So Proud Of Those Kids

By the way, my religion is one of the fastest growing in the world. It is gaining members at an astounding rate; and it is not accomplishing this by taking your advice to abandon God's commandments in order to cater to the lowest, basest of human perversions. Morality and integrity are certainly crucial elements to the success of my religion.

Do you believe that Jesus is God?
I'm curious too. I want to look into this fast growing church.
I'll admit I don't know very much about Greek Orthodox religion, Church practices, it's youth ministry, or summer camps.......but any I & my family have been too, or others I know.......usually such topics aren't discussed or 'taught' in such a manner. Especially summer camps. They are for fun, to spend safe quality time learning of God's love for them...........not how 'evil' others are :dunno:
I used to think the greek church was liberal but not this priest apparently. I agree it wasn't appropriate but I guess it is when you send your kid to cult camp. Lol.

Why wouldn't church camp be all about God? I notice Christians don't like to think too much about God. But look at the flip side. Muslims think about him 7 times a day.

And isn't it strange church members don't even discuss such matters or know where their preacher stands. These are decisive issues even among the Christian and Jewish communities.

I'm an atheist. But my bro and his wife and many many Christians disagree with the church on abortion, gays and Muslims. I think those liberals need to wake up and leave those churches if those religions are wrong. And they are.
Notice the church is trying to corrupt the young minds but never had the balls to tell his adult congregation his right wing positions
By the way, my religion is one of the fastest growing in the world. It is gaining members at an astounding rate; and it is not accomplishing this by taking your advice to abandon God's commandments in order to cater to the lowest, basest of human perversions. Morality and integrity are certainly crucial elements to the success of my religion.

Do you believe that Jesus is God?
I'm curious too. I want to look into this fast growing church.

I find it astonishing that so many people who openly profess a deep love and devotion for Jesus and worship him as if he was a god go on to revile other people for having so called unnatural relations with other men when the worship of Jesus as if he was a god is an unnatural relation with another man.

Not to mention how morally offensive it is that they set aside the very first commandment while pretending to be keepers of God's law and condemning others for breaking it..

Some morality and integrity they got going on there.....
So my nephews went to Summer Church Camp. Greek Orthodox. One night the father gathered all the children and told them gays and Muslims are bad. Gays he said it's a choice and you should be nice but they are evil.

He then said Islam is a murderous evil religion.

None of the kids bought into it. They all disagreed with the father and let it be known to the father and their parents. We are all very proud and happy the next generation isn't as ignorant as the last.

The churches can't brainwash people in a secular society. I think this is proof we are evolving as a species. Ancient religions better evolve or they will go extinct.

How is it a child realizes being gay is not a choice but adults don't?

Nice fantasy story - nevertheless a fast and dirty answer to your brainwashing propagandistic nonsense: Analsex is a sin - it makes not only no sense for a male homosexual to use a partner as if this male partner would be a woman - it's even very dangerous to do so on reason of infections, which are a medical risk not only for the own person. And it is without any rationality to do analsex, because digestive functions of bodies are not sexual functions. In general: Only the connection between a male and female human being is marriage - and to isolate the genes of two men and to misuse a woman for the reproduction of this men is in my eyes one of the worst forms of slavery of women, which the rich gay people of the western world are doing.

And maybe you are evolving as a species - I don't do so. But indeed the new reproductive methods of science allow the female part of mankind to be able to survive as a species without men. Perhaps we could call this form of evolution "the day the aggressive supernonsense died with all men".

And the Islam is in the elementary structure indeed a militant religion. Lots of christian cultures in Africa and Asia were erased from the Islam. Specially the Orthodox Christians had to suffer a lot under Muslims in history. So it's difficult to see often a real difference between Muslims and Islamists. We can see in Turkey in the moment for example how a democracy dies under a strong wrong leader. And this nation is a NATO member. Worrying. The values of the modern western world under the leadership of the USA seem to be a little selfsuiciding since 9/11.

