Redskins name change


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
I have come up with a solution so Washington doesn't have to drop the name Redskins.
College sports ain't the fun and games your great grandfathers used to enjoy back in the rah rah 20's. The residual law suits regarding Penn State homosexual predator scandal should have bankrupted Penn State like it did the BSA but there are other factors to consider in college sports. They are tearing down traditional statues so why not reorganize college athletics and get away from Mafia gambling and crooked deals to recruit under-educated kids while good kids can't get into college based on their academic ability.
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The Washington Buckskins, in honor of Lewis and Clark

The Washington Boogers. Large nose decal on the helmet with a middle finger in one nostril.
I'm old enough to remember when New Yorkers disowned the Brooklyn Dodgers when they moved out of Ebbits Field. How many people remember when the NY Giants baseball moved and the Polo Grounds became a housing development? College fans are generally made up of one part beer, one part bullshit and the rest a combination of faulty memory and misguided loyalty. Give it up.

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