is not doing his job. As for Mitt Romney... He isn't in charge numbskull, and he donated to relief efforts... Far more than you did.

obama needs a good horse show judge to run fema :thup:
Romney not the President......Yet. Dumb Ass.


Republicans practice hypocrisy like no other :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama has done all he can Face facts you lot are being unreasonable and unrealistic try try again dumbass's
Romney did donate and held a food and water drive in OHIO and the DEMOCRATS put him down for it.. Romney is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt in your eyes..

Romney did shit he went to places for a photo op and the Red cross told him to get lost. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Republicans practice hypocrisy like no other :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obama has done all he can Face facts you lot are being unreasonable and unrealistic try try again dumbass's
Romney did donate and held a food and water drive in OHIO and the DEMOCRATS put him down for it.. Romney is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt in your eyes..

Romney did shit he went to places for a photo op and the Red cross told him to get lost. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thank you for exposing yourself for the partisan hypocrite that you are.
And Libya and F+F are total Pubcrappe too. Change the channel, dupes/haters...
1800 people died during Katrina..many in some very preventable ways.

The death toll so far is less then 100.

And we have all sorts of federal aid all over the place.

but the people can't get to it.
When Mitt Starts delivering Food and Gas to these people then you can talk about Obama not doing enough besides Mitt wants to wipe out Fema Like i said Republicans are dumbass's :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nonsense... Obama deserves the same respect Liberals gave Bush when Katrina hit. People are starving, looting, and Obama is not doing his job. As for Mitt Romney... He isn't in charge numbskull, and he donated to relief efforts... Far more than you did.

obama needs a good horse show judge to run fema :thup:

he's got a horse face,, napolitano.
Guess what Obama is doing tomorrow.. He is going to play Basketball.. He is such a piece of shit !! The LEFT yelled about BUSH during Katrina but the news and you fucking democrats are giving him a pass. HE did his photo op and since then has totally forgot about these people and these people will still vote for his sorry ass

Obama to play basketball on Election Day

A vast majority of Americans approve of Obama's handling of the hurricane. A majority of Republicans approve and 63% of independents approve. Sorry your faux outrage isn't shared by most Americans. Carry on.
Romney did donate and held a food and water drive in OHIO and the DEMOCRATS put him down for it.. Romney is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt in your eyes..

Romney did shit he went to places for a photo op and the Red cross told him to get lost. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thank you for exposing yourself for the partisan hypocrite that you are.

Proof or Get the hell lost i know you have no proof so you are a liar and full of it. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obama plays basketball while the storm victims he used for political advantage suffer.


Obama plays basketball while the storm victims he used for political advantage suffer.


The Washington Post is lying or storm victims aren't suffering ? Both ?

The only party that tried to turn this into a political thing is the Right and it failed just like you are attempting to be unrealistic and or a blatant fools turning storm victims into something political and trying to attack the President on such is disgraceful Republicans truly have turned there party into that of utter chaos.
The only party that tried to turn this into a political thing is the Right and it failed just like you are attempting to be unrealistic and or a blatant fools turning storm victims into something political and trying to attack the President on such is disgraceful Republicans truly have turned there party into that of utter chaos.

You're kidding right ?

Every Democratic / Liberal media personality, pundit and spokesperson has expressed the poltical swing and upside of Sandy and Obama's stellar leadership.

Was that only during the initial photo op phase and when it gets tough its basketball time ?
So because Obama handled the storm the way he was supposed to and even got praised by a stout Republican Gov he hasn't done his job? Please tell me you all aren't this dumb.

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