I don't disagree Islam is a religion and mental illness. So is Christianity Mormon Jews. Some good and some bad in all these cults. Christianity is the best cult but it is still a cult.

2. Why you worried about what 2 men do? They like butt sex. As long as they don't sleep around they are safe. Same advice we give straight people.

3. Don't worry about men and women losing interest in each other. Some of your arguments are too stupid to even go into.

4. I know gay men who adopted boys who were unwanted now they are good happy healthy kids. We know good gays and Muslims so we know you are wrong.
I don't disagree Islam is a religion and mental illness. So is Christianity Mormon Jews. Some good and some bad in all these cults. Christianity is the best cult but it is still a cult.

2. Why you worried about what 2 men do? They like butt sex. As long as they don't sleep around they are safe. Same advice we give straight people.

The funny thing is that assumption that anal sex makes God angry is based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where anal sex is not even the reason given for the destruction of those cities. Violence, is the reason given, violence as in murder, robbery, and rape.

The story isn't about sex at all, and it isn't a condemnation of oral or anal sex.

To even think that the concern of God is about the sexual preferences of consenting adults is an indication of a perversion existing within the mind of the reader.
Sorry, I don't believe your story.
Interesting you're the second religious person to not believe this story is true. This is further confirmation to me your judgement is off. You guys make it easy to disagree with you when your perception of reality is so off that you argue with me about things I know to be true.

It's sad and pathetic this priest doesn't have the balls to preach that crap to the adults. That priest is a mental pedophile. Gets the kids alone then ruins their minds. But the parents shouldn't be surprised.

Religion is don't ask don't tell.
I don't disagree Islam is a religion and mental illness. So is Christianity Mormon Jews. Some good and some bad in all these cults. Christianity is the best cult but it is still a cult.

2. Why you worried about what 2 men do? They like butt sex. As long as they don't sleep around they are safe. Same advice we give straight people.

The funny thing is that assumption that anal sex makes God angry is based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where anal sex is not even the reason given for the destruction of those cities. Violence, is the reason given, violence as in murder, robbery, and rape.

The story isn't about sex at all, and it isn't a condemnation of oral or anal sex.

To even think that the concern of God is about the sexual preferences of consenting adults is an indication of a perversion existing within the mind of the reader.
I like how the Pope dealt with this. Even though I know deep down he believes gays are sinning too, I like how he backed off on the idea gays are evil.

Churches evolve. Religious people don't see it because like real evolution it happens very slowly. And since the bible can be interpreted however you want they will just not talk about it for 100 years then soften their position.

There are already Christian churches for gays.
I don't disagree Islam is a religion and mental illness. So is Christianity Mormon Jews. Some good and some bad in all these cults. Christianity is the best cult but it is still a cult.

2. Why you worried about what 2 men do? They like butt sex. As long as they don't sleep around they are safe. Same advice we give straight people.

The funny thing is that assumption that anal sex makes God angry is based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where anal sex is not even the reason given for the destruction of those cities. Violence, is the reason given, violence as in murder, robbery, and rape.

The story isn't about sex at all, and it isn't a condemnation of oral or anal sex.

To even think that the concern of God is about the sexual preferences of consenting adults is an indication of a perversion existing within the mind of the reader.
All it takes to know Islam isn't an inherently evil religion is to know a good Muslim. Same way you judge Christianity, by its members actions.

Same with gays and blacks.

This is not to say I don't understand we have a problem with radical Islam or dangerous inner city black crime but the answer is to work with good blacks and Muslims. Not suggest they are all bad.

So I disagree with this priest about gays and Islam. He's just a right wing tool to me now. Glad I left the Greek Orthodox Church years ago.
I like how the Pope dealt with this. Even though I know deep down he believes gays are sinning too, I like how he backed off on the idea gays are evil.

Perhaps he is beginning to suspect that by condemning homosexuals for being homosexual he is condemning himself.

After all he is just a man who worships another man and heads a church of priests, all men, dedicated to the worship of a man, who all swear lifetime obedience and devotion to the Pope, a man, as if he was their husband and master..

