So, Republicans Are Violent Huh?

It's common knowledge. :dunno:

The War of Northern Aggression.

Lincoln called for volunteers from Virginia and other states....In my AO they said fuck all that and formed what would later become the Stonewall Brigade. ;)
the southern democrats started the civil war by withdrawing from the UNION illegally and by attacking the Federal Forces legally in Federal Forts.
the southern democrats started the civil war by withdrawing from the UNION illegally and by attacking the Federal Forces legally in Federal Forts.

I'm a Southern-born, right-wing, gun-owning, Trump-supporting Republican redneck and even I know that.

Regardless of what the Yankees did, the Democrats fired the first shot at Ft. Sumter. They were the ones who violated the US Constitution and seceded from the Union.
Yeah but that was only because of 9/11 so the democrats started it. Even if they weren't Americans they were democrats in my eyes because they were batshit crazy.
By treating the first Twin Trade Towers bombing in 1993 as a police matter instead of the opening shot of a war, Clinton emboldened Al-Qaeda.

So, yes, Democrats are indeed responsible for the entire War on Terror.
Afghanistan, 2001, Bush. Second Iraq, 2003, Bush.

You were just a child when those things happened.

Both of those events actually stemmed from Bill Clinton's unwillingness to stop Bin Laden in the 1990s when he could have because he was afraid it would hurt him politically. When 9/11 happened in 2001 as a consequence to that, GW Bush just happened to be in office and went along with the votes by the UN security counsel, which was an amalgam of both democrats and republicans as well as many other nations that al-Quaeda in the Middle East, supported by Saddam Hussein, were the core cause behind it.
Yeah but that was only because of 9/11 so the democrats started it. Even if they weren't Americans they were democrats in my eyes because they were batshit crazy.
I hate to say this, but back when i was in the Air Force in August 1987, i went to Denmark to practice defense against the Soviet Union. In March 1988, i was out practicing for a new Desert Training.

In 1989 the wall came down and the Soviet Block was absolved.
In1991 the US went to war with Iraq. It was only a two week war,

10 years later and no real wars, the industrial war machine was hungry, and George Bush establishment RINO, allowed the Towers and Pentagon to be attacked, because he needed to satisfy the feeding of that hungry war machine. Dick Cheney was the guy behind it all. Just look at what is happening now, with the alignment of groups.

We all had a hand in the wars in the middle east, and the people dont know it.
Just keep smiling and waving.

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