So, Republicans Are Violent Huh?

Name me one war in US history that was caused because of something that the Republicans did. Or for that matter, world history. I'll wait.
First of all, the premise for this question is faulty, because the beliefs and motivations of modern Republicans are not the same as those of 1940 Republicans, or 1920 Republicans, or 1890 Republicans, or 1854 Republicans. Parties are a construct of convenience, aligning lots of different opinions around a pretty narrow band of beliefs they all have in common, and so they naturally have to change as the topics do.

Secondly, the most prominent wars the US has participated in have been caused by the actions of others. Our Republicans didn't start WWI or WWII, but neither did our Democrats.

Thirdly, I'm guessing that the contingent of posters who like to assert that Lincoln started the Civil War won't be speaking up here.

Fourthly, when confronted by an answer such as the Gulf War or Desert Storm, the fact that most wars are the result of a series of events sure does make it easy to creatively define the "beginning" to a set time that supports your own premise.

Finally, if you really want to know, there was the Spanish-American and Phillipine-American Wars, not to mention various actions against Native Americans. Military buildup in Vietnam and the expansion of the war into Cambodia both happened under Republican presidents, and we straight-up conquered the sovereign nation of Grenada under Reagan.

None of us are blameless in the war game.
First of all, the premise for this question is faulty, because the beliefs and motivations of modern Republicans are not the same as those of 1940 Republicans, or 1920 Republicans, or 1890 Republicans, or 1854 Republicans. Parties are a construct of convenience, aligning lots of different opinions around a pretty narrow band of beliefs they all have in common, and so they naturally have to change as the topics do.

Secondly, the most prominent wars the US has participated in have been caused by the actions of others. Our Republicans didn't start WWI or WWII, but neither did our Democrats.

Thirdly, I'm guessing that the contingent of posters who like to assert that Lincoln started the Civil War won't be speaking up here.

Fourthly, when confronted by an answer such as the Gulf War or Desert Storm, the fact that most wars are the result of a series of events sure does make it easy to creatively define the "beginning" to a set time that supports your own premise.

Finally, if you really want to know, there was the Spanish-American and Phillipine-American Wars, not to mention various actions against Native Americans. Military buildup in Vietnam and the expansion of the war into Cambodia both happened under Republican presidents, and we straight-up conquered the sovereign nation of Grenada under Reagan.

None of us are blameless in the war game.
I think she is saying that because of Democrats and establishment Republicans, they must feed the war mongering beast. LBJ was such a type of Democrat, just couldnt accelerate fast enough the draft.
whitehall, please sit down and take deep breaths.
Aren't we talking about history? One advantage democrats have had for the last hundred + years is the total loyalty of the media. Democrats managed to keep Wilson's stroke secret. FDR may have had a stroke or a series of strokes in his 3rd term and democrats knew he would not live to complete his 4th term but they lied to Americans about his health. And then we get to the lies about Biden. We don't even have a freaking president but the media doesn't seem to care.
Aren't we talking about history? One advantage democrats have had for the last hundred + years is the total loyalty of the media. Democrats managed to keep Wilson's stroke secret. FDR may have had a stroke or a series of strokes in his 3rd term and democrats knew he would not live to complete his 4th term but they lied to Americans about his health. And then we get to the lies about Biden. We don't even have a freaking president but the media doesn't seem to care.
The media kept silent about medical problems with Harding and Eisenhower.
The media kept silent about medical problems with Harding and Eisenhower.
Harding? Who remembers Harding? Ike's heart condition was well known. The difference that the radical left doesn't seem to understand is that the media managed to wheel drooling Wilson out for selected photo ops and kept Americans from knowing that we had no viable president at the time. It's hard to find but it's out there that FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe shortly after his death and the media wasn't curious about what happened. JFK had a painful back problem and a Dr. Feelgood who might have hooked him on opiod dependency but it was Camelot so nobody noticed.
whitehall admits I am right. The rest he writes is interesting but of no import.
Lefties found no less than 50 current and former intelligence officers who were willing to lie to protect the Biden administration by claiming that Hunter's laptop was fiction and Russian disinformation when it was real. The F word by Rupert Murdoch is laughable. Maybe the left is truly too ignorant about American history to post an intelligent argument and too full of hatred to be focused on anything but Trump but we are talking about history here.
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Lefties found no less than 50 current and former intelligence officers who were willing to lie to protect the Biden administration by claiming that Hunter's laptop was fiction and Russian disinformation when it was real. The F word by Rupert Murdoch is laughable. Maybe the left is truly too ignorant about American history to post an intelligent argument and too full of hatred to be focused on anything but Trump but we are talking about history here.
No laptop games for me, reindeer ron.
Name me one war in US history that was caused because of something that the Republicans did. Or for that matter, world history. I'll wait.

The Civil War their very first President started that one, over corporate welfare for bankers and railroad speculators and swindlers. The Spanish-American war was another, and of course the GOP's faux 'isolationist' scam and foot dragging on FDR's military buildup led directly to us being poorly prepared to stop Hitler before he and Japan kicked off WW II.

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