Like that other hypocrite poster, just another immoral degenerate boasting about their spiritual fornication and shameful lusts.
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The churches can't brainwash people in a secular society.

So you're proud of the kids because Godless, immoral, secular brainwashing has taken root in them. They've been indoctrinated to accept immorality and perversion as normal and proper. And you're proud of this.

I think this is proof we are evolving as a species. Ancient religions better evolve or they will go extinct.

A religion that “evolves” to reject the wisdom of God in favor of the folly of corrupt men, will ultimately only bring destruction and failure on itself, and on those foolish enough to follow it.

Romans 1:22-27

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Of course that's what every man made religion says.

I have an older more authentic belief system than even the Jews. I believe in Greek gods. Do you care what Zeus said? Then why would I care what moses Jesus Mohammad or Joseph Smith says?

Oh yours is the one real story?
I like how the Pope dealt with this. Even though I know deep down he believes gays are sinning too, I like how he backed off on the idea gays are evil.

Perhaps he is beginning to suspect that by condemning homosexuals for being homosexual he is condemning himself.

After all he is just a man who worships another man and heads a church of priests, all men, dedicated to the worship of a man, who all swear lifetime obedience and devotion to the Pope, a man, as if he was their husband and master..
Reminds me of a couple who joins a cult and the cult leader steals the dudes wife.

At least our priests can marry. I'd never send my kid off with Catholics.

Funny my nephews white Catholic friend went with him to Greek camp. I'm sure his parents wouldn't send him to summer Catholic camp. Not without parents participating.
Sorry, I don't believe your story.
You better, I have a 14 year old and he believes the same as does the majority of kids in his school...
My Mom never allowed us to use any derogatory terms for any race or sexual preference in her house, and still does not today..I have not lived in her house for since 1980...when I left for college..
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At least our priests can marry. I'd never send my kid off with Catholics.

Your priests will still try to get your kids to enter into an unnatural relation with another man by teaching them to worship Jesus, a man, as if he was a god. It would even be an unnatural relation for a woman to worship a man as if he was a god.

Perverts, all of them, I tell ya......
The churches can't brainwash people in a secular society.

So you're proud of the kids because Godless, immoral, secular brainwashing has taken root in them. They've been indoctrinated to accept immorality and perversion as normal and proper. And you're proud of this.

I think this is proof we are evolving as a species. Ancient religions better evolve or they will go extinct.

A religion that “evolves” to reject the wisdom of God in favor of the folly of corrupt men, will ultimately only bring destruction and failure on itself, and on those foolish enough to follow it.

Romans 1:22-27

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Do you realize how many religions have come before and after yours? And they all thought their religion was the one true religion.

Being gay is not immoral just because men 5000-1500 years ago wrote that it was. And your religion believing it is is one of the reasons you lose members.

I have this rare holy book from another religion. Do you care what it says? Then why would I care about what yours says?

Christianity is the biblical extension/conclusion of Judaism. There is no religion older than God inspired oral traditions. Sure the Egyptian, Babylonians and Greeks distorted the truth to the point where God influenced Moses to write the truth. The truth is in the results. I see nothing --- absolutely nothing --- innocent or virtuous with regards to sexual lasciviousness.

Most people who are on the "gay" kick have not practiced abstinence. And if questioned, most will ultimately admit that they have had fornication with both male and female. This in of itself would bring into queation any claim of being born a particular way. What is demonstrated is that sexual games corrupt and defile innocence resulting in confusion and ultimately corruption.

PS > Look at the other gods and goddesses and you will find the biggest bunch of incestuous callous sexual deviates that would warp any child's mine. They are ALL too human to be the REAL TRUE GOD. But such pagan deities would certainly provide an excuse for the practice of one's own deficiencies without remorse. And that is exactly what people want today --- to be shameless, and label it virtue.
1. Interesting the Jews don't believe your religion is real either. And who cares what they think? Their religion is made up too.

Unfortunatelly I seldom meet Jews. It's always a joy for me to meet some. They always respect, that I don't like to speak about my murdered jewish family members.

2. Yes there were religions and gods long before even the jewish one.

And what do you like to say with this statement? Do you know a member of one of this religions? What says he?

3. My nephews and all their little friends are virgins.

Virgins? Children? Who says so? That's crazy. A virgin is a young woman.

Kind of blows your theory that pro gay people are sexuality active.


I also think this is flawed pattern recognition. Of course prudes are going to be more uptight and close minded

You did not understand what I said.

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The churches can't brainwash people in a secular society.

So you're proud of the kids because Godless, immoral, secular brainwashing has taken root in them. They've been indoctrinated to accept immorality and perversion as normal and proper. And you're proud of this.

I think this is proof we are evolving as a species. Ancient religions better evolve or they will go extinct.

A religion that “evolves” to reject the wisdom of God in favor of the folly of corrupt men, will ultimately only bring destruction and failure on itself, and on those foolish enough to follow it.

Romans 1:22-27

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Do you realize how many religions have come before and after yours? And they all thought their religion was the one true religion.

Being gay is not immoral just because men 5000-1500 years ago wrote that it was. And your religion believing it is is one of the reasons you lose members.

I have this rare holy book from another religion. Do you care what it says? Then why would I care about what yours says?

Christianity is the biblical extension/conclusion of Judaism. There is no religion older than God inspired oral traditions. Sure the Egyptian, Babylonians and Greeks distorted the truth to the point where God influenced Moses to write the truth. The truth is in the results. I see nothing --- absolutely nothing --- innocent or virtuous with regards to sexual lasciviousness.

Most people who are on the "gay" kick have not practiced abstinence. And if questioned, most will ultimately admit that they have had fornication with both male and female. This in of itself would bring into queation any claim of being born a particular way. What is demonstrated is that sexual games corrupt and defile innocence resulting in confusion and ultimately corruption.

PS > Look at the other gods and goddesses and you will find the biggest bunch of incestuous callous sexual deviates that would warp any child's mine. They are ALL too human to be the REAL TRUE GOD. But such pagan deities would certainly provide an excuse for the practice of one's own deficiencies without remorse. And that is exactly what people want today --- to be shameless, and label it virtue.
1. Interesting the Jews don't believe your religion is real either. And who cares what they think? Their religion is made up too.

Unfortunatelly I seldom meet Jews. It's always a joy for me to meet some. They always respect, that I don't like to speak about my murdered jewish family members.

2. Yes there were religions and gods long before even the jewish one.

And what do you like to say with this statement? Do you know a member of one of this religions? What says he?

3. My nephews and all their little friends are virgins.

Virgins? Children? Who says so? That's crazy. A virgin is a young woman.

Kind of blows your theory that pro gay people are sexuality active.


I also think this is flawed pattern recognition. Of course prudes are going to be more uptight and close minded

You did not understand what I said.
I never do understand you. What I do understand is you are wrong. That much I can tell
At least our priests can marry. I'd never send my kid off with Catholics.

Your priests will still try to get your kids to enter into an unnatural relation with another man by teaching them to worship Jesus, a man, as if he was a god. It would even be an unnatural relation for a woman to worship a man as if he was a god.

Perverts, all of them, I tell ya......
It's such a ridiculous story I can't believe anyone's buying it. I know there are people who fall for it as adults and I get why they are weak minded and not too bright. Guilted into believing. Threatened with hell and promised eternity if you believe

But ultimately their best tactic is to get them when they are young.

But I don't think the pro gay position is going to go over well with young kids. Our secular society is teaching people to live and let live and ALL people are created equal.
Yahweh, the Jewish "god" is a fag. Deal with it.

You demonstrate only your antisemitism by hurting the rule of the jewish religion never to use the name of god. You are a barbar. Most of the new atheists today are a fake on their own, because they are not able to understand any longer that atheism is also "only" a belief. Sure no one is able to attack such modern atheists in a similiar way how you are able to attack what's holy for the people of serios religions. But that's why you deny in the same moment that you are a holy human being - a child of god - on your own too. What you will harvest with your belief in atheism is a world where nothing is worthful.

If I believe in invisible non physical pink dragons, should you take my word for it they are real?



And is you not believing considered a belief? How about a faith or religion? Do you see the difference? Athiesm is not a belief based on ignorance. We simply don't believe any holy book stories of the supernatural. And anyone who does is wishful thinker

Better to be a wishful thinker than to be no thinker at all.

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So you're proud of the kids because Godless, immoral, secular brainwashing has taken root in them. They've been indoctrinated to accept immorality and perversion as normal and proper. And you're proud of this.

A religion that “evolves” to reject the wisdom of God in favor of the folly of corrupt men, will ultimately only bring destruction and failure on itself, and on those foolish enough to follow it.

Romans 1:22-27

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Do you realize how many religions have come before and after yours? And they all thought their religion was the one true religion.

Being gay is not immoral just because men 5000-1500 years ago wrote that it was. And your religion believing it is is one of the reasons you lose members.

I have this rare holy book from another religion. Do you care what it says? Then why would I care about what yours says?

Christianity is the biblical extension/conclusion of Judaism. There is no religion older than God inspired oral traditions. Sure the Egyptian, Babylonians and Greeks distorted the truth to the point where God influenced Moses to write the truth. The truth is in the results. I see nothing --- absolutely nothing --- innocent or virtuous with regards to sexual lasciviousness.

Most people who are on the "gay" kick have not practiced abstinence. And if questioned, most will ultimately admit that they have had fornication with both male and female. This in of itself would bring into queation any claim of being born a particular way. What is demonstrated is that sexual games corrupt and defile innocence resulting in confusion and ultimately corruption.

PS > Look at the other gods and goddesses and you will find the biggest bunch of incestuous callous sexual deviates that would warp any child's mine. They are ALL too human to be the REAL TRUE GOD. But such pagan deities would certainly provide an excuse for the practice of one's own deficiencies without remorse. And that is exactly what people want today --- to be shameless, and label it virtue.
1. Interesting the Jews don't believe your religion is real either. And who cares what they think? Their religion is made up too.

Unfortunatelly I seldom meet Jews. It's always a joy for me to meet some. They always respect, that I don't like to speak about my murdered jewish family members.

2. Yes there were religions and gods long before even the jewish one.

And what do you like to say with this statement? Do you know a member of one of this religions? What says he?

3. My nephews and all their little friends are virgins.

Virgins? Children? Who says so? That's crazy. A virgin is a young woman.

Kind of blows your theory that pro gay people are sexuality active.


I also think this is flawed pattern recognition. Of course prudes are going to be more uptight and close minded

You did not understand what I said.
I never do understand you. What I do understand is you are wrong. That much I can tell

You are a tragedy. You seem to think your not-thoughts produce the world.

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... Funny my nephews white Catholic friend went with him to Greek camp. I'm sure his parents wouldn't send him to summer Catholic camp. Not without parents participating.

That's absolutelly not a problem for Catholics nor for orthodox Christians. You seem to be the only one who has a problem because you are an Atheist.

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The churches can't brainwash people in a secular society.

So you're proud of the kids because Godless, immoral, secular brainwashing has taken root in them. They've been indoctrinated to accept immorality and perversion as normal and proper. And you're proud of this.

I think this is proof we are evolving as a species. Ancient religions better evolve or they will go extinct.

A religion that “evolves” to reject the wisdom of God in favor of the folly of corrupt men, will ultimately only bring destruction and failure on itself, and on those foolish enough to follow it.

Romans 1:22-27

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

If you have every known or been around any gay people, and had an open and honest intellect, you can judge for yourself regarding homosexuality. Otherwise you can let your soft little brain read what some sheep herder thought 100's of years ago and go with that.

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